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Melbourne Football

Matchday 23: vs Wellington @ AAMI - Sunday 16th March - 4pm EDT


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Every single player today was pedestrian like. No attaking runs, no one offering, 20000000 back passes and just so negative in general. For fuck sake, there goes our finals chance for this season.

If only dugandzic could finish from 6 yards out, things will be a whole lot different..

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Our passing is so slow. I allows defends to close down gaps that they shouldn't be able too as our players are waiting for the pass to arrive or having to adjust their movement to try and recover a poor pass, turning it into a 50/50. Just really poor today.

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Positives from today: of course we would have lost this game under Aloisi. We went behind but kept trying all game.

Mauk looked good when he came on.

First start for Kewell & Engelaar, JVS will have to find a way to make it work though.

Garruccio for Behich, great move JVS. For once we didn't concede a goal from the left side due to the LB 



Negatives from today: Clown defending concedes 2 goals, ably assisted by poor goalkeeping for the first goal.

Lacked penetration, and movement off the ball, not creative in the front third, poor finishing. Ball speed too slow

Engelaar's 'personal issue' looks unresolved, good for JVS to take him off.

Hoffman has his admirers at RB, I'm not one of them.

Williams should be played as striker, he loses too many balls on the wing.

Kisnorbo should have been sent off again.

Ben Williams, hopefully he refs a Colombian game at the WC.

Edited by belaguttman
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You know that half time game where they had to hit the bar... It really pissed me off that the guy who had the first shot won the jersey. So unfair to the guy that hit the bar as well. That annoying announcer said "what do we do now" after they both hit the bar and looked at the men in suits. I thought they might say something like "we'll get a another jersey and they both win" or "they can shoot again" or something. But no the men in suits looked bored and they wanted to get back to their beer. Assholes. That's not how you run a comp. Anyone who has sports in their veins knows that. So who were those guys? Was one of them Munn I couldn't really see. Did I mention I think they're assholes?

Wasn't Munn. It was some other bald dude who is always in the seats behind the bench. I totally agree though, for the sake of an extra shirt that was totally piss poor. Bring on the overlords.

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Why would we start Mauk? We had the perfect starting XI.


That was disappointing, but I think some of the criticism here is mistargeted.


Williams was far from our worst. He constantly presented, generally kept the ball and was always dangerous. He did try to overplay some chances but that was something the entire side did, and generally when he didn't shoot I thought it was the right call.


Engelaar however was crap. I was ok with a poor game last week, even though I didn't think his attitude was impressive, but today he was non-existent and we can't afford for our best player to go missing two weeks in a row, especially when he got to play over half an hour with the opposition missing a man. If it is something personal then he either says that he isn't right to play and sorts that shit out or plays unimpeded.


Dugandzic really frustrates me. He can look really good and is clearly very talented, but he is the worst finisher in the side (Mifsud doesn't count) although in hindsight he was key to that first goal.


Wasn't particularly impressed with Murdocca either today. His work rate and endeavour are top notch but so often his passes kill our chance to catch the opposition on the break. He has played much higher up the park under JVS and he is so terrified of taking a shot if he gets the ball around or in the box it almost looks like he is panicking trying to find anybody else to give it to. He practically runs away with the ball if he gets possession inside the box.


I thought Kalmar was very good when he came on, unlike Engelaar he really dominated the midfield and demanded the ball and did some very clever creative passing. I was very pleased with his game and coming on later in matches where he can pick holes in tired defences with his passing and help us hold onto the ball really suits him. Mauk was also encouragning when he came on.


There was a bit of a return to pre-JVS style of having possession at the top of the box but no one shooting but at least it felt like they were trying to find the extra man and some space instead of wilting from the responsibility of being the player to take the shot, and to Wellington's credit they didn't afford us that space to take the shot.


Disappointing result overall and the crowd was crap. Not singling out Yarraside or any area in particular, to me it just felt like there wasn't the usual buzz, and the attendance figure was also crap (I know the F1's may have been a contributing factor), especially seeing as just two weeks ago we played beautiful football and thrashed Victory four nil.

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Williams was our man of the match for mine.  If we'd kept him more central in the 2nd half I dare say we would have won.  As it was he would have scored the winner but for a poor ref decision calling him back (I know, we can't complain, but that particular decision was poor).


A few other comments:

  • Garuccio looked like a left winger trying to play at left back.  Severely outmuscled and looked the weakest link back there.(ie disagree with bela)
  • I reckon Kewell is carrying a niggle - spent ages stretching at the H/T kick off and looked out of sorts.  Really we should have dragged him for Mauk with Engelaar.
  • Kalmar and Mauk made a difference when they came on.
  • Whilst Redmayne was at fault (amongst others) for the goals, he did make a  couple of good saves too.
  • Ramsay showed spend the week studying "Law 11".

I thought we looked flat- but not complete crap like people are saying.

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So incredibly fustrating. I don't think things are as dire as they were last December but the last two games have been quite horrid.

Today HK couldn't kick, the mid-field could not pass well and overall lacked creativity. This is not to detract from the phoenix who read the play much better than Heart did and were able to intercept often and break play.

The team for the last two weeks have looked flat and do not seem to be enjoying themselves either, did something happen behind close doors that has flattened the players?

OE is not playing well - JVS and the club need to sort this out.Dugandzic took the ball from the midfield to the attacking third and then did not do much with it. He should have been subbed off at alf time and replaced with Mauk. Garuccio needs more experience and WP did their homework on him. Williams did OK and was the most threatening of our attacking players.

I am not sure what to think anymore. A few weeks ago the team was playing fast exciting football, now they are caught ball watching, remaining static expecting for the ball to come to them, being run down. And as always being muscled off the ball.

Finals? Forget it. HK or DW for the world cup? Not on today's performance. Have some players being told already that they are redundant? Certainly starting to look like it.

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Yeah that wasn't great to watch. Must say Mauk looked pretty good when he came on, but he looks afraid to shoot to be honest. Ramsay should not be in the side. Simple as that. To be caught offside 3 times in the last 5 minutes of a crucial game is not only poor, but simply unprofessional. Wasn't overly impressed by Kewell today either, shoots from distance too often when there are other options and tries to play a flashy pass when there's a basic one on. All four defenders looked bloody ordinary, I mean Hoffman looked the most solid at the back today and that's saying something.Ben Williams gave us that game and we sent it back. Disappointing, but unfortunately it happens. Mariners next week so preparing the lubricant for our collective arses.

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Well, we got to the game nice and early, 4:20 for a five o'clock kick off, and so missed the first twenty minutes and Duga/Germano's goal. The change of time (what for?) must have been in the clubs e-mails which I stopped reading towards the end of the JA era on account of the spin which was contrary to what I was seeing each week. I must start reading them again.

I ended up over towards bay 15 with some friends I had brought to the game. A different angle and a different atmosphere. Wow, was tonight flat or what? A low attendance and it seemed like the end of a busy weekend. Not much different to watching the game on the telly sitting on the couch. Complete R&R and it seemed like our boys had the same attitude. I would have thought with finals pending on the result and having a man advantage our players would have taken the game by the throat. Too many average performances from too many players on the same day and we got the result we deserved.

What was wrong with Williams goal from free play? It seemed like he was penalised for a high foot. What was he supposed to control the ball with? Unless it was yet another off side decision, it seemed a bit soft.

I have just watched the highlights and Garrucio was out of position to allow the Nux player to come down the left and onto Kisnorbo. In fairness he might have been setting up something up front and then just got caught out, the highlights didn't show before hand. He was well beaten for the cross which led to the second goal though and what was Robbie up to? Although Garuccio played well in the derby, he was not as solid defensively today. He did show however that he could be good with a bit more tactical and physical training. He was pushed off the ball a bit to easily. Perhaps Mate could "buddy" him in strengthening up?

I was a bit annoyed with that one. It is a long way to drive for an hours football (my fault???) and the performance and atmosphere was very average. My friends however are keen to come again and said they will come to the WSW game. Hopefully the 2500 absentees from today will be there as well and we can set about making some noise and perhaps muscle our way into the finals on the last day of the season.

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