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A lot of agreeable points.


I'm sympathetic to the 'let the football do the marketing' approach, but sometimes I just wonder if Melbourne City's growth could be turbocharged. For example, it just strikes me how there's next to no Melbourne City advertising around the city, and apart from that banner on the newspaper today there's been precious little advertising in the media. In fact, internet advertising seems to be the club's main advertising strategy, and as that was Melbourne Heart's main advertising strategy it begs the question of whether it's worth following (given how little Melbourne Heart's ways paid off).


I'm also deeply sceptical of Scott Munn, and the Melbourne Heart club management in general that survived to work on in the Melbourne City era (Didulica deserves some credit though. Our recruiting has clearly improved significantly, and if next season's transfer period is as positive as this one, we'll have a top team in no time).


Maybe I'm expecting too much growth from Melbourne City too soon, and hence am harshly grading the club.



Anyway, despite my lack of confidence towards the club management, I'm very confident about the team. So if the performances on the pitch will be the main factor in growing the club, I'm pretty confident that the membership numbers and the club overall will become much larger very soon.

Edited by Murfy1
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We're gonna be in the headlines when we rip up the Smurfs and then do untold damage to the Jets leading to the first derby at Shitihad. If this doesn't come to pass then JVS and the players have to question what they've been doing in the off season. Results will get us to 10k. Villa 'sneaking' into Melbourne is the journos with their collective noses out of joint and not getting their scoop stories. But I wouldn't be surprised if Villa is being lined up for some one on one interviews as he settles into his job with us.

No arrival, short of the Pope or Barrack Obama, would have diverted the local press from covering Buddy, Hirdy and the finals series. That's just Melbourne.

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In fact, internet advertising seems to be the club's main advertising strategy, and as that was Melbourne Heart's main advertising strategy it begs the question of whether it's worth following (given how little Melbourne Heart's ways paid off).

You'd be surprised at just how effective social media is in promoting the club, I know I was when some of my uni mates who don't follow the A-League brought up David Villa and how he could be playing for Melbourne City this weekend. 


The true test is for the club to create a successful culture and build a legacy which can then lure these potential supporters in, but it makes it tough when they think that the EPL and La Liga is the only football worth watching.

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Back page on the Herald Sun again today good work


Wow! First time A-League has ever been on the back page!



They were yesterday



Oh. OK. Luckily I didnt make a thread about it then



and still wouldn't be the most pointless thread today



Haha. Very true!

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Hollywood came to town, but City smuggled him through the back door. David Villa was meant to arrive in Australia today, instead he arrived on Sunday night before yesterday's secret training session.

City missed the chance to create a huge media buzz on the eve of the season. Villa was happy with the low-key reception, but the bizarre strategy cost the club prominence in the media and consequently the fans suffer. So why not announce him with the most fanfare possible? Instead, unveiling him in a hastily arranged press conference in the AAMI Park theatrette simply capped a shabby day of media strategy.

"It was a very quiet arrival, which is what I expected after such a long trip, then I had a meeting with the coach. And it was what I wanted, a quiet arrival." Villa said.

The 22 minute conference was underwhelming and it blindsided the FFA. Hours earlier it had said Villa would be introduced today at the league launch. City wanted to convey that Villa was here to focus on football, in line with Man City's mantra of operating in an understated way.

The past 48 hours reflect poorly on City chief executive Scott Munn, whose antics are sure to have cost him admirers.



Thats the main chunk of the Davutovic article apparently. 


Davutovic is not happy as the club give journos the flick for David's arrival and so he misses the chance to meet him. I am with Scott Munn on this. I'd rather let David Villa do the talk on the field and spare him from the media.

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Who cares, the off-season is bland, we've all learnt to live with that.

Davutovic's article is there because he didn't get a scoop. 


Bring me success on the field, More importantly a win in the first derby, again! - This is the main thing we all should be focusing on.

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Usually I rate duva as football journalist.

This article is just a whinge which misses the fact that villa is here to score goals not to create a media circus.

Anyone who still doesn't know about his arrival is not a real football fan

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A lot of agreeable points.


I'm sympathetic to the 'let the football do the marketing' approach, but sometimes I just wonder if Melbourne City's growth could be turbocharged. For example, it just strikes me how there's next to no Melbourne City advertising around the city, and apart from that banner on the newspaper today there's been precious little advertising in the media. In fact, internet advertising seems to be the club's main advertising strategy, and as that was Melbourne Heart's main advertising strategy it begs the question of whether it's worth following (given how little Melbourne Heart's ways paid off).


I'm also deeply sceptical of Scott Munn, and the Melbourne Heart club management in general that survived to work on in the Melbourne City era (Didulica deserves some credit though. Our recruiting has clearly improved significantly, and if next season's transfer period is as positive as this one, we'll have a top team in no time).


Maybe I'm expecting too much growth from Melbourne City too soon, and hence am harshly grading the club.



Anyway, despite my lack of confidence towards the club management, I'm very confident about the team. So if the performances on the pitch will be the main factor in growing the club, I'm pretty confident that the membership numbers and the club overall will become much larger very soon.

Although I disagreed with you over Villa you make some good points Murf. I doubt that Manchester City bought into the A-League without having at least some ideas about what sorts of marketing strategies they would use. How far they had gone is a matter of debate, but obviously they saw "sky blue/City branding" as one strategy, and they have put that into place. The results so far on membership numbers would indicate that this has had some success.


My view is that from here the only strategy that is going to grow our club is good results on the field. If you go back over the past four seasons you will see that every time we strung a good set of results together, just at the point when the public were getting behind us we collapsed. Even last season, we were still in finals contention with six matches to go, and then we proceeded to gain just two points from those last 6 matches. There's not many people out there who are not already Heart/City supporters who are going to put up with that sort of thing season after season - at least not while a Premium A adult membership is going to cost them $600. Joe Public has better things to do with his leisure dollar.


So for me that's the key. Too many times Melbourne Heart cried "wolf", IMO the public is wise to that and no amount of slogans, glossy advertising, fancy lunches and launches, guest players, etc. etc. will sustain and then maintain growth in the club until we deliver on the field on a regular basis.

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Villa's arrival was still reported everywhere, including a presser, national FTA news, mainstream newspapers, etc, etc.  To me nothing was lost in not creating a circus.


Many months ago when Villa was first announced as coming, most of his fans or people who wanted to see him play would have signed up at the time.  I recall a high volume of quick sales when the memberships were first released.


The negativity being generated by the journos is solely due to the fact that they weren't given a heads up or a scoop, and they had to scurry from the relative comfy of their self proclaimed positions of importance to get the story.  They probably got smashed by their bosses for not being on top of Villa's arrival and are only bleating like cut sheep to cover their own backsides.


CFG have said they do things their own way in terms of information releases and that they don't pander to the media ... and I also think that they are giving the FFA a lesson in terms of relationship management, which is why i think Villa, aside from fitness, commonsense, and team cohesion, will debut at home.

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For the record, it's not just Davutovic who have questioned Villa's low-key arrival. Michael Lynch and others have also called it a big missed opportunity.


Maybe Melbourne City is 'getting one back' against the FFA, and maybe journalists are holding a bit of a grudge against the club for not keeping them in the loop. Who knows.


But objectively looked at, putting the motivations of the club and the opinions of journalists to one side, it does look like the club has missed a big opportunity IMO. Melbourne City have gained, what, 100 members since Villa was 'unveiled' yesterday? 100 Members!? That's absolutely nothing. And the club is still well below 9,000 members, and it's uncertain whether the club will have 9,000 members by the time of its opening round match this Saturday.

If this club is going to grow, it simply has to get a lot more members. Thousands more members. It at least has to break the the 5 digit mark for members, by surpassing the 10,000 mark.


Villa might be the biggest ever player to play in the A-League. Ever. Who knows what the future will hold, but it's quite conceivable that a player of greater status than Villa will not play in the A-League for years to come, or perhaps even a decade. And this club sneaked him in to Australia late on a Sunday night, and announced him to Australia with a tweet.

I believe this club could have had a lot more and better media around Villa's arrival, whilst avoiding a 'media circus'. It could have simply done what Lynch later suggested: just have the media come to training (as opposed to the extremely limited video & photos that the club made and approved from the training session). That would have allowed Villa to looked professional, by first and foremost focusing on football by doing a training session, and then also having a sufficiently large press event.


It's ultimately no skin off my back. I'm a paid up member, and I'll enjoy seeing Villa play regardless. So I've got no agenda in judging Villa's arrival. And it's my opinion that this club and its management have truly hindered the club by not making more of Villa's arrival (not seriously/permanently, but significantly). Someone of Villa's massive status simply should have been marketed much more, and there should have been a lot more buzz around Melbourne City heading into the opening round fixtures. And instead at today's season launch, Melbourne City have just looked like another team, and not the most talked about team with a Spanish football legend in their midst. The only justification I can come up with is if the City Football Group and NYCFC bound the clubs hands (perhaps because they want Villa to only be associated with NYCFC), but that's only speculation and there's no evidence for that and it would also be illogical IMO (as I don't think NYCFC would really lose out if Villa was marketed heavily when he was at both clubs).



Perhaps above all I just want to see this club have a bigger media presence, and a bigger presence in Melbourne overall. And I think this club needs to significantly come out of the shadows, where it was for far too long during the Melbourne Heart era. Getting more media and being more public will be an inevitable part of this growth. And at the same time the club will have to look professional and calm in the media (a la Man City), and not desperate for attention (as Melbourne Heart all too often looked). It's something of a tough balance to strike, getting more media and always looking professional, but something this club with its resources should be able to accomplish.

This latest episode with Villa's arrival has strengthened my belief that despite the club now having vast resources, it doesn't yet know how to fully use them. The club still has some ways to go before it has grown into a big A-League club, both on the pitch and off it, and growing the club's media presence and public profile appropriately will be a significant part of that development.

I'd be firing the entire marketing department if i owned Melbourne City by now we should of gained 12 K members for our club.


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new thread suggestion: what elieanid would do if he was in charge of marketing

i'd do a kick ass job with marketing id have 12k or more by now.....I just do lol!

dont want the tards in Tasmania thinking we cant pull great numbers in membership statistics.


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new thread suggestion: what elieanid would do if he was in charge of marketing

i'd do a kick ass job with marketing id have 12k or more by now.....I just do lol!

dont want the tards in Tasmania thinking we cant pull great numbers in membership statistics.

#werenotsmallweonlyhatetards You're a knob

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new thread suggestion: what elieanid would do if he was in charge of marketing

i'd do a kick ass job with marketing id have 12k or more by now.....I just do lol!

dont want the tards in Tasmania thinking we cant pull great numbers in membership statistics.


Elieanid (Elie) for head of marketing and any role that can't be taken up by Hoffman. Imagine what we'd achieve. Keep up the good fight brother.

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I'm sure this has been mentioned, but incase not, has anyone else noticed that in the Melbourne City membership ad on SEN , so happy together is playing in the background?!

I want to know why they insist on using pretend supporters to call out something lame like 'Goooooooo CITAY!', or chanting 'We are Melbourne...... HEART!' like they did last year.

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I'm sure this has been mentioned, but incase not, has anyone else noticed that in the Melbourne City membership ad on SEN , so happy together is playing in the background?!

I want to know why they insist on using pretend supporters to call out something lame like 'Goooooooo CITAY!', or chanting 'We are Melbourne...... HEART!' like they did last year.


It's embarrassing :droy:

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Great article. That article is pretty much all the reasons I am happy with the take over and everything that comes with it. To say that its just to create a mini man city and or for man city to get around FIFA rules is a simplistic and cynical opinion that I disagree with and I have from the start. Because of the takeover we, as a club, are going to be at the forefront of pushing the boundaries in the A-league and it feels great to be apart of it. 

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Comment: Melbourne clubs make statement of intent


By Aidan Ormond





The Victorian sides laid down a marker to the rest of the competition with impressive performances in the opening round, as Kevin Muscat's men demonstrated their credentials


Melbourne Victory's dazzling demolition of the Western Sydney Wanderers perhaps wasn't a huge surprise.


However, Melbourne City were somewhat of an unknown, so I was intrigued to see how they would set up in the opening round of A-League Season 2014-15. And boy did they impress.


Having been bundled out of the FFA Cup by Sydney FC in Ballarat two months ago, City looked vastly more at home in the hipster haven of Paddington.


Well-organised, physical and excellent in transition, City controlled the game in the centre of the park and used width to test the Sky Blues at Allianz.


Clearly coach John van 't Schip, like Kevin Muscat, has made good use of the long off-season.


And this was a City side missing key midfielder Robbie Koren and dangerous striker David Williams, yet they barely missed a beat.


That beat ramped up when the greatest ever signing for the league – David Villa – jogged onto the pitch in the first few minutes of the second half (to a rapturous applause from most Sky Blue fans; a respectful touch).


New signing Erik Paartalu as the deep-lying six slotted back into the A-League seamlessly (Ange take note) as City's controlling midfielder.


In front of him Mass Murdocca - another former Roar championship winner who looked frighteningly fit - and Aaron Mooy showed guile and an enormous work-rate.


Up front in a 4-3-3, the attack was led by Damien Duff on the wing, who worked tirelessly, was dangerous getting in behind and set up Villa's sublime finish. Duff was exhausted by the 70th minute but kept going till the end for an impressive debut in Australia.


Centrally Mate Dugandzic and winger James Brown also played their part while down back marshalling Melbourne's newly branded club was skipper Patrick Kisnorbo (a star on and off the pitch).


You could argue City deserved all three points against an under-strength Sky Blues. More importantly though, van 't Schip's City can only get better once Koren and Co return and Villa starts the remaining nine games of his 10-game stint.  


Likewise, Victory can only get better as the season moves on and Socceroo Mark Milligan returns to the fold.


What I loved about Victory's display aside - from the obvious – was Muscat's post-match quotes on using every minute in the off-season wisely.


And you could see it just from their set pieces – four brilliantly worked passages of play that bamboozled the Wanderers.


It is a long off-season but as Muscat rightly says, make use of every second you have.


Every coach should listen and learn from that quote.


The Melbourne Derby is round three. Both sides will be ticking along nicely by then.


Whatever you do, wherever you are - do not miss it.


Villa versus Berisha is enough to sell out Etihad. However, the game itself will be an unbelievable showcase for the A-League from two sides destined for big things in season 10.


Both Melbourne clubs have made a clear statement of intent after round one.





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Comment: Melbourne clubs make statement of intent

By Aidan Ormond


The Victorian sides laid down a marker to the rest of the competition with impressive performances in the opening round, as Kevin Muscat's men demonstrated their credentials

Melbourne Victory's dazzling demolition of the Western Sydney Wanderers perhaps wasn't a huge surprise.

However, Melbourne City were somewhat of an unknown, so I was intrigued to see how they would set up in the opening round of A-League Season 2014-15. And boy did they impress.

Having been bundled out of the FFA Cup by Sydney FC in Ballarat two months ago, City looked vastly more at home in the hipster haven of Paddington.

Well-organised, physical and excellent in transition, City controlled the game in the centre of the park and used width to test the Sky Blues at Allianz.

Clearly coach John van 't Schip, like Kevin Muscat, has made good use of the long off-season.

And this was a City side missing key midfielder Robbie Koren and dangerous striker David Williams, yet they barely missed a beat.

That beat ramped up when the greatest ever signing for the league – David Villa – jogged onto the pitch in the first few minutes of the second half (to a rapturous applause from most Sky Blue fans; a respectful touch).

New signing Erik Paartalu as the deep-lying six slotted back into the A-League seamlessly (Ange take note) as City's controlling midfielder.

In front of him Mass Murdocca - another former Roar championship winner who looked frighteningly fit - and Aaron Mooy showed guile and an enormous work-rate.

Up front in a 4-3-3, the attack was led by Damien Duff on the wing, who worked tirelessly, was dangerous getting in behind and set up Villa's sublime finish. Duff was exhausted by the 70th minute but kept going till the end for an impressive debut in Australia.

Centrally Mate Dugandzic and winger James Brown also played their part while down back marshalling Melbourne's newly branded club was skipper Patrick Kisnorbo (a star on and off the pitch).

You could argue City deserved all three points against an under-strength Sky Blues. More importantly though, van 't Schip's City can only get better once Koren and Co return and Villa starts the remaining nine games of his 10-game stint.

Likewise, Victory can only get better as the season moves on and Socceroo Mark Milligan returns to the fold.

What I loved about Victory's display aside - from the obvious – was Muscat's post-match quotes on using every minute in the off-season wisely.

And you could see it just from their set pieces – four brilliantly worked passages of play that bamboozled the Wanderers.

It is a long off-season but as Muscat rightly says, make use of every second you have.

Every coach should listen and learn from that quote.

The Melbourne Derby is round three. Both sides will be ticking along nicely by then.

Whatever you do, wherever you are - do not miss it.

Villa versus Berisha is enough to sell out Etihad. However, the game itself will be an unbelievable showcase for the A-League from two sides destined for big things in season 10.

Both Melbourne clubs have made a clear statement of intent after round one.


I understand we were the better side on the night however I think the build up for city is a little exaggerated. While we had good possession there were only two stand out moments where we looked like scoring James Brown off the cross bar and mate's attempt to miss a second net if one had been there. Both came in first half and to be honest we looked really flat once villa come on I understand we scored in that time but I fear it was more of taking our luck rather than playing good football. A lot more work I think especially with forwards running into the box when duff has possession out wide.

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Villa scored just at the time that Sydney were starting to control the game and we had lost control of midfield as Sydney started to move the ball faster in transition. As Ned Zelic would say, the game turned on a moment of individual brilliance. We have not had many of those in the last 4 seasons and we may well see more of them from David Villa but I agree that we mustn't come to rely on them and need to take our chances. We have always had a very low conversion rate from opportunities.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Melbourne City’s owners have decisions to make off the field as things go horribly on it




OCTOBER 26, 2014



THE City Football Group’s heavies were in attendance at Etihad Stadium on Saturday night and one wonders what they thought at the final whistle.


Melbourne City’s 5-2 drubbing at the hands of Melbourne Victory should set off alarm bells, but plenty of tweaks can be made before they start wielding the axe.


Their Manchester City track record suggests that they’re patient, but not scared to make hard calls if necessary.


Now is not the time to panic regarding the football department, but they need to make urgent adjustments off the field to support them.


The club is clearly struggling in transitioning from battlers on a shoestring budget, to A-League princes with deep pockets.


Heart ran on the smell of an oily rag, but the club remains under resourced and requires strong off-field leadership.


How does this affect the football department?


The tardy PR strategy around David Villa’s guest stint has van’t Schip constantly addressing an issue that should’ve been knocked on the head weeks ago.


And the Manchester City-esque lockdown - players and officials are less accessible to the media than they were in previous seasons, and far less accessible than neighbours Melbourne Victory _ is a strategy fit for the English Premier League, but not the A-League.


This again places more pressure on van’t Schip to be the club spokesman, and the strain has shown in recent weeks.


It’s putting undue pressure on the Dutchman, nor is he suited to being the mouthpiece.


It’s been a big change for the club and, it’s unchartered territory for all involved.


Van’t Schip has by far his best squad available, but what matters just as much is how he man-manages squad players 12-23 as David Villa, Damien Duff and



While van’t Schip was right about the players’ second half concentration levels or lack thereof, the same must be asked of his teamsheet.


It was a curious derby substitutes bench, made up of raw trio Jacob Melling, Paolo Retre and Marc Marino, players who were long shots of making an impact.


Surely Stefan Mauk, who just returned from Young Socceroos duty, and Nick Kalmar, who played all pre-season as the no.6, were better suited for the occasion.


With Connor Chapman, Ben Garuccio and Jonatan Germano edging closer to full fitness and marquee Robert Koren plus last season’s top scorer David Williams to return, it’s not all doom and gloom.


Not to mention the imminent arrival of Australian marquee Josh Kennedy.






Agree with the point about the Villa PR. The club not leading on the media front allows others to set the narrative and talking points that surround discussions about the club. Take today's episode of Fox Sports' Shootout, where the traitorous sh*t Aloisi and others speculated that Villa isn't happy, and that could explain the details of his stay at Melbourne City and whether Villa will come back later this year and play more games: http://www.foxsports.com.au/football/a-league/aleague-r3-review-david-villa-unhappy-as-victory-win-derby-reds-and-sydney-fc-impress/story-e6frf4gl-1227102879928 .

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And Lynchy has been trawling this site for inspiration and has produced this today:




"Melbourne City coach John Van't Schip is hoping the club can announce a big-name signing in the next few weeks, with Australian stars like Tim Cahill, Mark Bresciano and Josh Kennedy some of the names that have been bandied around.


But the Dutchman might be better employed forgetting about more glitzy attacking players and focusing instead on strengthening a leaky rearguard that was brutally exposed by Melbourne Victory on Saturday night as the navy blues stormed over the top of City to win the first derby of the season 5-2."

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I can wear the loss (even sitting in a Victory bay with Victory-supporting mates), but this sort of shit on the club website, after being done by three goals and pulling a collective no-show after half time, is simply not on.




Melbourne City FC registered a valiant display against Melbourne Victory, but fell 5-2 to its city rival in a controversial Round 3 clash in the Hyundai A-League.


Did Aloisi write that? Who are they trying to kid? It was nothing short of an embarrassment.

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I can wear the loss (even sitting in a Victory bay with Victory-supporting mates), but this sort of shit on the club website, after being done by three goals and pulling a collective no-show after half time, is simply not on.





Melbourne City FC registered a valiant display against Melbourne Victory, but fell 5-2 to its city rival in a controversial Round 3 clash in the Hyundai A-League.


Did Aloisi write that? Who are they trying to kid? It was nothing short of an embarrassment.

Only thing that was really controversial was who was selected on the bench, still can't get around it.

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Very interesting article. Now that Davutovic doesn't have a quite such a reliable inside source of information he's beginning to ask the sorts of questions that should have been asked all along.

Keep it going David. We'd all like to know the answers too.

While his articles are raising valid questions, I do feel that his articles of late are him just sooking that he no longer gets inside information.

I do like the CFG way of doing things privately, though this requires the team to be successful on the pitch, as it shows that they are purely concentrating on the primary function of the club.

However in our situation where long term issues do not appear to be addressed at all you have to wonder wtf is going on.

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I can wear the loss (even sitting in a Victory bay with Victory-supporting mates), but this sort of shit on the club website, after being done by three goals and pulling a collective no-show after half time, is simply not on.





Melbourne City FC registered a valiant display against Melbourne Victory, but fell 5-2 to its city rival in a controversial Round 3 clash in the Hyundai A-League.


Did Aloisi write that? Who are they trying to kid? It was nothing short of an embarrassment.

Yeah, that is a dreadful report. We didn't "suffer a defeat" - we were absolutely walloped. And whoever wrote that article can't even get the ref's name right. Amateur hour.

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I can wear the loss (even sitting in a Victory bay with Victory-supporting mates), but this sort of shit on the club website, after being done by three goals and pulling a collective no-show after half time, is simply not on.





Melbourne City FC registered a valiant display against Melbourne Victory, but fell 5-2 to its city rival in a controversial Round 3 clash in the Hyundai A-League.


Did Aloisi write that? Who are they trying to kid? It was nothing short of an embarrassment.

Yeah, that is a dreadful report. We didn't "suffer a defeat" - we were absolutely walloped. And whoever wrote that article can't even get the ref's name right. Amateur hour.




naah we weren't wallopped.


We lost 5-2 and gave them 4 cheap goals.  As always our lack of concentration and individual cock-ups gifted them their win.


The visitors general level of play hasn't impressed me as much as others seem to have been impressed.

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