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Melbourne Football

Torn Asunder

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Everything posted by Torn Asunder

  1. Good atmosphere... decent turnout from Geelong ... ref is shite. Berisha looks the real deal, along with Lam.
  2. On the verge of his second World Cup, Socceroos veteran Aziz Behich is just trying to take it all in https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-10-06/aziz-behich-is-grateful-for-it-all/101478734?utm_campaign=abc_news_web&utm_content=link&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_source=abc_news_web Absolute champion ... loved watching him play for us back in the day. He was a warrior on the pitch and always gave 100%. Hope he has a great World Cup
  3. CFG getting some more global exposure 🤦‍♂️ https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-life/royals/man-wearing-australian-football-team-shirt-arrested-for-heckling-prince-andrew/news-story/d95760df9a87b0cd2d0293a516846324
  4. A shitty loss against a team that shouldn't be playing in the Australia Cup ... well that was no surprise!! However, if our new recruits, and best starting 11 doesn't lift our performances (despite the idiocy of our coach), then this game is a harbinger of our season to come. Two things summed it up for me. 1 - Galloway half heartily warming up in the 80th minute, and showing zero interest or effort as he knew that he was not coming on, even though the game called for some fresh legs 2 - in the 4th minute of stoppage time, with the wind at our backs, we had free kick just back from the 1/2 way line ... rather than getting everyone forward for one last set piece attack via a long ball, the ball is meekly passed into midfield, then return passed back to the free kick taker ... then whistle blows ... What the actual fucking fuck? We really are that dumb as a team in not being able to recognise that sometime a Plan B is needed! Already starting to regret my membership renewal
  5. who got free Paramount? Even as a member, we only got a discount on it last season ...
  6. Makes total sense that Wellington are in the Australia Cup. I guess Australia was allowed to compete in Eurovision
  7. To remind myself not to get overhyped, I just read through the Pucciarelli thread (so much optimism at the start), but a true life tragedy! It all depends on how PK rates him, otherwise may just end up as another witches hat at training
  8. This is very well said. How frustrating must it be for a player to be in the squad, do all the work at training, be named on the bench, see that the game situation is calling out for an impact sub, but then be given very little to ZERO game time (regardless of the ultimate result) ... Especially when the likes of Jammo or Leckie, and even JMac, are played till they are so stuffed that they are providing a negative contribution. This approach deprives players of chances, but also of hope ... they would feel that they will have no chance to make a positive contribution, as well as not be able to actually do the job that is their paid profession. And with a short career window of opportunity for most players, to be frozen out, with no real chance of things changing would be devastating
  9. For a kid with raw talent, who could absolutely come on and create attacking opportunities, and who was developed by the club, as a true fan of the team he played for, it would have been devastating to watch from the bench week after week, especially when he knew the game needed a spark ... only to not get any real chance or minutes ... no minutes in the GF either. I remember a game where he ran on for about 15 seconds, then the final whistle went Fuck the way PK managed this kid. Killed a crucial year of his development. I don't blame him for leaving ... I hope he scores against us, runs to PK and stares him down.
  10. If you look at this year compared to last in terms of tactics and use of subs its chalk and cheese. I think we really missed Des Buckingham. I actually think he was the brains for the team last year, with Paddy being the one to fire the boys up. I've mentioned it before, but the assistant coaches seemed to have very little say or influence this year. I saw some disharmony on the sidelines when the tried to get PKs attention about subs, to the point where they looked to have cracked it. I also noticed that this year, our LB / RB didn't come inside as much, and we were always reluctant to attack through the middle. I remember many times when we had the ball in transition, and looked good for an attack, only to pass it sideways, often twice, which 99/100 killed any attacking momentum. Personally, I just don't think he has it in him ... he has regressed, and when it came to the crunch, on pretty much every occasion he failed.
  11. PK needs to be gone. He is a spud
  12. No hysterics required. Outplayed and outcoached. Tonight all our team's and coach's shortcomings were brutally exposed. We were never in it. As easy as you like for WU who deserved to win.
  13. I'd start same line up as against Adelaide, with Griff in from Gomulka. Tillio comes on as an impact player. Flo may have 70 minutes max in his legs. Leckie can go to 10 when he comes off. Leckie is a big game player and seems to have hit form at the right time. Nabbout also is due a goal. I hope we can blow em out of the water in the first 30 If things go pear shaped, Bos needs to come on at the same time as Tillio. Also, if we need to lock down a lead, Gomulka then should get some minutes
  14. OK, I have my tickets (four in fact) and havent missed a home game all season. Firstly, the ticket prices are way too facken high! After you've forked out for a membership, and with living cost high, covid impacts, yadda yadda yadda, its not priced for the everyday punter. Secondly, I'm pissed to see the league now offering discounts to get more numbers .... what about the die hard true fans, shouldn't they get some reward? Third, I'm even more pissed that Maccas are doing free family passes to the GF (via their app) if you spend $15 or more on food ... WTF? If the league was smart (which they aint), they would have priced this to sell out. With tickets so expensive, and with it being on FTA TV, now they have made a rod for their own back. Its an embarrassment that you can get 80k theatre goers to watch Barcelona play a warm up game, and they cant work out how to sell out a GF. Piss Poor
  15. Also, the catering was better! I sat in GA (normally on the wing) and food choices were pretty good. I wonder if this is just for finals or whether we got the NRL caterers
  16. In between the hysterics, this forum offers intelligent criticisms and often lands on the truth. Far better than mainstream media or social media. For instance, the failings of PK and Glover this season have been rightly discussed. Also when things go well, like on the weekend when PK gets it right with tactics and subs, this is also reflected.
  17. With O'Neil and Flo out, we've completely lost the ability to play with any intent through the midfield. Most our goal chances are coming out wide. If Frenchie is unavailable for game 2, I think Leckie offer more than Tillio in behind the striker. Play Tillio out wide instead. Also, Bos maybe starts ahead of Jammo for his attacking ability ...
  18. They can warm up together on the sidelines
  19. Does anyone know his total minutes in the regular season games?
  20. I think our service to him hasnt been as good this year ... too many crazy attacks, not enough classy build up
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