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MHFC Fan Forum - May 24 2012 @ La Trobe Uni (Confirmed by Club Email)


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Whatever else is said the unveiling of Bolton as some kind of big signing is embarrassing. I hate bullshit marketing that treats us like idiots.

I must say that right now today is the lowest ebb I have ever felt for the future of this club. I have never missed a home game and I have no plans to miss one in the future but they need to get their shit together. Do they realise this is war? That 9000 members this year is probably a bigger challenge than winning the league?

It was one tweet. They've hardly made a song and dace about it. Maybe should've said 'squad announcement' rather than 'major announcement'.

And I've got no idea what could have come out of last night that's made people so negative. The feeling I had being there was pretty positive.

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From someone who was there, when JvS told them he was leaving it was discussed by the board that Milicic would take over, what they didn't expect was that Aloisi improved so much and did well with the NYL. After doing their presentations and a number of mental tests it was decided that Aloisi was a little bit in front of Milicic and he also had ALOT more potential. I don't know what everybody's problem is, I left the fan forum feeling very good about the club and the future, JD is the man you want looking for players and the club is very critical and admit when they make mistakes. If we can break even this year and next year we get a good TV deal we are going to be able to invest in the club and if we get these new facility's I can see our club going to be a power house in the league! Start recruiting boys!!!!!

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I There was also talk of a better member get member offer this time. But quite rightly, the main way to attract fans and members is to win - especially at home.

Winning-specifically winning at home is the key. As is playing entertaining football. We played a handful of good games but back passing to the keeper more than any other team in the history of football is not what people will pay money to watch.

Having Milicic learn under JVS has turned out to be a pointless waste of time and money, and its all the boards doing. If they appointed Milicic we could have had both Aloisi and Milicic at the club. Monumental fuck up bu the baord.

Big names are high risk, so I'm not fussed, but acquiring a Flores, Broich or Hernandez would just as effective compared to a name who spends most of his time with the physios.

We won't get 9000 members, we won't even get that as a match day attendance, derby excepted.

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It was one tweet. They've hardly made a song and dace about it. Maybe should've said 'squad announcement' rather than 'major announcement'.

And I've got no idea what could have come out of last night that's made people so negative. The feeling I had being there was pretty positive.

From someone who was there, when JvS told them he was leaving it was discussed by the board that Milicic would take over, what they didn't expect was that Aloisi improved so much and did well with the NYL. After doing their presentations and a number of mental tests it was decided that Aloisi was a little bit in front of Milicic and he also had ALOT more potential. I don't know what everybody's problem is, I left the fan forum feeling very good about the club and the future, JD is the man you want looking for players and the club is very critical and admit when they make mistakes. If we can break even this year and next year we get a good TV deal we are going to be able to invest in the club and if we get these new facility's I can see our club going to be a power house in the league! Start recruiting boys!!!!!

It's really good to get this positive feedback from supporters who were able to attend the Forum (I couldn't go - did some research for someone who felt I needed a reward so took us to dinner - and chose last night). So thank you.

I suspect that the negative feelings come because supporters see Perth, Newcastle, Sydney, Central Coast signing players, while we have lost our complete inaugural coaching team, Goodwin's gone, look like losing Eli Babalj, Curtis Good is still in Newcastle (UK) etc. etc...and the perception is that we're not doing much about it. I emphasise perception. Unless addressed, perception becomes reality. Without facts rumours become reality.

I think that the best thing the club could do right now is to pump positive messages into my inbox by way of a weekly e-mail. It really doesn't matter what the e-mail says as long as it's positive - when does Redders arrive, how's Curtis going in Newcastle, how's the Babalj business going, where did the boys go on the break, how's JA going in Europe, etc. etc. There's no need to give away secrets, but there is a need to keep supporters interested, motivated and positive. Don't want corporate and PR crap, don't want the latest vogue words, don't want the buzzwords - want to be addressed as a real person and made to feel wanted.

IMO this would address the negativity.

Edited by jw1739
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Good will be playing with Heart next year 99% Babalj is greater then 50% to go (if he wants) the boys get back from holiday on June 4th which is when golgol starts his trial (he also has a few injuries to take care of).

Sounds likes Williams has been given a kick up the ass, was also interesting to see him listed as a striker last night, I thought he came to the club to play on the wing (same as Dugaznic).

Our home game vs Visitards will (hopefully) forever be on the Saturday before Xmas (Xmas is on Monday this year so we play 2 days b4 it).

NYL will be the same as last year but will change the year after.

W-league team by 13/14.

The club is hoping to assist with more buses to away game to SA & NSW.

Club hoping to put on another night in the next few months to get supporters to come togeather and put out ideas for advertising.

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So we lost about $2.5m last year and we're going to break even by signing an extra 2k members ? hmm something doesn't quite add up there

With JvS and Ante(not that he would have been on anything near JvS) gone there should be heaps more cash to be saved. Could probably hire 5 or 6 average coaches for the $700k that JvS was on.

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Heres and idea: Start an advertising campaign of any kind. Should be better than a red bus.

You need a targeted market not just put a stupid add on the tv and wait for people to sign up, they will be working hard to get members to sign back up (price freeze on tickets for last years members) and also members signing members up for rewards (unlike last years 100 it will be 1-5 and you get club merch etc).

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The forum was professional and positive and members should be appreciative of the event and the opportunity to access some high profile members of the corporate team.

The fact that the club is focusing on establishing a culture and a series of philosophies that show great respect for the game will only assist in the creation of a great foundation that the club can build upon, and those that have been there from the start have the unique opportunity of being part of what eventually will become an internationally recognised football club (thanks to Curtis Good and Eli both Newcastle and Red Star now know of us).

This approach is polar opposite to Victory whose board run a totalitarian type regime, never feeling the need to justify their actions to their supporters.

Some items of note from last night:

1. The club's long term future at Latrobe is dependant upon major upgrades to the facilities, that would also be of regional benefit. Along with servicing the club's need, elements of these facilities would be open to the public and also service disabled athletes, for which in the ever growing northern region, is apparently a major gap. The club's objective of obtaining Government funding would be boosted by as many people / groups / schools, etc hassling their local member (especially those in the northern region) with regards to the importance of such a facility.

2. The CEO is intending to engage with a small group of members (from those who attended the forum) to work on a membership drive / advertising campaign for next season.

3. The CEO outlined to the board's commitment to offer up a small percentage of the club as fan ownership in the form of small packages ($500 per package was the figure detailed). The owners of these packages would then have a representative that sat at board level.

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No mention of Grella. Well suppose it was funny for some on here to mention him. Small things, small minds etc.

Thing that worries me is the no plan to increase member/supporters. I haven't heard any viable plan from the club in growing its membership and fan base. This worries me and all the people got tonight was two officials talking and preaching about the club. Of course most will have a spring in their step as they feel privileged to hear from these two in an intimate setting, but from what I have read from the transcript is just preaching.

No big name signing? Yep, that'll draw the crowd in Scott and John. Hmmmm.

Where are our balls in ringing Newcastle United and saying "hey, we had a player trial with you, is he in or out cause we have to sort our shit out and can't wait for you, either make an offer or stfu". No we'd rather sit on our hands and then complain about communication.

I think our club lacks balls.

Unfortunately of course JD backs the club in finding young talent. With our financial situation and inability to find any fans, combined with our lack of balls, we can only try and recruit youngsters under the prefix that this is our philosophy. Fact is we have under performed since our inception on and off the field and things do not look like they are improving.

The club will struggle to get to 9,000 members. Shit they would be lucky to average that attendance (without the inflated derby crowd numbers).

Also for the guy who was tweeting from the fan forum and announced a "Major announcement" LOL. Shithouse PR. This will smack our club back in the face when the rest of the country goes...what? That's it? Gee that Heart is a joke. They are already doing it now on FFT.

Club needs to improve in every facet, starting with the way the club is run.

I dont understand where your coming from with Hearts "underacheivement"??? First season were we expected to make finals? No. Our goals were to establish the right mix of players, the right structure, the right style of play in order to make finals in the second year. Second season our goal was to make finals. Did we acheive that? Yes. As far as I see it we have done everything we have set out to do besides the membership side of it.

The "biggest" thing that is going to attract people to come to the game is winning at home. There is absolutely no point having a big name 39 year old player and still losing. Like with Kewel the buzz will wear off.

With regards to your reference of attracting young talent, besides the obvious beneftis to the game, football in Australia etc there are major benefits to Heart as well. At the moment we have Babalj 50/50 with going to red star. Now some figures from 700k to 900k have been thrown around regarding his transfer. Firstly, Scott Munn stated that they would definitely have setup an agreement in the contract that any future transfers of Babalj the club (MHFC) would get a percentage of the sale. So if after red star Babalj goes onto bigger and better things and lets say gets a contract of 5 million MHFC will get a percentage of that which will allow the club to make better purchases. The same can be said about about Curtis Good, he too will go onto bigger and better things, and the club will get a percentage of that for the rest of his career. So there is an massive advantage to signing these young guys which allows us to not only develop young player but also set the club up for the future and will allow us to buy better players.

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I think that the best thing the club could do right now is to pump positive messages into my inbox by way of a weekly e-mail. It really doesn't matter what the e-mail says as long as it's positive - when does Redders arrive, how's Curtis going in Newcastle, how's the Babalj business going, where did the boys go on the break, how's JA going in Europe, etc. etc. There's no need to give away secrets, but there is a need to keep supporters interested, motivated and positive. Don't want corporate and PR crap, don't want the latest vogue words, don't want the buzzwords - want to be addressed as a real person and made to feel wanted.

IMO this would address the negativity.

I think you're right, and hopefully some more engagement will start happening soon. I think one thing to keep in mind though is that the club doesn't have a lot of staff, and everyone needs to take annual leave. The period after the finish of the season is probably the quietest time because it's the best time for most people to take a break. Hopefully gearing up for good news and more stories as the next season approaches.

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Was the confirmed two home derbies true or just a joke?

No fixturing issues were announced except that we've requested to host the derby just before Christmas again. Also, will be 13 home, 13 away, and 1 regional match again. Probably wont be in Morwell. Possibly Bendigo, Ballarat, maybe Geelong. We'll play pre-season games in places like Shepparton and Langwarrin again.

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No fixturing issues were announced except that we've requested to host the derby just before Christmas again. Also, will be 13 home, 13 away, and 1 regional match again. Probably wont be in Morwell. Possibly Bendigo, Ballarat, maybe Geelong. We'll play pre-season games in places like Shepparton and Langwarrin again.

Pizza Hut for pre game (Y)
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in regards to more than a 50% chance of selling babalj, did JD or SM mention anything about the possibility on getting him back on loan for 1 season

They mentioned that every possible transfer type option, that is everything that is discussed on social media, would be considered if the club was to let a young player go, inlcuding a loan back, however, they did say that they thought that the Amini exercise was not considered a success by Borussia Dortmund. JD did say that they would try to get a future transfer % fee for a player released under contract to an overseas club.

They also said that the club is always bigger than they individual and that based on the philosophy of the club, they would never hold back a young player from an overseas move, and that ultimately, if the club can produce the calibre of player that is contracted by Newcastle or Red Star, the Melbourne Heart brand grows and becomes internationally renowned.

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If Amini was able to do it with Borussia Dortmund, surely we could do it with Red Star


$500,000 would be a lot more to Red Star than Dortmund these days...

It would have been a different case in the past before the Bosman Ruling and the Modern Champions League destroyed true competitive European Football.

Edited by cadete
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I have to agree with those suggesting results are more important than star players. Last season we took a number of people to games, let them use our passes when we were on holiday (shhhhhh) and utilised the free tickets for guests of members.

When we were second on the ladder people wanted to come to games and people at work wanted to talk Melbourne Heart. That dropped off when the boys went away with the olympic team and Fred was injured and results turned south.

We need a side that will play attractive football and finish it off in the final third of the pitch.

Hopefully this season.

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They also said that the club is always bigger than they individual and that based on the philosophy of the club, they would never hold back a young player from an overseas move, and that ultimately, if the club can produce the calibre of player that is contracted by Newcastle or Red Star, the Melbourne Heart brand grows and becomes internationally renowned.

I don't know what to think anymore. Sidwell said last year we won't be a 'feeder club' for big european clubs and then this year they're saying they aren't going to stand in the way of a player leaving even though he is our best goal scoring option. They said next year babalj could leave on a free and could cost the club up to 600k when it really isn't that much for Babalj, however it essentially wouldn't 'cost' anything, they just wouldn't be gaining anything either. They might see it as 'gaining' 600k, but in the end they have just lost potentially 15+ goals next season from a player sitting pretty much on basic wages.

We pride ourselves on developing young players and finding the next 'harry kewell' or 'mark viduka', and lets be honest the investors in the a-league clubs aren't in this to make a profit, so the transfer fee shouldn't be too much of a concern, especially when it's 500k. Since we are taking this approach of bringing up youth, the club should think well would red star belgrade be the best move for babalj's development at this point in time? or is it better for him, if we wait another season, give him the best possible support in the players around him, make him win the golden boot and possibly the league, the clubs will be coming from everywhere.

Amini and Langerak ended up at the top team in Germany, i think everyone thought babalj would end up playing at the same level.

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But what if these wins are unattractive??? :o

Fair point. I thought I implied results are important to draw new supporters. A scrappy win is better than a loss but the likes of Barca today are more enjoyable to watch than say Arsenal under George Grahame and both systems get results.

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I read yesterday that the Serbian league is ranked 28th In Europe, and there really are only two significant clubs in it - Red Star and Partisan.

Amini and Langerak have got themselves gigs with the top club in the Bundesliga, way above the Serbian league.

So in Babalj's case it's questionable as to whether he would be making the right move. Warm the bench in Serbia, or develop his skills and reputation with another season in the A-League?

Actually not an easy call for him, and it's really up to him in the end.

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Okay I'm calmer now. I was just disappointed with the Bolton signing as I'm not a fan.

As for Babalj: letting him go if he wants to is the right decision. Who wants an unhappy Babalj in the team? Also look at Roar: they let players leave when they want to and that's worked out okay for them.

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I think there's some confusion about this. Last year's target was 7,500. Next year's is 9,000.

From what I have read from a couple of blogs about the night, particularly from Matthew Galea I think the guys name is who is a talented writer, the aim was 9,000 this year and we failed.

Nonetheless even at 7,500 we failed to reach even that. The key word is failed.

All I am hearing is marketing is what will bring in the crowd numbers. This technique is good in consumption with other avenues. What are we marketing it as that differs from outsiders perceptions from this season? How will this marketing relate to new people who may not be totally interested in the game? What will create a buzz in Melbourne that will make people take note of our club? Surely not just marketing? Surely not just John Aloisi?

I think Scott Munn thinks or expects people to just turn up if our message is different. This won't work. We have been in the competition now two years and made little gain in members, so we need something that causes a stir and a buzz to turn people's heads. They are marketing to football people? Sorry again, but if football people haven't jumped on in the first two years when we were new and exciting, why would they jump on now just because we market differently?

I am just confused by this as an obviously smart man in Scott seems to think doing the same thing will create different results?

4,000,000 people to target and get the attention of. Getting a big name would have caused a stir with most of them. Marketing differently? Don't think it will register at all.

I sure as hope we reach 9,000 members, for the sake of our club and Scott Munn.

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People forget that we do alot of work with children and teens (40,000 over last two years) that could be 5-10k paying members in 10-15 years, I would be happy with 7.5-8k members next year tbh, steady increase is good (better then victorys steady decrease) and then after next season get Breshiano and we go up to 10-13k members, it's difficult to pluck members out of thin air, you can't just made ads and put stuff on the radio, you have to WIN!

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From what I have read from a couple of blogs about the night, particularly from Matthew Galea I think the guys name is who is a talented writer, the aim was 9,000 this year and we failed.

Nonetheless even at 7,500 we failed to reach even that. The key word is failed.

All I am hearing is marketing is what will bring in the crowd numbers. This technique is good in consumption with other avenues. What are we marketing it as that differs from outsiders perceptions from this season? How will this marketing relate to new people who may not be totally interested in the game? What will create a buzz in Melbourne that will make people take note of our club? Surely not just marketing? Surely not just John Aloisi?

I think Scott Munn thinks or expects people to just turn up if our message is different. This won't work. We have been in the competition now two years and made little gain in members, so we need something that causes a stir and a buzz to turn people's heads. They are marketing to football people? Sorry again, but if football people haven't jumped on in the first two years when we were new and exciting, why would they jump on now just because we market differently?

I am just confused by this as an obviously smart man in Scott seems to think doing the same thing will create different results?

4,000,000 people to target and get the attention of. Getting a big name would have caused a stir with most of them. Marketing differently? Don't think it will register at all.

I sure as hope we reach 9,000 members, for the sake of our club and Scott Munn.

I'm not sure what you're getting at. Building a great club takes a lot of hard work over many years. There's no magic bullet. And what we do on the park will determine the club's success more than anything else. We need to keep working hard and build gradually year upon year.

I've read some really good ideas from you in the past about what the club can do to reach out to people and get them involved. You should get your ideas together and email them to the club. Based on last night, they will be interested in any constructive ideas.

But don't expect that a high profile marquee will have any long term benefit. The best marquee in the A League has probably been Dwight Yorke and Sydney won the championship when he was there. But they've always had modest crowds despite being the only club in Australia's biggest city. To keep things in perspective, the bottom line is that the A League as a whole has a fairly low profile in the Australian sporting marketplace. That will take time to change.

Edit: Actually, Bresciano would be good. But there's a big difference between making headlines and getting people to identify with the club and follow it.

Edited by Sash
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I never even knew this forum was on.

That's the first mistake. I'm a member and barely get any information on the heart. I rely on google news to find out what going on.

I find the idea to hold such an event to be very promising, and a great initiative.

I would love to know what the relationship is between la tribe Uni and the club. In my opinion the heart has a great opportunity to link in with the Uni, particularly foreign students.

If I was involved in the heart management, I would encourage a cross over between the club and teaching. The sports administration students can use the heart operation as case studies. The media students can assist in promotion and coverage. Computer studies students can help engineer programs to help log and store sports data etc. physio students can help gain experience. Sports phycologists can add value etc. the list goes on. This concept can help establish a strong sports administration division within the university, while also gaining access to over 40,000 students as potential supporters.

We can even have the Unis media department broadcast the game on community radio- thus offerings the students experience but also offering exposure for the club. We can also have the media department produce pod casts or video clips etc. when I completed Uni, practical experience was difficult to obtain. Here the Uni has a professional football club which can offer its students real life experience. To me it's a win win for all parties involved. To think the above is very promenant in American college systems.

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I never even knew this forum was on.

That's the first mistake. I'm a member and barely get any information on the heart. I rely on google news to find out what going on.

I find the idea to hold such an event to be very promising, and a great initiative.

I would love to know what the relationship is between la tribe Uni and the club. In my opinion the heart has a great opportunity to link in with the Uni, particularly foreign students.

If I was involved in the heart management, I would encourage a cross over between the club and teaching. The sports administration students can use the heart operation as case studies. The media students can assist in promotion and coverage. Computer studies students can help engineer programs to help log and store sports data etc. physio students can help gain experience. Sports phycologists can add value etc. the list goes on. This concept can help establish a strong sports administration division within the university, while also gaining access to over 40,000 students as potential supporters.

We can even have the Unis media department broadcast the game on community radio- thus offerings the students experience but also offering exposure for the club. We can also have the media department produce pod casts or video clips etc. when I completed Uni, practical experience was difficult to obtain. Here the Uni has a professional football club which can offer its students real life experience. To me it's a win win for all parties involved. To think the above is very promenant in American college systems.


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I don't know what to think anymore. Sidwell said last year we won't be a 'feeder club' for big european clubs and then this year they're saying they aren't going to stand in the way of a player leaving even though he is our best goal scoring option. They said next year babalj could leave on a free and could cost the club up to 600k when it really isn't that much for Babalj, however it essentially wouldn't 'cost' anything, they just wouldn't be gaining anything either. They might see it as 'gaining' 600k, but in the end they have just lost potentially 15+ goals next season from a player sitting pretty much on basic wages.

He's worth what... 500,000? Let him go on a free end of next season? That free's up that 500,000 in the cap. Sell him on... 600,000+ whilst still in contract... hmm so that's 500,000 free'd up in the cap for another player or two (depending on what they're targeting) as well as another 600,000+ that goes back into the club coffers (helping to 'break even' and be utilised in other areas, hmm, perhaps developing the much required upgrade of the la trobe training facilities). The club said last night they've found these types of players before they are confident they will find them again. As far as Sidwell saying we wont be a feeder club I find that hard to believe considering this is the A-League. Whether he said that or not, this is the most professional league this country has and players will come and go as their level of development increases (maybe not for Williams).

From what I have read from a couple of blogs about the night, particularly from Matthew Galea I think the guys name is who is a talented writer, the aim was 9,000 this year and we failed.

Nonetheless even at 7,500 we failed to reach even that. The key word is failed.

Munn admitted they had failed... although the target was only 7,500 and they were 700 off this target. However, they did have a 14% increase on prior year IIRC and any business that can increase on prior year has achieved somewhat of a good job at what they are doing. I believe 9,000 for next season is a modest target which is totally achievable. It would be nice to go from 7000 members to 25,000 overnight but that's just plain unrealistic.

All I am hearing is marketing is what will bring in the crowd numbers. This technique is good in consumption with other avenues. What are we marketing it as that differs from outsiders perceptions from this season? How will this marketing relate to new people who may not be totally interested in the game? What will create a buzz in Melbourne that will make people take note of our club? Surely not just marketing? Surely not just John Aloisi?

Wrong. Marketing wasn't the only thing discussed to increase crowd numbers and memberships. A big name is not going to get fans through the gate.... Harry Who? Dwight Yorke? Robbie Fowler? Might have worked for two to three games but where are those fans now? What I found particularly interesting was that from an initial database of 30,000 people registering their interest in the club from its inception the club has a lot of work to do. As Munn said that's 30,000 people that follow Heart, 24,000 plus people that are 'potential members'. That's a pretty good starting block IMO. The football department was also discussed as reasons for people coming to the games... notably our good run leading into Christmas and the swell in crowd numbers at both the Wednesday Adelaide fixture and CCM game. We didn't have a 'big name' then, we were playing good football. Those additional people at those games left not having been entertained.

I think Scott Munn thinks or expects people to just turn up if our message is different. This won't work. We have been in the competition now two years and made little gain in members, so we need something that causes a stir and a buzz to turn people's heads. They are marketing to football people? Sorry again, but if football people haven't jumped on in the first two years when we were new and exciting, why would they jump on now just because we market differently?

Little gain? How much of an expectation in membership swell do you have from one season to the next? Won't believe that any positive gain in membership is a failure. We're doing the right things... the bones of the squad is decent enough just need some added younger talent to build on that and win home matches and we'll be alright.

All we needed was a home final... without the tards in the finals... and you would have seen a better turnout at AAMI...

I'm confident we're headed in a good direction :)

Edited by Myki
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I think you're right, and hopefully some more engagement will start happening soon. I think one thing to keep in mind though is that the club doesn't have a lot of staff, and everyone needs to take annual leave. The period after the finish of the season is probably the quietest time because it's the best time for most people to take a break. Hopefully gearing up for good news and more stories as the next season approaches.

+1 jw, not by 14 year old tweeting either.

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I never even knew this forum was on.

That's the first mistake. I'm a member and barely get any information on the heart. I rely on google news to find out what going on.

I find the idea to hold such an event to be very promising, and a great initiative.

I would love to know what the relationship is between la tribe Uni and the club. In my opinion the heart has a great opportunity to link in with the Uni, particularly foreign students.

If I was involved in the heart management, I would encourage a cross over between the club and teaching. The sports administration students can use the heart operation as case studies. The media students can assist in promotion and coverage. Computer studies students can help engineer programs to help log and store sports data etc. physio students can help gain experience. Sports phycologists can add value etc. the list goes on. This concept can help establish a strong sports administration division within the university, while also gaining access to over 40,000 students as potential supporters.

We can even have the Unis media department broadcast the game on community radio- thus offerings the students experience but also offering exposure for the club. We can also have the media department produce pod casts or video clips etc. when I completed Uni, practical experience was difficult to obtain. Here the Uni has a professional football club which can offer its students real life experience. To me it's a win win for all parties involved. To think the above is very promenant in American college systems.

I had assumed that the club was doing this, or in the process of integrating with the Uni already. If not, I'm speechless...... Such an opportunity wasted.

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Forgive me if I'm wrong, but if we sell Babalj and Good for, let's say $900,000 in total, we don't then get $900,000 extra to buy players in our cap. The cap stays the same $2.5 mil or whatever it is, correct? Good and Babalj would not be earning very much at all ATM. Perhaps $75,000 a year?

My point is, if Heart are against buying players outside the cap, we have very little hope of recruiting anyone of any real skill to cover these 2 positions. Which striker and cb could we get for $75 a piece?

Maybe I'm incorrect and any money the club earns through transfers in added to the cap.

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No, but there is plent of room to move.

Terra, Srhoj and Worm where all top earners $200k+.

Sarkies, Roganovic, Zahra, Ibra & Taseski where on a combined 320k.

Good is not leaving and Babalj would be on around 60-80k.

Last seasons squad was also more then 100k under the cap.

So this means we have well over $1m of cap room remaining (however the will set around 250k aside as a safety net).

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