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Melbourne Football

Round 12: City vs Perth, Fri 26th Dec 5:30pm


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Active has been reaching new heights and this is reflective of our performance on the field.

Well done to all involved.

Not sure if I'm correct but our megaphone sounds really scratchy and muffled. It doesn't project sound in the way a fully functional one should.

I'm in bay 18 and it's often hard to work out what's is being said from it.

The mega is fucked, we need to buy a new one but the terrace is a bit poor.

surely could have made a $4800 derby tifo and put a few bucks towards that instead

I'm sure the Melburnians core would love to hear your suggestions on how they could have saved money on the tifo.





i bought a $40 melburnians scarf to support the cause thinking that it'd be put towards that kind of thing rather than a one-off tifo (that nobody got to see), but hey, not my place to say i guess.

Edited by hyperfuzz
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Just a request. Lacking any I.T skills I was hoping someone could post the start of yesterday's game. My little bloke walked out with the teams and I didn't get any good pics.

Much appreciated.


Hey mate. Send Romel from Live Pixel an email



141823]live.pixel@hotmail.com Cheers I'll give it a try.

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Anyone else failing to see what the big deal is about Danny De Silva? Sure he's a solid young player with decent tekkers but for me he looks no better(probably worse) than what players like Rojas, Oar and Kruse did before they made their moves.

I'm still wondering what dortmund saw in amini


Hopefully we'll find out during the Asian Cup break. Klopp is a pretty astute judge of talent though

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but hey, not my place to say i guess.


more than happy to take the cash though, right? obviously taking some lessons from CFG book of public relationsNo. You pay $40 and get a scarf. Any profit on that is a donation to make the terrace as good as it can. Tifo being an extremely important part of football/terrace culture, the guys in charge obviously put ridiculous amounts of time and effort into it, only to have the rug pulled out from them at the last second.

If you want to have a say in how the terrace spends the money you might need to do a bit more than buy one scarf. Actually get involved in the dirty work.

Obviously taking lessons from the self centered, no idea how much effort goes into running a terrace book of pr.

Fwiw I have absolutely no involvement in running the terrace. It just pisses me off when people think that such a small gesture like buying a scarf gives them some kind of entitlement.

Edited by KSK_47
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but hey, not my place to say i guess.


more than happy to take the cash though, right? obviously taking some lessons from CFG book of public relations No. You pay $40 and get a scarf. Any profit on that is a donation to make the terrace as good as it can. Tifo being an extremely important part of football/terrace culture, the guys in charge obviously put ridiculous amounts of time and effort into it, only to have the rug pulled out from them at the last second.

If you want to have a say in how the terrace spends the money you might need to do a bit more than buy one scarf. Actually get involved in the dirty work.

Obviously taking lessons from the self centered, no idea how much effort goes into running a terrace book of pr.

Fwiw I have absolutely no involvement in running the terrace. It just pisses me off when people think that such a small gesture like buying a scarf gives them some kind of entitlement.



yeah, nice one, mate. totes self centred from me; can't believe i had the audacity to suggest that blowing the entire budget for the terrace on one banner whilst being too cash poor to afford a megaphone is anything but sound financial management 

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as i said, i appreciate what the active do (hence why i wanted to support them) and think they've been great over the last couple of weeks. i know it's not an easy job to do, so hopefully they'll take on the criticism about the negative chants/swearing (if they want to get the bulk of the non-active fans onside) and learn from the tifo debacle and keep getting better.

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as i said, i appreciate what the active do (hence why i wanted to support them) and think they've been great over the last couple of weeks. i know it's not an easy job to do, so hopefully they'll take on the criticism about the negative chants/swearing (if they want to get the bulk of the non-active fans onside) and learn from the tifo debacle and keep getting better.

Apologies. It was just the way it came across mate.

I know a lot of the people involved in the new terrace a very new to all this so there is a lot to take in. So obviously feedback is going to be welcomed and integral in growing as long as it's constructive criticism. I am sure the tifo situation is still very much an open wound for many of them

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but hey, not my place to say i guess.


more than happy to take the cash though, right? obviously taking some lessons from CFG book of public relationsNo. You pay $40 and get a scarf. Any profit on that is a donation to make the terrace as good as it can. Tifo being an extremely important part of football/terrace culture, the guys in charge obviously put ridiculous amounts of time and effort into it, only to have the rug pulled out from them at the last second.

If you want to have a say in how the terrace spends the money you might need to do a bit more than buy one scarf. Actually get involved in the dirty work.

Obviously taking lessons from the self centered, no idea how much effort goes into running a terrace book of pr.

Fwiw I have absolutely no involvement in running the terrace. It just pisses me off when people think that such a small gesture like buying a scarf gives them some kind of entitlement. Bs

I bought 2 scarfs and I want my head on the next tifo or else

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but hey, not my place to say i guess.


more than happy to take the cash though, right? obviously taking some lessons from CFG book of public relations No. You pay $40 and get a scarf. Any profit on that is a donation to make the terrace as good as it can. Tifo being an extremely important part of football/terrace culture, the guys in charge obviously put ridiculous amounts of time and effort into it, only to have the rug pulled out from them at the last second.

If you want to have a say in how the terrace spends the money you might need to do a bit more than buy one scarf. Actually get involved in the dirty work.

Obviously taking lessons from the self centered, no idea how much effort goes into running a terrace book of pr.

Fwiw I have absolutely no involvement in running the terrace. It just pisses me off when people think that such a small gesture like buying a scarf gives them some kind of entitlement. Bs

I bought 2 scarfs and I want my head on the next tifo or else


2 scarfs will get you your head on a pole :lol:

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but hey, not my place to say i guess.


more than happy to take the cash though, right? obviously taking some lessons from CFG book of public relations No. You pay $40 and get a scarf. Any profit on that is a donation to make the terrace as good as it can. Tifo being an extremely important part of football/terrace culture, the guys in charge obviously put ridiculous amounts of time and effort into it, only to have the rug pulled out from them at the last second.

If you want to have a say in how the terrace spends the money you might need to do a bit more than buy one scarf. Actually get involved in the dirty work.

Obviously taking lessons from the self centered, no idea how much effort goes into running a terrace book of pr.

Fwiw I have absolutely no involvement in running the terrace. It just pisses me off when people think that such a small gesture like buying a scarf gives them some kind of entitlement. Bs

I bought 2 scarfs and I want my head on the next tifo or else


2 scarfs will get you your head on a pole :lol:


I drove to Ballarat to get mine, nothing less than a statue.

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The whole budget wasn't spent on the tifo, a new mega will happen, we acknowledge that the match day leadership was probably over the top and all feedback is taken on board. We're always listening.

Still waiting on the PayPal "donate" button on this forum. Would make it so easy for people to chip in a few bucks for the terrace.

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As an extension to a donation option. Has anyone thought about offering a membership or an association levy. Im a bit old to get active but would be more than happy to chip in annually to feel part of the group. It sort of changes the dynamic of the terrace as in less random and organic but it would guarantee an income for things to operat. Just a thought. ?????

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The whole budget wasn't spent on the tifo, a new mega will happen, we acknowledge that the match day leadership was probably over the top and all feedback is taken on board. We're always listening.





does this mean sherry becomes the new drink of choice as we "critique" ourselves each week?


given how much french some of us use when the team plays shite we probably fit right in with the honourable doctor  :up:

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The whole budget wasn't spent on the tifo, a new mega will happen, we acknowledge that the match day leadership was probably over the top and all feedback is taken on board. We're always listening.

Still waiting on the PayPal "donate" button on this forum. Would make it so easy for people to chip in a few bucks for the terrace.

It's been stated previously, but the reason Yarraside never took significant amounts of donations via paypal is because there are tax and legal implications in doing so, and that might be the same reason Melburnians wouldn't want to do it. There are ways around it, but they come with their own drawbacks.

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Where's the credit for Mellings desperate and successful pass with his head after falling to the ground after a tackle and with a possible collision with a perth glory boot to the head. This kid is fantastic.


Was a great moment. Melling's an absolute gun.


That moment didn't get widespread attention, but it did get a good write-up on Goal.com:


Highlights reel

In a messy, error-strewn first half, the commitment of Jacob Melling stood out. The young City midfielder put in a crunching tackle on Michael Thwaite to trigger a promising attack before later sliding bravely into another 50-50 challenge.

When the ball ricocheted clear, the 19-year-old, still lying on the deck, instinctively flung his head at it as a Perth boot came flying in from the opposite direction.

If the other 10 City players showed the same level of commitment as the teenager, Van 't Schip's men would either be leading the competition or struggling to field a team due to concussions and broken bones.



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All i ask is that I see the boys putting in a real effort every week. We're starting to get that consistency on effort.




This for me has been the biggest change over the last two games and has shown on the scoreboard. You can see the players are really looking hungry, pressuring and looking to go forwards. Since day one we have been pleading with the players to show some fire and thats why. 


TBH I think the game against the Jets is going to be a bigger test than a lot of people think. As long as we can keep our intensity and not slip back into old habits we should do well



Pressure for spots. Once we return from the break, we should hopefully have pretty decent A-League standard players missing out on the squad altogether.


I also wanted to congratulate Wielaert for his performance. I love seeing that sort of effort from a guy who is clearly on his last legs, but will go out and do a job (even out of position) to help the team. Just seems like the consummate professional to me.

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but hey, not my place to say i guess.


more than happy to take the cash though, right? obviously taking some lessons from CFG book of public relations No. You pay $40 and get a scarf. Any profit on that is a donation to make the terrace as good as it can. Tifo being an extremely important part of football/terrace culture, the guys in charge obviously put ridiculous amounts of time and effort into it, only to have the rug pulled out from them at the last second.

If you want to have a say in how the terrace spends the money you might need to do a bit more than buy one scarf. Actually get involved in the dirty work.

Obviously taking lessons from the self centered, no idea how much effort goes into running a terrace book of pr.

Fwiw I have absolutely no involvement in running the terrace. It just pisses me off when people think that such a small gesture like buying a scarf gives them some kind of entitlement.



Got to agree. Different story if the active group had just ploughed on without going through the proper channels until it was too late, but by all accounts, Melburnians did the due diligence, got the ok and then got told that there had been a change of heart after they'd already poured the money and effort into it.

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I thought the Perth game was an opportunity lost.


For me they where very poor, and had we taken the game by the scruff of the neck would probably have won.


In saying that our front three were abysmal! I didn't see any of them have the same intensity as the derby.


The three outstanding players for me were Chapman, Mooy and Melling. Wielhart was reasonable at right back, and if Germano isn't fit enough I suppose that was the right call.


However, why the hell was Miller on the bench? Surely we should have had another striker there.

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I thought the Perth game was an opportunity lost.


For me they where very poor, and had we taken the game by the scruff of the neck would probably have won.


In saying that our front three were abysmal! I didn't see any of them have the same intensity as the derby.


The three outstanding players for me were Chapman, Mooy and Melling. Wielhart was reasonable at right back, and if Germano isn't fit enough I suppose that was the right call.


However, why the hell was Miller on the bench? Surely we should have had another striker there.

Agree that both Koren and Miller on the bench was another inexplicable van 't Schip decision. I think, though, that he would argue that he had Duff and Brown there as substitute strikers (although Duff hasn't looked like scoring all season). But even then he had no defender to call on if one of our back four went down with injury.


I'm assuming that Marino is injured - he hasn't been sighted for several weeks even in the NYL team.

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Koren is on the bench because he is returning from injury and to play him from the start would mean playing him for more than a half of football which is too much. JVS is making the correct decision here and not rushing Koren back into the team.

Miller is useless and for me the last player in midfield I would use. He wasn't influential in the youth game yesterday and would almost rather have Murdocca simply for his effort.

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Koren is on the bench because he is returning from injury and to play him from the start would mean playing him for more than a half of football which is too much. JVS is making the correct decision here and not rushing Koren back into the team.

Miller is useless and for me the last player in midfield I would use. He wasn't influential in the youth game yesterday and would almost rather have Murdocca simply for his effort.



But what puzzled me was that as jw1739 mentioned was that we had no defensive player on the bench. To me I would have used Archibald instead of Miller. We already had Koren available for the middle and Brown up front with Duff. I suppose Ramsay was an option to move back. It was a gamble and it paid off to a degree. 

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All i ask is that I see the boys putting in a real effort every week. We're starting to get that consistency on effort.




This for me has been the biggest change over the last two games and has shown on the scoreboard. You can see the players are really looking hungry, pressuring and looking to go forwards. Since day one we have been pleading with the players to show some fire and thats why. 


TBH I think the game against the Jets is going to be a bigger test than a lot of people think. As long as we can keep our intensity and not slip back into old habits we should do well



Pressure for spots. Once we return from the break, we should hopefully have pretty decent A-League standard players missing out on the squad altogether.


I also wanted to congratulate Wielaert for his performance. I love seeing that sort of effort from a guy who is clearly on his last legs, but will go out and do a job (even out of position) to help the team. Just seems like the consummate professional to me.


Even though I was critical of his actual performance, I agree with your basic sentiment. Robbie has conducted himself with dignity, was stand-in captain last season when Kewell was "injured" (even though apparently he didn't really want it), and has done everything that has been asked of him. "Consummate professional" is the perfect description for him.

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as i said, i appreciate what the active do (hence why i wanted to support them) and think they've been great over the last couple of weeks. i know it's not an easy job to do, so hopefully they'll take on the criticism about the negative chants/swearing (if they want to get the bulk of the non-active fans onside) and learn from the tifo debacle and keep getting better.

I sit in GA and I can confirm that the non-swearing chants about City get more of the people around me engaged.


It was great that GA as a whole was really engaged last match, particularly during the corners, and from GA it sounded really good. (Not sure how much of an impact it made elsewhere in the ground - was anyone sitting elsewhere who could comment?) Hopefully people remember and stay pumped for our next home match. Doesn't help that there's such a big break.

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I was sitting on the North End and four blokes got evicted by the police because of the foul language they were using. A woman with young children asked them to put an end to it and that didn't work, so she went and got the cops to sort it out. Mind you the blokes came from the cricket so they were probably half tanked before they got to AAMI.

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