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A league shit cunts.


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Alright, im bored. Thought this would be an interesting topic. Who do people think are the biggest hacks/spuds/flogs/duds/flops etc to have ever played in the a league? You know the players where you see them and think, how the fuck can you be a professional football player?

Let me start with a couple off the top of my head.

Connor Pain.

Geria (tards rb).

Seb Ryall.

Matt Thompson (second half of his career).


Mark Bridge (not enough goals for how good is he supposed to be).

Jason Trifiro.

Kristian Sarkies.

Steyne Hyssegums.

The new perth striker McLaren.

Rodrigo Vargas.

Archie Thompson.

The number 2 victory keeper, Lawrence or something?

Dino Kressinger.

Im sure there is more I have forgotten.

Also mods if name of thread is too obscene, feel free to change it.

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Leandro Love or what ever the fuck his name is

Yes. This was the fella I was thinking of originally when I started the thread last night.


I too was going to say Leandro Love ahahaha, biggest spud of all time.


Other contenders: 

- Mario Jardel

- Kruno Lovrek

- Fabio

- Alex Smith

- Simon Colosimo

- Nicky Ward

- Diego

- Andrezinho

- Andrew Packer

- Chris Doig

- Marko Jesic

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Bruno Cazarine.

Danny Tiatto

Charlie Miller (tbf he wasn't atrocious)

Michael 'Forehead' Petkovic

And who could forget the man/myth/legend Francis Jeffers

Was going to give Bruno Cazarine a mention as well but then I checked out his stats and he has the best goal scoring record of a Sydney FC player other than ADP of all time... although that probably says more about the smurfs than it does Bruno Cazarine ahaha.

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The 3 life members of this prestigious club at the moment are:

1. Leandro Love

2. Francis Jeffers

3. Ricardhino.

All 3 were and still are, hands down, without a doubt, no arguments, out and out shit cunts.

Next batch of contenders for life membership include Jason Geria (potential renaming of the thread to salute his uselessness), our own Hoff, Nicky Ward and Connor Pain.

Keep the nominations coming

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Not forgetting whtsisname Meeuuiss or something like that was absolutely useless!!


I disagree. I think Meeuwis was one who suffered from our style of play. I agree he was a little rusty, but he did something that none of our midfielders ever did and that was present himself to the defence, yet they just lobbed the ball over his head.


If we don't change coach and our style of play continues would it be right to say that Mifsud is useless? Because at the moment he isn't doing anything, but is it his fault?

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Not forgetting whtsisname Meeuuiss or something like that was absolutely useless!!

I disagree. I think Meeuwis was one who suffered from our style of play. I agree he was a little rusty, but he did something that none of our midfielders ever did and that was present himself to the defence, yet they just lobbed the ball over his head.

If we don't change coach and our style of play continues would it be right to say that Mifsud is useless? Because at the moment he isn't doing anything, but is it his fault? Respect your elders son. Johnocpfc is god. I like him.

And yes well done kingofhearts. Kaz patafta more like Kaz potato. See what I did there?

(Cos hes a spud)

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Not forgetting whtsisname Meeuuiss or something like that was absolutely useless!!


I disagree. I think Meeuwis was one who suffered from our style of play. I agree he was a little rusty, but he did something that none of our midfielders ever did and that was present himself to the defence, yet they just lobbed the ball over his head.


If we don't change coach and our style of play continues would it be right to say that Mifsud is useless? Because at the moment he isn't doing anything, but is it his fault?


Meeuwis was barely given a chance imo, he came over with a strong pedigree and would have been massive for us this season with the presence of Wielaert and Engelaar around the club.


But it's true, it's our style of play which is poor. 

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