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Everything posted by moops

  1. I do like brutalism, but sometimes it can be to stark. I do like Elizabethan style though, Bauhaus and minimalism.
  2. Except the gaol scene, as realistic as a talking horse, but hey, who doesn't like a talking horse?
  3. moops


    KK the purple dragon lol. What, who? Time for Zack to walk the .... Walker.
  4. The Fighter. Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale, Amy Adams. Nice film based on real life, Christian Bale is amazing, plays the part amazing. Story is ok, general American low to high, but is quite true to facts and the characters have substance.
  5. Paddy? We going Irish? Does it matter I'm Protestant?
  6. What? You trained, or someone else? Puzzling post.
  7. Love it if we toured somewhere, even if it was Singapore or Thailand, good experience for the lads and pretty sure such a tour would Cover the costs. Imagine just playing in Australia, then going overseas, great for enthusiasm and brand promotion /affiliation.
  8. moops


    No tax expert, a lot has changed over 5 years, but it deepends on a variety of factors, plus Eli's fee is stagnated. even the enhancement of the training grounds may offset the tax? Tax is a minor issue compared to income, though it's my opinion so means little.
  9. Hanke, ex Hannover96 player. RIP - Enke, I loved this guy, how sad things turned out like they did!
  10. I am biased as I support Hannover96, but Mirko Slomka has really done a great job with this team, just disappointed so many ex Hannover players are now kicking strong. Still luckily in Europa, done a lot better than those piss weak Wolfsburg, be interested to see what happens this next year.
  11. My team in England is Leeds, yet have always had a soft spot for WHU, they are sponsored by doc Martin's for Christ's sake! will you buy a team shirt from them? I will, but I like the underdog and if my small contribution assists, then I am happy.
  12. Dandy profited from having one of the best VPL coaches, plus a wide variety of imagrants, even though it's an Albanian club, it caters to all of Dandy, probably the more multicultural club in the VPL, other than SM.
  13. The youth league should be youth, not 18yr olds. let's have a youth league of 16yr olds and promote those that deserve it.
  14. TBH, I like the name, colours and kit, even if it's completely different to my other supported teams, but there is no chance in hell that I could support the other Melbourne team. I would rather a more Bundesliga feel to the kit, but I am biased.
  15. Thought the heading should of been : Two Good for Heart.
  16. Nix going to India, Perth going to Africa, love to read MH going to Asia somewhere.
  17. moops


    Heart_Fan10, you have a following!
  18. I will say I told JD by email about Munroe at the end of the first season, to keep an eye on him. Next thing that happened was he signed for Perth, disappointed to be honest. Missed a local talent, that I regard highly.
  19. moops


    Promotion from the youth league? I don't mind signing to make up the starting 11, but we should be showing the younger guys that there is opportunity within the club, isn't that what we're about after all? I hear good things about our youth , everyone raves about this Zack Walker, time to make him a sub player and push for a starting position.
  20. I thought he sounded good till that passionate last post, have to wait and see.
  21. moops


    Mate this guy is quite good, fairly jealous of the signing tbh.
  22. Give the dude a chance, last year was shite for him, but a new coach and new season may encourage him. We are stuck with him, may as well support him.
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