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Melbourne Football

n i k o

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n i k o last won the day on May 25

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  1. I like how you said that. Leave is the operative word. Not stay.
  2. By confines they mean members. So the statement is accurate.
  3. What a great final. Cheering on the mariners like they were my own club and giving it to the victory supporters after the third goal... brilliant.
  4. Word is many staff inside the club were scratching their heads at the subs made last night wondering what the hell Vidmar was doing. Don't think the people from Man City that were at the game last night were impressed either.
  5. Talbot is fucking shit. Failed to track the run of their player when they scored and missed the penalty. He's shit. If they give him priority to be in the starting eleven next season they've got rocks in their heads.
  6. This news is about as inspiring as our profligacy in front of goal tonight.
  7. What a disgraceful call against Macarthur. Shocking biased refereeing.
  8. Its pretty obvious to me what their reason is. They're all coming out of the woodwork for the derby. Pathetic.
  9. Melburnians are copping a lot of flack at the moment for their sudden return. I can't defend against it either. Seems to be a case of 'derby specialists' coming out of the woodwork.
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