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The JvS thread


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When I read the post about JVS should be sacked and reasons are because players are not performing, doesn't make sense to me. Listening to the SEN show on the way home and Diego got it spot on. The issue is the culture of the club and the lack of character within the playing group and coaching staff... He referred to us as the team of nice guys....




Well anyone could have come to this forum at any time in the last two years and have learnt that from us.


The culture is wrong: "make the finals", "little brother", "being David as in David and Goliath", "under-dog".  FFS Murdocca and JVS admitted that recently that players now have a *new* expectation, that of winning, that they didn't have before!


And you can't change that with the same people in charge.  As new kids come in, they are also infected with that same culture.


A clean was and is needed, but hasn't happened.  In fact we invited it back in with JVS!

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It's not all JVS fault. He inherited a club with players still on a few years contract. 


Man City were no stars as soon as the Abu Dabi money started rolling in.  They didnt win the league the second Abu Dabi took over.


Remember Sir Alex was on the verge of being sacked before he became the best manager of the EPL.


As Josep Gombau says - rate me on my second season not my first.


JVS second season we made the finals.  Next season we can get rid of Ramsy, Germano (injury prone), Rob W etc. We may get some Man City youth players as our foreign imports.



Sorry no!


It was his squad in Seasons 1 and 2, and we never looked like being genuine challengers.


He has this air of being too good for this league, that if only he had better players....but did Arnold have better players at the Mariners?


He is not right for us and this league.

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To be honest we need someone who can come in, and get rid of the dead wood in the squad and begin to build a team, culture, and winning mentality... Like Gombau has done for AU..

I'm just so sick of this mediocrity and it's getting really hard to continue to supports this rubbish.. and to defend these results against supporters from other teams... It's been 4yrs and we don't even look like a competitive side... I don't even care about winning the league or the ACL... Just make us a competitive fucken team.....

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It's not all JVS fault. He inherited a club with players still on a few years contract.

Man City were no stars as soon as the Abu Dabi money started rolling in. They didnt win the league the second Abu Dabi took over.

Remember Sir Alex was on the verge of being sacked before he became the best manager of the EPL.

As Josep Gombau says - rate me on my second season not my first.

JVS second season we made the finals. Next season we can get rid of Ramsy, Germano (injury prone), Rob W etc. We may get some Man City youth players as our foreign imports.

1- Ferguson took Aberdeen to become European champions before he took over at Man Utd so he at least showed how capable he was so allowing him time to settle was fair.

2- this argument about JVS inheriting shit players is so fucking weak it holds about as much water as arguments for giving JA more time. He saw the weaknesses but did nothing about them. His fault.

3- rate me on my second season- I already did that and it was unimpressive. Scraped into the finals and got our arses handed to us by a team that actually wanted to be there. Next.

4- Yes, city took time to grow. As will we. We just need to weed out all the cap before we can.

He has had more than enough time to show us what he is made of. Now it's time to go. He should be thankful he has been able to hold down a job for as long as he has. Credit to him for that. Even George Costanza could learn a few things from him.

No excuses this season.

Edited by KSK_47
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To be honest we need someone who can come in, and get rid of the dead wood in the squad and begin to build a team, culture, and winning mentality... Like Gombau has done for AU..



When players have contracts you can't get rid of them.  What are you implying - pay their contract out which will add to our cap???


When the dead wood is gone we will see improvements.


Gombau chose not to resign players. JVS has not had that luxury.


BTW we made the finals in season 2 in a year when Victory didn't.  Only one team can win the finals, and i would rather our team be in the finals than not.

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To be honest we need someone who can come in, and get rid of the dead wood in the squad and begin to build a team, culture, and winning mentality... Like Gombau has done for AU..


When players have contracts you can't get rid of them.  What are you implying - pay their contract out which will add to our cap???


When the dead wood is gone we will see improvements.


Gombau chose not to resign players. JVS has not had that luxury.


BTW we made the finals in season 2 in a year when Victory didn't.  Only one team can win the finals, and i would rather our team be in the finals than not.

He couldn't pay out the contracts but he could have at least signed decent- even average players for those positions instead of blowing the budget on only a few players.

So you are saying you are content to be shit as long as victory are shitter? No wonder this club doesn't feel the need to put in the hard yards.

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To be honest we need someone who can come in, and get rid of the dead wood in the squad and begin to build a team, culture, and winning mentality... Like Gombau has done for AU..


When players have contracts you can't get rid of them.  What are you implying - pay their contract out which will add to our cap???


When the dead wood is gone we will see improvements.


Gombau chose not to resign players. JVS has not had that luxury.


BTW we made the finals in season 2 in a year when Victory didn't.  Only one team can win the finals, and i would rather our team be in the finals than not.

He couldn't pay out the contracts but he could have at least signed decent- even average players for those positions instead of blowing the budget on only a few players.

So you are saying you are content to be shit as long as victory are shitter? No wonder this club doesn't feel the need to put in the hard yards.




Good point.  We need to stand on our own merit, not in comparison to Victory.

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So you are saying you are content to be shit as long as victory are shitter? No wonder this club doesn't feel the need to put in the hard yards.



When did i say that?


We are called MELBOURNE City.  Step one is to win the MELBOURNE market. The best way to do that is to be better than other Melbourne team.


We are not going to improve support base until we become better than victory. For this reason when we made the finals in a year that victory didn't - we actually started to create inroads that otherwise didn't exist.


This was a reason why Victory's board started to panic and appoint some questionable coaches.


Win the MELBOURNE market first!


Man City were just another club before they started beating Man United.  

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I was paraphrasing obviously. You sound like you felt us scraping into the finals and victory not making it to be some kind of positive.

When you say "win the Melbourne market" are you suggesting that there are loads of a league fans sitting in the fence about who they want to support and we need to nab these supposed fans?

Anyone interested in the HAL has already chosen the or side and to convince a significant amount of them to change teams will be virtually impossible.

You want to win the Melbourne market you need to pull in more customers. And to do that you need to give them something not previously seen before. And being that the Melbourne non football punters have already seen championships in Melbourne but was not enough to get them on board long term need to give them that and more. You need to give them amazing football consistently. Week in week out.

Do you really think we will get that by giving JVS more time and getting rid of a few passengers?

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yeah well we're dumb enough to get the same coach, keep the same management in JD and Munn, keep the same problem players and ....expect a different outcome.


Yup. But shit that Nike kit looks mint ay?! Think I might buy a membership for life!

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Anyway. Once again I find myself on a forum saying the same things I have been saying for nearly 5 years.

Can't be arsed going over the same shut again and again.

Amen to that

Almost CBF reading and writing here as we get dished out same crap by the club year in year out

Then whinge about the same crap year in year out

Fkn hamster wheel

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The fatal mistakes that have been made by JVS / JD was to offer contract extensions to sub par players after JA was sacked, and to not recruit actual full backs to strengthen our defence, particularly based on our game plan that is so dependant on those positions in both attack and defence.

I think they need to pay for these mistakes and new people should be brought in.

To make anything of this season, we need recognised full backs, or we need a new tactical gameplan that isn't as reliant on those positions.

Also Murdocca should never be in our starting 11

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To be honest we need someone who can come in, and get rid of the dead wood in the squad and begin to build a team, culture, and winning mentality... Like Gombau has done for AU..



Gombau chose not to resign players. JVS has not had that luxury.


Unfortunately that's not actually true.


He re-signed Hoffman (for two years), Williams (two years), Velaphi (one), Kisnorbo (one). Those off the top of my head.

He also extended the contracts of Mauk (end of 2015/16) and Garuccio (end 2016/17).

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Kiro, did you ask yourself, "What sort of results would Graeme Arnold or Tony Popovic be getting with this same squad of players?"


If so, what's your answer?



TBH I dont think either of them would have been idiotic enough to go into a season playing attackers as defenders, etc etc

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IMO Torn Asunder has hinted at what CFG has to do from this point.


Bring out one or more of their experienced coaches from Manchester right now, and go though our senior squad to assess every single player in terms of skill set, preferred and potential positions on the field, character and mental aptitudes, injury history, aerobic capacity, biomechanics etc. etc., and set that alongside age and contract duration, and set out a plan from where to take each player and build the squad from this point on.


Just to take as high-profile examples, we signed Koren for 2 years, Mooy for 3, and Paartalu for 4. On what bases did we choose different contract lengths?


IMO if we went through this process we could identify now which players will be leaving the club at the end of the current season, which we intend to keep, those that we need to try and move on if we can, and so on and so forth. We can also identify what holes need to be filled for the future and therefore plan our recruitment better. We could also get the blokes we want to keep playing together regularly and form the backbone of the side that way.


Our squad is horribly unbalanced and has all the appearance of being assembled in an ad hoc manner. Likewise our selection of matchday squads.I look at the benches for our two home matches this season; in both cases our opponents had quality to bring on to the field as required, while we had almost nothing.

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Kiro, did you ask yourself, "What sort of results would Graeme Arnold or Tony Popovic be getting with this same squad of players?"


If so, what's your answer?



 Unlike Postecoglou both these coaches  philosophy is built on defensive organisation, and neither would go in to the season without genuine fullbacks.  Both coach within the limitations of the players they have.  Positional awareness, simple passes, movement off the ball is what most players are expected to do.  Creativity comes from one number 10.  


What sort of results?  


Top 4 because neither would have begun the season without two full backs.

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Anyway. Once again I find myself on a forum saying the same things I have been saying for nearly 5 years.

Can't be arsed going over the same shut again and again.

You'll know you're actually dead and living in hell if JVS get's sacked after not winning for another fifteen games only to be replaced by Aloisi. 


Just saying, I expect to be going postal if this happens.  Not a threat, just an assessment of my likely mental state.

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Anyway. Once again I find myself on a forum saying the same things I have been saying for nearly 5 years.

Can't be arsed going over the same shut again and again.

You'll know you're actually dead and living in hell if JVS get's sacked after not winning for another fifteen games only to be replaced by Aloisi. 



Dont even joke about that!

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Kiro, did you ask yourself, "What sort of results would Graeme Arnold or Tony Popovic be getting with this same squad of players?"


If so, what's your answer?


Did you ask yourself 'What sort of results would JvS be getting with a squad like those in Sydney?'

Hypotheticals mean fuck all when compared to rock solid stats and facts. The facts are that Graham Arnold has gone from club to club, with a certain level of success following him.

Popovic hasn't got the same history behind him, but he does share the same feat to JvS of being a start up manager at a new club. Nobody was raving about West Sydney's playing list in their first season, and Popovic could rattle off the exact same excuses that the JvS did when things didn't go right. Instead, he showed leadership and managerial competence, and has delivered a highly successful football club.

Now look at Heart/City. JvS started us up, and delivered mediocrity. He then fucked off overseas, and did nothing of note over there either. Now he's back, and it's just more of the same. To me, that says more about a coach then any excuse or hypothetical ever can.

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Don't know how people can call for Scott Munn to be sacked. The club has improved overall, just not the football department. Despite the poor results, we are still getting crowds we could only dream about. I'm not sure if he has final say on sacking JD and JVS, but if he does then the only negative you can put to his name is that he hasn't done so yet. I don't think there is any reason to call for SM to be sacked, he always did well with limited resources, and now with more resources, we can see improvements in every area of the club except the football department.

Edited by Tesla
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Don't know how people can call for Scott Munn to be sacked. The club has improved overall, just not the football department. Despite the poor results, we are still getting crowds we could only dream about. I'm not sure if he has final say on sacking JD and JVS, but if he does then the only negative you can put to his name is that he hasn't done so yet. I don't think there is any reason to call for SM to be sacked, he always did well with limited resources, and now with more resources, we can see improvements in every area of the club except the football department.


I think I inadvertently mentioned his name in a previous rage post relating to officials being sacked, but I do agree. Now that he has learned to stop running his mouth off its coming across as far more professional. Dont think he has done anything wrong.

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Irrespective of the merits of Arnold v jvs, I just can't get my head around the tactics after going down 2-1 last night. We move kisnorbo up front and appear to switch to 3-3-4 and then proceed to repeatedly try to pass the ball to feet in a crowded midfield while kisnorbo and Williams are buggering around in a traditional 4-4-2 system.

Is it too much to ask the coaching staff and the full-time professional squad not to have prepared during the longest pre season in the entire football world for how to play for ten minutes in a 3-3-4 and if we are going to hit long balls know where to hit them and from where ???

And don't get me started on our inability to play the ball to villas feet. I know garuccio is a young kid but is it really too much to expect a left back to hit the ball first time to where his left midfielder is ? Surely our coaching team have worked on playing the ball early to feet


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If we were to a get a new coach in the next fortnight he cannot clear the decks immediately. He can only implore the club to use its final visa spot and get another defender from somewhere. Can a new coach re-organise the players? Maybe. One option is to park the bus but CFG have stated that they want open flowing attractive football. So the new coach and/or CFG will have to deal with that contradiction.

The players know that we are short of defenders so there is little competition there. Up forward we are presumably waiting for Kennedy to arrive so that will happen sometime next month.

What gets to me, and has been for a while, is the poor control the players have of the ball. Comparing AU players skills with the ball and City's skills is like chalk and cheese. Our local players can't stop the ball dead (Mooy excepted), they put too much spin when passing the ball or it doesn't glide across the surface so it seems to arrive at knee height.

So the team cannot improve until the basic skills improve.

As for the re-signing of Velaphi, Williams and Hoffman, it was perplexing at the time, even more so now. The speculation on this forum had to do with keeping under the salary cap.

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Don't know how people can call for Scott Munn to be sacked. The club has improved overall, just not the football department. Despite the poor results, we are still getting crowds we could only dream about. I'm not sure if he has final say on sacking JD and JVS, but if he does then the only negative you can put to his name is that he hasn't done so yet. I don't think there is any reason to call for SM to be sacked, he always did well with limited resources, and now with more resources, we can see improvements in every area of the club except the football department.


Bullshit. Munn has screwed this club over multiple times:


- Incoherent advertising campaigns each season, with there never being unifying and underlying messages stating what this club is about. Does anyone even remember the ads from the first 3 seasons - what the club said about itself (this 'and all that means nothing, if you don't have Heart' ad comes to mind for me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UE8yy_D-MSk) ? No because they were all truly forgettable, as Munn doesn't have a strategic bone in his body and never built this club with any identity or towards any long term goals. And then there was the horrendously ironic 'Believe' message behind last season. Munn has always went for short term fixes, e.g. having celebrities (Bon Jovi, One Direction, etc etc.) endorse the club, and never built this club properly. And make no mistake, a CEO is responsible for the entirety of the business. So if the business is heading in the wrong direction year after year, after 6 years, the CEO is massively responsible.


- That the club is only getting crowds it 'could only dream about' now just highlights how seriously Munn and other Heart staff failed to get people to support Heart and attend Heart. That 10,000 members and crowds of 13,000 are seen as an achievement in a rich, sports mad city of 4.3 million people is ridiculous, and it only has the illusion of 'success' when it's contrasted with the massive failure and mismanagement of the Melbourne Heart years.


- The club having 8 different training bases last season is directly the fault of Munn. That after 5 years of Melbourne Heart's existence Munn couldn't organise one damn decent training base for the club underlines the rife unprofessionalism that characterises this club, that poor management decisions, like with the training bases, have come to promote.


- The David Villa fiasco. Munn's had multiple trips to Manchester and the UAE, and has the most contact with the City heavies, and that both Villa's PR was butchered (it has undoubtedly been a massive distraction since his arrival, and then with endless talk about his early exit) and Villa's overall stint has devolved into a hasty 4 week distraction rests largely on Munn's shoulders. As the main voice for Melbourne City to CFG, Man City and NYCFC, Villa's stint has been hugely mishandled, and what should have been a big boost to the club has ended up hurting it (all the while supporters have been cynically manipulated, with the club giving oxygen to the idea that Villa would have a meaningful 10 game stint [compare with the first rumour that Lampard was coming to Melb City, that the club issued a report denying it less than 24 hrs later]).



So besides the fact that Munn had zero history of meaningful accomplishment at Melbourne Heart after 5 years, and the fact that he has no history of success period (look at his history, he's done nothing. He used to be one of the people who ran the Gold Coast Suns lol), He never should have been considered for reappointment because there actually are successful sports business managers out there who have demonstrated success, and would be infinitely more certain to do a better job, people such as John O'Neill. 


Overall Munn has failed the club, has a resume that simply should of ruled out the possibility that he'd be reappointed in the first place, and there are so many better and successful candidates out there that were all needlessly overlooked just seemingly for the sake of consistency (when in fact Melbourne City needed a complete break from Melbourne Heart, and any continuity between the 2 clubs was always going to be negative baggage).

Edited by Murfy1
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With the shoe string budget Melbourne Heart was run on, it's hard to see more being achieved then what was. I'd probably even chalk up Melbourne Heart not going bankrupt as an achievement, because with the lack of resources at the club's disposal, that probably wasn't an unlikely outcome.

Edited by Tesla
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With the shoe string budget Melbourne Heart was run on, it's hard to see more being achieved then what was. I'd probably even chalk up Melbourne Heart not going bankrupt as an achievement, because with the lack of resources at the club's disposal, that probably wasn't an unlikely outcome.


Well I guess if you set the bar low enough, everyone at Melbourne Heart successfully completed their jobs and should be retained.



BTW that was an unlikely outcome. There is huge potential for a second A-League club in Melbourne, as Man City have identified and have been prepared to invest in. The club easily had enough resources to do better than it did (Heart had more resources and more invested in it than Central Coast, Newcastle and Wellington have had in recent times, and those clubs have done noticeably better), the club has just been poorly run by the people in charge. 

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Don't know how people can call for Scott Munn to be sacked. The club has improved overall, just not the football department. Despite the poor results, we are still getting crowds we could only dream about. I'm not sure if he has final say on sacking JD and JVS, but if he does then the only negative you can put to his name is that he hasn't done so yet. I don't think there is any reason to call for SM to be sacked, he always did well with limited resources, and now with more resources, we can see improvements in every area of the club except the football department.


Bullshit. Munn has screwed this club over multiple times:


- Incoherent advertising campaigns each season, with there never being unifying and underlying messages stating what this club is about. Does anyone even remember the ads from the first 3 seasons - what the club said about itself (this 'and all that means nothing, if you don't have Heart' ad comes to mind for me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UE8yy_D-MSk) ? No because they were all truly forgettable, as Munn doesn't have a strategic bone in his body and never built this club with any identity or towards any long term goals. And then there was the horrendously ironic 'Believe' message behind last season. Munn has always went for short term fixes, e.g. having celebrities (Bon Jovi, One Direction, etc etc.) endorse the club, and never built this club properly. And make no mistake, a CEO is responsible for the entirety of the business. So if the business is heading in the wrong direction year after year, after 6 years, the CEO is massively responsible.


- That the club is only getting crowds it 'could only dream about' now just highlights how seriously Munn and other Heart staff failed to get people to support Heart and attend Heart. That 10,000 members and crowds of 13,000 are seen as an achievement in a rich, sports mad city of 4.3 million people is ridiculous, and it only has the illusion of 'success' when it's contrasted with the massive failure and mismanagement of the Melbourne Heart years.


- The club having 8 different training bases last season is directly the fault of Munn. That after 5 years of Melbourne Heart's existence Munn couldn't organise one damn decent training base for the club underlines the rife unprofessionalism that characterises this club, that poor management decisions, like with the training bases, have come to promote.


- The David Villa fiasco. Munn's had multiple trips to Manchester and the UAE, and has the most contact with the City heavies, and that both Villa's PR was butchered (it has undoubtedly been a massive distraction since his arrival, and then with endless talk about his early exit) and Villa's overall stint has devolved into a hasty 4 week distraction rests largely on Munn's shoulders. As the main voice for Melbourne City to CFG, Man City and NYCFC, Villa's stint has been hugely mishandled, and what should have been a big boost to the club has ended up hurting it (all the while supporters have been cynically manipulated, with the club giving oxygen to the idea that Villa would have a meaningful 10 game stint [compare with the first rumour that Lampard was coming to Melb City, that the club issued a report denying it less than 24 hrs later]).



So besides the fact that Munn had zero history of meaningful accomplishment at Melbourne Heart after 5 years, and the fact that he has no history of success period (look at his history, he's done nothing. He used to be one of the people who ran the Gold Coast Suns lol), He never should have been considered for reappointment because there actually are successful sports business managers out there who have demonstrated success, and would be infinitely more certain to do a better job, people such as John O'Neill. 


Overall Munn has failed the club, has a resume that simply should of ruled out the possibility that he'd be reappointed in the first place, and there are so many better and successful candidates out there that were all needlessly overlooked just seemingly for the sake of consistency (when in fact Melbourne City needed a complete break from Melbourne Heart, and any continuity between the 2 clubs was always going to be negative baggage).


summarised as 'aspirational mediocrity'.

Agree 100% (outta Likes)

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With the shoe string budget Melbourne Heart was run on, it's hard to see more being achieved then what was. I'd probably even chalk up Melbourne Heart not going bankrupt as an achievement, because with the lack of resources at the club's disposal, that probably wasn't an unlikely outcome.


Well I guess if you set the bar low enough, everyone at Melbourne Heart successfully completed their jobs and should be retained.



BTW that was an unlikely outcome. There is huge potential for a second A-League club in Melbourne, as Man City have identified and have been prepared to invest in. The club easily had enough resources to do better than it did (Heart had more resources and more invested in it than Central Coast, Newcastle and Wellington have had in recent times, and those clubs have done noticeably better), the club has just been poorly run by the people in charge. 



I agree that senior management is responsible. Partially.


Lets not forget even in our first season the role of players and coach in not getting this club going with some positive momentum.


JVS's peristence in playing Thompson as a CB.  The excrutiatingly slow build up play. The recruiting of injury prone players like Fred, Aloisi, Skoko.  


And then the players with mickey mouse defending, the last minute penalties, the misses. Some of those like Williams and Dugandzic have got certain goal misses this year- 3 to be exact in 4 games.


All foundation people-players coaches and managers- need to go.


 All of them.

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