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Torn Asunder

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Everything posted by Torn Asunder

  1. Response on the socials are scathing
  2. Jobs for the boys. Very insipid signing. I hope he proves me wrong, but FMD, very disappointing
  3. Its taken me a while to get to the forum to post after this game ... but for context I attended every home game this season, and also watched every minute of all our away games (and was at this final). I also watched all of Vidmar's pressers. We got the result our season deserved. Not only that, the icing on the cake was the we provided the Tards with arguably their most famous Victory. My summation of the season is simple. Too many changes pre season, squad issues during the season (injuries and departures), and IMO probably the worst coach we've had. Vidmar is horribly negative and boring and brings nothing fresh to our club, and no doubt this negative style then influences the entire fabric of the club. I think we need some fresh blood in terms of recruitment, and we need the best coach in the league (whoever that is, I don't know, but for the love of all things sane, it should not be Vidmar or PK). Bring on 2025
  4. Leckie is a gun and we are lucky to have him
  5. 100% agree. All season we have been better when Ugarkovic isn't in midfield and Talbot isn't at right back
  6. Jeggo needs to stop kicking the ball over his head to no one ... even when he has got time, control it and make a pass!! Really enjoyed the unbiased commentary 🤣 Post game and they still think WSW can win it. JMac really can't deliver on the counter ..
  7. Hopefully CFG learns from this season that you cannot eviscerate a squad and then expect results, regardless of who you bring in. We should always be in a rebuilding/strengthening phase. Not good enough to have been caught out by roster issues ...
  8. Tilio out with a quad strain. Nuno also out. Need Lecks to get a half. No news on Andy Nabout?
  9. Newcastle 100% parked the bus and only really tried to score from free kicks They were setup based on countering how we played against WSW, which meant they were ready for our more speedy attacks through midfield We pretty much bossed them but just couldn't score ... it does happen, and was very frustrating Was there a pen on Natel? No replays at the stadium That ref is really, really bad and certainly didn't help our effort to build sustained attacking pressure. I believe he was the one who booked Arslan. He is amateur I don't think the stadium was expecting the crowd we got. Limited food areas open, and they quickly sold out of the staples. Poor planning based on the dinner timing of the match
  10. Also, if Nisbet misses match time for whatever reason, he can play against the kids at half time to get his fitness or form back
  11. Form is temporary, class is permanent.
  12. Was very glad to be there last night. We should have had two goals in the 1st 10 minutes and sure as hell made up for that as the game went on. The four big things I noticed from last night that WSW couldnt deal with ... 1 - Caputo gave us a proper focal point 2 - Our CBs carried the ball quicker with more purpose and looked to play to the wingers, instead of the full backs. Normally we go slow and predictable to our full backs. This then allowed our FBs to push up and we created overloads out wide, opening up central passages that were then effectively used (as well as wide attacks) 3 - We were better positioned to win the wall back and were a lot more aggressive in doing so 4 - Our CDM pairing of SU and Jeggo worked very well last night relative to point 2 I spoke briefly with JMAC after the game. He still did not seem content, even with his goal (and a disallowed one) ... if we can keep on a run, and get into good positions in a game before he comes on, I think he will def play himself back into form. The crowd was literally stunned after the Antonis goal. Its easy In the best 3 I've ever seen. Would rate it higher than Orlando's ... maybe also pips Cahill's. SUCK IT RUDAN!!
  13. He has our team set up terribly. Way too much space between our midfield and forwards, especially when we lose the ball up front. Once we've lost the ball up forward the opponent easily plays to the next line, normally centrally. When we went to a back 3 last night (which I'm convinced was an idea from the assistant coach), with Arslan dropping deeper, and the extra man then in the midfield we actually controlled the game and attacked with meaning, and really on any other night would have at least scored one The same old setup, with players not good to enough to execute effectively means we are so predictable it's not funny. It was obvious after bout 15 minutes last night that we'd lose, via some cheap goals ... and yep, that happened. I feel for JMac. His slump can be blamed on the team as he gets next to zero service, and his confidence is absolutely shot. It's happening with all our forwards. No doubt in my mind, a better coach would have us winning more than we're losing. Trust me. The team is strong enough, it's our style of play and management that's killing us. Time to fuck off Vidmar. Go back to Adelaide and take your recruitment mate with ya. Club needs some fresh blood. Complacency has crept in. Other clubs are showing us how to do it and are going past us. This shouldn't happen
  14. He MUST be sacked. Give the job to someone who at least has something legitimate to prove. IMO this guy is easily the worst we've had. Given his history, and then his appointment as a caretaker coach, it's really turned out disgracefully for the club. The players need a spark. They need hope, they need someone to inspire them. This guy is naturally negative and devoid of creativity and ideas. I honestly think Jammo would be a 10 times better option for the rest of the season. And for the love of God, I hope they do not reappoint PK
  15. Terrible and devoid of belief. Vidmar's negativity has permeated into the spirit of the playing. We are easily beatable and the only SLIM chance we have is if he's sacked and we get on an instant role ... but I'm talking 50 to 1 odds we can still make the finals
  16. Vidmar said that Tilio and Leckie both pulled up sore from the Sydney game. Wonder if they'll start?
  17. Draw was.fair, some positive signs, and if we can click soon, especially when Arslan comes back in, we could go on a run Highlights were the half time light show, and then the lack of reaction from anyone straight thereafter when the evacuation alarm went off ... And absolute highlight, probably of the season so far, was watching a big group of Victory flogs getting absolutely DESTROYED by the Swifties outside the MCG in a chanting contest. It was brutal and unrelenting, and once it started there was only ever going to be one winner
  18. yeah JW, I get it, I am only talking about straight after we concede ... its like we're punch drunk or something. Team needs a better plan for those occasions
  19. All this is compounded by Vidmar's negative style ... he clearly got the gig as he's mates with our recruiting manager. I just think a coach who is more positive naturally, but still aggressive in their approach, would suit us better ... someone a little more adventurous and with something to prove. Look at what RZ has done with Brisbane in 2 weeks! Someone with some courage to look at a system that better suits JMAC, someone who encourages the team and focuses on the positives, not berates the players for not trying ... Also, our club culturally needs to do better when we go behind. That's a time for knuckling down and not conceding a 2nd, and building back into the game. We just have this approach of trying too hard to score too quickly which opens us up to conceding a 2nd, and then we fall apart ... we dont know how to re tempo a game ... When we dont have the ball, we are not comfortable as a team. Other teams park the pass and look fine for 90. We need that in our game as well, so after copping a goal, we can regroup without conceding
  20. He's just a caretaker coach ... fuck him off and give someone else a crack. Jammo would do a better job
  21. Ok, I have found a transcript of the conversation: TA: "Ref, Shane, you, dumme Gans! I want a word" Ref: "Not now, I'm exhausted after that, it was only my 3rd game you know, I did OK, yeah?" TA: "Did you not see that little Ronald McDonald looking respektloser Schläger attacking me all night? Look at my nase, its like a paviane Arsch thanks to his elbow. All night he attacked, and you did nothing" Ref: "Hey, even though its my 3rd game, I've dished out over 10 yellow cards already, so I do ref pretty good ... and by the way, I don't like your tone, and also don't speak German at me! I don't know what you're saying!" TA: "You know, its hard in this team. Our coach is never happy, even though we are trying. And despite the injuries and players leaving, it's just the little things, I think we are close. And this place is terrible, seriously what league makes you fly a third of the way across the globe just to play in front of a bunch of uncultured morons who are content with Hoof ball, and really only want to see any proper football players get gehackt. And its wie eine Sauna here as well" Ref: "Look I said no more German, even though the game is over, I can still punish you" TA: "This league is punishment enough ... arschgeige ..." Ref: "That's it, RED CARD!"
  22. Feb 05, 2024 | 7:08PM AET ARSLAN REFERRED TO DISCIPLINARY AND ETHICS COMMITTEE Melbourne City FC can confirm that midfielder, Tolgay Arslan, has been referred directly to Football Australia’s Disciplinary and Ethics Committee by Football Australia’s independent Match Review Panel after receiving a red card in the moments following Friday’s fixture in Perth. Football Australia will confirm the date and time of the Disciplinary and Ethics Committee hearing shortly. The Club respects the processes of the Disciplinary and Ethics Committee, and therefore will not be making any further comment until the hearing is concluded. Arslan will not be available for selection for this Saturday’s match against Brisbane Roar. ±++++++++++± I feel for him. The ref was a knob and did nothing about the abuse he copped during the game ... its a shame that the best players in the league cop the Matt Simon treatment ... he really should have just stuck to having a crack in German ... hopefully it's just a few weeks
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