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Everything posted by moops

  1. The players do seem to like him and support the appointment which is important.
  2. moops


    Hamil is more a DM than CB, would like to see us play a 4231,with Germano and Hamil in DM.
  3. Also, the more time I dwell on the appointment of JA, the happier I am . I think he will do well, especially if he gets a defensive minded assistant.
  4. I dislike twitter, not a lot about twittering in this thread.
  5. I do like the sound of Ron Smith, could do worse.
  6. moops


    So I assume we have made signings, or trialing players at least. I'm happy, just wish things could move quickly, but it is sensible to take this slowly slowly approach.
  7. Thx1138 is a great book! The man who mistook his wife as a hat' was very good, a psychologists in the 70's, writes about some unusual, yet interesting encounters in his profession. But as far as lit goes, I love Edgar Allen Poe, alcohol, drug driven American, whither a rather querky cynical style, quite readable as many of the so called lit allumnea are supposed to be.
  8. Sory, a bit delayed. What do you mean Cadet? I know nothing of Jan Dobson, maybe you do? Just going by his track record. He is no Stuart Munroe, (who probably had a lot of input to Perth's success than Furguson ) but obviously does something right.
  9. moops


    Omg, ex Hannover96 player, would be very excited, though I highly doubt he would come here. As far as crowd pulling, there has always been large German contingency in the Dandenong Ranges and most cirtainly in Aulbury - Woodonga,sort of appeals to our country Vic flirtation.
  10. So you subscribe to the philosophy of the bum? Lol.
  11. Thx1138? great adaptation from the book.
  12. I have loved the use of the English language by Stephen Donaldson, the chronicles of Thomas Covenant the unbeliever, amazing in his use of the English language and prose. Recent reading cannot compare, intact the closest would be Neal Stephenson.
  13. What do you think of Ian Dobson? Cirtainly done well at green gully, could be a good assistant. No idea on a youth coach though .
  14. moops


    I have a great respect for Grella, do not know about injury concern's. I would be excited if we signed him.
  15. I do wonder, with all the ' community engagement ' to entice memberships, to not continue engaging those who signed up, is akin to snobbery (hence my bourgeoisie take on warped humour ) is like to shooting ones self in the foot. I am a loyal kinda guy, but some provincial upstarts may feel the information rich need a revolution, or defection en-mass to the diplomatic Lords of the enemy could become more exciting a prospect. I have waffled on way too much on the subject, time to get the printing press operational.
  16. Probably my sense of humour,getting in the way of a suitable word.
  17. Lol, maybe clandestine is a better word? Unless you have advanced from lowly echelons, been bestowed the apron of nezbeth and staff of Gilgamesh, the secrets of the New Club Order cannot be revealed. PI course could circumvent the secret handshake, but even that has it's limits. Go look at any club in Europe, their websites are newsreels themselves, even some nsl clubs have a thousand times better info.
  18. Twg shits me, where is the Aloisi interview promised all week, their one eyed sydney bias really gets my goat!
  19. Mulvey does seem the most logical, whether it is possible is a question I can't answer. For some reason Aloisi sit's ok with me, time will tell how much he recognises the good qualities of the coaches he has been influenced by or associated with, his ability to implement and improvise his own plans.
  20. Yes, thanks for the info and link. Maybe someone should raise the issue of the poor work done in the media department, or lack of. Most of my news about Heart come from the community, it's all a bit bourgeoise.
  21. Cheers, never new we had anyone, only looked at the website for staff and none were mentioned.
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