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Melbourne Football


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Everything posted by benzema23

  1. will the club release active end tickets for purchase like last time? Am after a ticket for a mate. God damn derby specials Thanks.
  2. the one thing that annoys me about the Paartalu transfer is that he was good at set pieces (defense and attack). We better have signed Wilkinson.
  3. Arsenal to win the Premier League title this year!
  4. Omg why can't they be there at every home game... Bratwurst was amaaaaaszing! And we won the derby!
  5. Uhave I missed the March? About 10 minutes away from the Imp?
  6. wonder how much we'll have to pay Samaras if Koren is getting $900k a year...
  7. The US has a population of 320 million with a massive sports market, we will never reach their level.
  8. Surely they'll be back for the derby.
  9. so we've destroyed the bottom three teams in the a-league
  10. What's the Bratwurst situation like in Gosford?
  11. FFA is just gonna think were protesting against the telegraph, not them...
  12. Well at 3-0 I thought were guaranteed a draw, great to get 3 points at home.
  13. We should just play to score another three. Give the home end something to cheer about Come on everyone move into the middle active bay. Let's make some noise!
  14. Vicpol and security definitely over-staffed tonight .
  15. Wow Paartalu actually passed the ball forward. Amazing.
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