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Melbourne Heart to have Futsal team in the F-League


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I told Scott Munn a while back I'd be happy to be in the inaugural captain of the Sporting Melbourne hockey team. The chap didn't reply, and in hindsight who can be fucked entering the State League comps at the lowest rung. State League 5 ffs.

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We need a water polo, basketball and volley ball team tbh.

Futsal is a far superior sport to all of those.

Great news, will be good pyro practice for the kids. Another major plus, indoor stadia, doesn't get any better for stadium accoustics.

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If your into that thing maybe it is which is great. Does nothing for me but its more that I'm at the point of throwing up if i hear about another community and grass roots initiative bla bla.

Just something about winning,something that potentially aids in that pursuit or anything would knock me the fuck out.

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Guys, this is a huge deal and it has taken months to make it fly. More information will be released in the next few weeks but what I can tell you is that Melbourne Heart has done what nobody else has ever done before in this region. This is only the beginning.


Edited by malloy
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Guys, this is a huge deal and it has taken months to make it fly. More information will be released in the next few weeks but what I can tell you is that Melbourne Heart has done what nobody else has ever done before in this region. This is only the beginning.


Hi John.

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any ideas where they will play in Melbourne? Futsal Oz in Brunswick is the only dedicated futsal place in Australia... I think, but could not host much of a crowd.

The F-League Melbourne venue would be proper Futsal sized international courts with stop clock, Futsal Oz is too small. My guess is MSAC, I am thinking of the Melbourne Futsal League finals from 2010 (Youtube search it if you are unfamiliar)

Personally, I think this is a massive step, both for Futsal and Junior Football development, and a real testament to junior and grassroots development by Melbourne Heart, something that will start paying dividends in years to come.

This will create a massive buzz in the Futsal community.

Being an avid futsal fan, It is actions like this that make me support a team like Melbourne Heart over Victory. I would happily be a paying member of a MH Futsal side. As well as a professional pathway for the more serious Futsal players, and I know of plenty.

This also opens up Melbourne Heart to a whole new market beyond the F-League, international competitions, AFC Club Futsal champs, etc. The lower travel and player costs to these events compared to potential ROI through greater exposure for MH is worthy of consideration.

A great move by MH.

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