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Re-Sign Garcia


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Not sure who to believe* with all this. Fred stated that he was told he would get a contract, and got the flick instead. Garcia may or may not have had a good offer from our club, but anyway it appears that things have turned sour.

Seems like a dirty job this professional football gig.


* And yes, "I BELIEVE", just as all communist party members "believe".

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Ok so based on the comments an offer was in place originally, we have to assume the offer was rejected by Garcia. That offer must have been of at least the same value or higher as last season one would assume. I take it that Garcia was under the assumption that the club would either give him what he wants because they wanted everyone getting a good preseason in. The club has started preseason and have decided not to change the conditions of the contract offered to garcia which seems to have come as a suprise to him. Heart have decided to move on and look for a replacement player leaving Garcia without a club.

I stand by the clubs decision, perhaps a little blindly, but i choose to beleive they are trying to get the best squad together this season and wouldn't have passed up Garcia unless something was wrong with what he was asking for. It's clear the club do want him there or else they wouldn't have been in negotiations with him.

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Not sure who to believe* with all this. Fred stated that he was told he would get a contract, and got the flick instead. Garcia may or may not have had a good offer from our club, but anyway it appears that things have turned sour.

Seems like a dirty job this professional football gig.


* And yes, "I BELIEVE", just as all communist party members "believe".

No different from any other contract situation. It occurs with anyone who relies on contracting for their employment. It's a bargaining situation of a cycle of offer and negotiation, followed by either acceptance or decline. Either party can pull out of the process at any time until a contract is actually signed. 

In this case if you go back over all the articles you will see that that Heart and Garcia have been negotiating for months. Both the club and the player have stated this. What appears to have happened is that the club got to a point where it made what it considered to be a "final" offer, and Garcia did not accept it. It appears as though the club is now looking at other players, which it is quite entitled to do.

If you recall, the club thought it had a deal with Lucas Neill, but Neill had second thoughts and went elsewhere, which he was quite entitled to do.

Similarly with MV and Miccoli.

Heart and Garcia may yet kiss and make up, but articles such as that published by TWG won't help Garcia's case.

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Don't ever expect much positive from SBS as long as Les Murray is a key figure in all their football related media. Murray was an ambassador in the Southern Cross bid that was overlooked, don't think he's ever quite gotten over it.

Les still carries the torch for the old NSLers like Olympic and United in NSW and SMFC and Knights in Vic. The SBS were not on board with the HAL until the last few years when it realised that the HAL wasn't going to die and it was in fact getting popular.

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News to come soon on Garcia, no idea when but it will come I am sure!

I think I will now call him Richie Rich. Spoiled little man

im guessing your source has told you he's off to qatar/uae? How reliable is this source?

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News to come soon on Garcia, no idea when but it will come I am sure!

I think I will now call him Richie Rich. Spoiled little man

im guessing your source has told you he's off to qatar/uae? How reliable is this source?



Hope for Richie's sake that chewing gum with your mouth open isn't a crime over there.

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Not sure why people still don't want to re-sign Garcia? We have one spot on our list left for an Australian and people want him to fuck off. Football is a business and Richard wants the best deal for himself and his family. Our club will be much better off if we can make the deal with Garcia, instead of some bloke who's been applying his trade in lower leagues of Greek football as mentioned in another thread.

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Not sure why people still don't want to re-sign Garcia? We have one spot on our list left for an Australian and people want him to fuck off. Football is a business and Richard wants the best deal for himself and his family. Our club will be much better off if we can make the deal with Garcia, instead of some bloke who's been applying his trade in lower leagues of Greek football as mentioned in another thread.

The fans wanted him to stay, and there was support for him being appointed captain. Remember?


He's entitled to do the best he can for himself and his family. No-one has any issue with that. But now that negotiations have broken down he's apparently making false accusations about MHFC. That's the issue here now.


No player is bigger than the club.

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Not sure why people still don't want to re-sign Garcia? We have one spot on our list left for an Australian and people want him to fuck off. Football is a business and Richard wants the best deal for himself and his family. Our club will be much better off if we can make the deal with Garcia, instead of some bloke who's been applying his trade in lower leagues of Greek football as mentioned in another thread.

The fans wanted him to stay, and there was support for him being appointed captain. Remember?

He's entitled to do the best he can for himself and his family. No-one has any issue with that. But now that negotiations have broken down he's apparently making false accusations about MHFC. That's the issue here now.

No player is bigger than the club.

Pardon my ignorance but what's the accusations that his made?

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Not sure why people still don't want to re-sign Garcia? We have one spot on our list left for an Australian and people want him to fuck off. Football is a business and Richard wants the best deal for himself and his family. Our club will be much better off if we can make the deal with Garcia, instead of some bloke who's been applying his trade in lower leagues of Greek football as mentioned in another thread.

The fans wanted him to stay, and there was support for him being appointed captain. Remember?

He's entitled to do the best he can for himself and his family. No-one has any issue with that. But now that negotiations have broken down he's apparently making false accusations about MHFC. That's the issue here now.

No player is bigger than the club.

Pardon my ignorance but what's the accusations that his made?



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News to come soon on Garcia, no idea when but it will come I am sure!

I think I will now call him Richie Rich. Spoiled little man

im guessing your source has told you he's off to qatar/uae? How reliable is this source?

You guessed wrong.

I have no idea where he will be going, I get the feeling he doesn't either!

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Not sure why people still don't want to re-sign Garcia? We have one spot on our list left for an Australian and people want him to fuck off. Football is a business and Richard wants the best deal for himself and his family. Our club will be much better off if we can make the deal with Garcia, instead of some bloke who's been applying his trade in lower leagues of Greek football as mentioned in another thread.

The fans wanted him to stay, and there was support for him being appointed captain. Remember?


He's entitled to do the best he can for himself and his family. No-one has any issue with that. But now that negotiations have broken down he's apparently making false accusations about MHFC. That's the issue here now.


No player is bigger than the club.

He has also missed almost half of pre-season. If he really wanted to stay, he would have been there from the start, or at least a week or 2 in. He's missed 8 weeks basically now.

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Some details on Garcia and Heart:


- Garcia demanded a release clause in his contract, despite the fact it was only a 1 year contract, to get released if an Asian club was interested in him. Despite Garcia playing very well for us, no Asian clubs made use of that release clause (http://www.smh.com.au/sport/football/ffa-making-big-mistake-in-refs-exit-20120822-24mov.html?)

- "Since the end of the 2012-13 A-League season, Garcia has reportedly been in his home town of Perth" (http://www.goal.com/en-au/news/4021/a-league/2013/08/03/4162027/richard-garcia-in-heart-limbo)

- Scott Munn said in late June what Garcia himself said in late May, namely that "he's still having a look around (at) what's in the marketplace" (http://www.footballaustralia.com.au/news-display/heart-confident-of-retaining-garcia/69586)

- Heart offered him an upgrade on his previous contract in late May, but Garcia continued "holding out for a more substantial rise" (http://theworldgame.sbs.com.au/news/1152452/garcia-pondering-heart-bypass)

- By late June Heart were offering Garcia what the club judged to be "a really competitive offer" (http://www.footballaustralia.com.au/news-display/heart-confident-of-retaining-garcia/69586)


Garcia was our best player in our worst season, where we finished second last. I think he would be a useful signing, but I don't think he is a signing we need. He is a top professional, who will perform if you sign him up and pay him a wage he's satisfied with, but he hasn't showed much commitment to Heart. IMO, the discussion about Garcia being the preferred captain for next season should be over. He shouldn't captain this club. Indeed, Garcia has been more of a mercenary towards Heart than Kewell, so if it was a toss up between those two over who should be captain IMO Kewell should always be captain.


It looks like we'll have a new international DM, who Heart have described as a capable midfielder who can orchestrate play. If we signed Garcia, he'd be in competition with Murdocca and Germano for the 2nd DM position. I think he could be useful in that role, but we shouldn't cough up too much money for him. Also, we should sort out our other signings first (the international DM and a striker), as they are far more important.

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This may be a harsh truth to face for him but I think Garcia has really overestimated just how important and valuable player he is in australian football, purely by the lack of offers given to him. Getting player of the year for a team like heart who finished second last last season doesn't elevate you to god like status.

He did a great job for us last year and won player of the year, but with Thompson, Fred, colosimo and Bolton on the way out, and Williams and kalmars inconsistency, tadic had poor service, gerhardt was very good but had his moments and our other young players given the tough task of stepping up to a level which they're not quite ready for there was really no competition for him in getting that award.

He was just a descent-good solid player in an extremely unbalanced team. And I think that image is reflected in the fact that he has had no known offers by other clubs.

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Murfy1 & niko, there is a good case in what you say, OTOH given how generally shit our team was across the park last season, we could also argue that his performance will only get better in a team that performs at a higher level. I'd still be keen to sign him.

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Murfy1 & niko, there is a good case in what you say, OTOH given how generally shit our team was across the park last season, we could also argue that his performance will only get better in a team that performs at a higher level. I'd still be keen to sign him.

Tbh as would I. The current situation though doesn't inspire confidence regarding the relationship between Garcia and melbourne heart though.

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Belaguttman, i think you have put your finger right on it he was our best player in a very poor year but aquited himself well. He has i think, over estimated himself after last season and is now finding himself out on a ledge without a safety line, if the club really wants him they should tell the man, this is the offer, it hasn't changed since we last talked take it or leave it . If there is no answer in 48 hours we consider that you are not interested. Then the club can move forward, No player is bigger than the club.

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Belaguttman, i think you have put your finger right on it he was our best player in a very poor year but aquited himself well. He has i think, over estimated himself after last season and is now finding himself out on a ledge without a safety line, if the club really wants him they should tell the man, this is the offer, it hasn't changed since we last talked take it or leave it . If there is no answer in 48 hours we consider that you are not interested. Then the club can move forward, No player is bigger than the club.

The club HAS told him what they're offering, and I'm pretty sure he would be well aware that the offer hasn't changed since then. Secondly the fact that the club is searching for another player indicates they are aware he is not currently interested and are planning accordingly. I don't think heart have been hanging on waiting for him to sign for a while now and have well and truly moved on. The other thing is a club like heart needs to have it's door open at all times for a player like Garcia to come back. During this time we can be searching for another player, as we're doing now. If we don't find that midfielder we are after it will be good if Garcia comes back at any stage of the off season.

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The problem Garcia has is that he isn't young and has a history of serious injury. If I was him I'd also be looking for a good secure final long-term contract, but if I were the club I'd be offering him a 2 year deal max. I still hope that he signs, it'll be good for the club, for him and for the HAL.

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1. Garcia is NOT a marquee player so surely he realised that if he was looking for substantially increased pay - and we don't know that for sure - that any wage gains he made came at the expense of other players' pay - that's what happens with a salary cap limiting the amount of pay to the players.

2. Garcia has been given ample time to sign a new deal. Heart's season ended in March.

3. Garcia reportedly was not training with the club.

4.  Heart have a squad to fill. It's now August. 


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1. Garcia is NOT a marquee player so surely he realised that if he was looking for substantially increased pay - and we don't know that for sure - that any wage gains he made came at the expense of other players' pay - that's what happens with a salary cap limiting the amount of pay to the players.


2. Garcia has been given ample time to sign a new deal. Heart's season ended in March.

3. Garcia reportedly was not training with the club.

4.  Heart have a squad to fill. It's now August. 



and for me this shows how sad the situation is.  Garcia was by far one of the better local / domestic / non-visa players in the A League last season and it now seems he may very well be lost to it for non other than his desire to hold out.


sad for Heart in that they have been quite good to Garcia and the offer can't have been that bad (or else another club would have signed Garcia up for a value closer to Garcia's expectation).

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Still keen to sign him

And I still think we will. No other team has shown intrest in him and we have put a fair offer in front of him. After Garcia gets over himself he'll re-sign just a little later than predicted. The only way he'll leave now is if someone throws a ridiculous amount of money at him

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Had Garruccio and Mauk come to the club i play for today...


i asked if Garcia had trained, played, or anything


Mauk said that they couldnt quite agree to personal terms, and he doesnt think he will sign


however, he has been spotted in docklands 


hes in Perth with family atm

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This topic has become the biggest bore. 


I don't think he fits into the team dynamic as either a midfielder or as a winger anymore, given the way we have signed and the indications JA has given the media. 


Someone commented either here or on Twitter that Garcia was always aloof from the fans after the match and at the post game functions, which selfishly, says to me a lack of commitment to the club.

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Socceroos striker Richard Garcia will not play for Melbourne Heart this season


Matt Windley Herald Sun 6 August 10:00pm


RICHARD Garcia will not play for Melbourne Heart next season.


Heart had been in protracted negotiations with last season's best-and-fairest winner about a new deal, but those talks have recently ended with no chance of resuming.


It is understood Heart has made several offers to Garcia and his management since the second half of last season, but all have been knocked back.


Money is at the heart of the issue as Heart was unable to meet the 31-year-old's wage demands for more than $400,000 a season.


The 17-times capped Socceroo joined Heart on a one-year deal before the start of last season and went on to score six goals in 24 games.


It is believed Heart has turned its attentions to securing a central midfielder from one of Europe's top leagues.


Heart has two international spots available on its roster and one for an Australian player.


It is in no rush to finalise its playing list as it tries to improve on last season's disappointing ninth-placed finish, but Heart hopes talks with the unnamed central midfielder progress to the point of having him in Melbourne before the end of the month. The season kicks off on October 11.


Garcia told SBS at the weekend he did not know where he would be playing.


"Negotiations are on hold so I'm looking for a club, really," Garcia said.


"I have not really pitched myself anywhere except at Heart, so I cannot even tell you where I would like to play next.


"I've got to put some feelers out and we shall see if any club is prepared to take me on."


The former Hull City striker still harbours aspirations to play at next year's World Cup.


He has been linked to Perth Glory, his home-town club.


Garcia's family remained in Perth while he played in Melbourne last season.


Melbourne Heart officials declined to comment on the Garcia situation when contacted on Tuesday.





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He said that we have left him club-less, even after we wouldve made him a reasonable offer.


i doubt Perth would give him that much anyways....




Had Garruccio and Mauk come to the club i play for today...


i asked if Garcia had trained, played, or anything


Mauk said that they couldnt quite agree to personal terms, and he doesnt think he will sign


however, he has been spotted in docklands 


hes in Perth with family atm





nicotera5 > Matt Windley



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