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Everything posted by moops

  1. Will not be there, lost my license and not enjoying nor used to the Pube-T. Can someone raise the necessity of a conditioning /fitness coach! Greater prevention of injury, stamina, quickness and all that. Thank-you.
  2. Salad fingers, makes me luagh. http://www.fat-pie.com/salad2.htm
  3. I should have taken your spoonfull of pessimism with unbridled gusto. Criticaly defining moments abound.
  4. I cannot beleive certain bands have not been mentioned!! The Pixies - Too many great songs to single out. Bauhause - Bela lugosi is dead, did a lot of Mark Bolan remakes. Janes addiction - Three day's, possibly the best song ever made.
  5. The amount of subs definately need to be increased, hopefully after the new tv deal...........
  6. moops


    actualy, I think we should give Yan Xiangchuang of Beijing Goan a trial, will be out of contract and out of favour with the club this year, after signing a marquee of their own to fill his position, will play AMR/STR, freeing Dugandzic for striker or AMC depending on formation. Could even fill the AML, AMC or MC if he had to.
  7. moops


    I would not mind signing an Int from Asia, Maybe someone from Thailand, they obviously can play and would be relatively cheap you would think.
  8. Chealsea is an entirely different beast, a team based on individuals, rather than an individual team based on team players. I pity any manager who has to take charge of that team.
  9. I have never trusted/had faith in something I cannot reason with, blind faith is more akin to Jihad than calculated opinion. I knew about Holger and from the start thought he was a good appointment, Ange, Always thought he got the raw prawn and reserved judgment, with a view of optimism. Graham Arnold has surprised me, I realy did not rate his man management skills and thought he would be quite average, but hoped he would prove me wrong and all the neysayers, what a pleasant surprise it was to see him develop a team. Milicic has no history, not even input about the present team/performances. He is an unknowen, a mystery still to be unwrapped and revealed, there is nothing to make any kind of judgment on, other than the fact that the board see something in him. Which is a positive and why I changed the word from concerned, to reserved.
  10. moops


    As much as I like that line up, I realy do not see it happening, this is what I predict, assuming we do not sign some amazing international and are able to get Madaschi. --------------------------------Redmayne-------------------------------------- Marrone----------Good--------------------Madaschi-----Craig Goodwin -----------------------------------Hamill------------------------------------------ ---------------------Germano---------------Fred------------------------------- Dugandzic--------------------------------------------------------------Behich -----------------------------------Babailj----------------------------------------- Subs: Walker,?, ?, ?. Would be happy if this happened, could speculate on the other subs and probly have preference to youth, I would not be surprised if this happens, maybe Madaschi replaced by Colosimo is more realistic.
  11. will be great for guys in the youth league, during their off season to build up skills. Not sure why people are knocking this move?
  12. Other than our next Head coach/manager. I think a conditioning coach should be approached, even as part timer from an AFL club or trainee from the uni would be better than what we have now, it is something we realy need. I have been watching that Max's Muscle TV show, (used to be a casual gym nut) every now and then they have an afl player do some training routines, the trainer explains why and the benefit for each excercise - to minimise injuries!!, build quickness, stregnth (holding off opponant) and there are thousands of different ways to raise your fitness. - The show has opened my eyes even more to the benefits a quality conditioning coach provides and the specialised excercises there are for sportspeople.
  13. My 'reservations' are related to the facts, of knowing very little about him or his manager skills, he would be a complete unknowen as far as I am concerned. If you talk about up and coming victorian coaches, I would prefer to hear the name/s Stuart Munro (Perth Glory) or Arthur Pappas (Newcastle Jets). Both have proven success at VPL level and I like the way they think, plus Pappas I'm sure, has a degree in sports science/fitness and we are realy missing a conditioning coach. I know players can't be poached by other HAL clubs, but know knothing about staff rules in this regard, nor when either of these guys contracts are up. These are two Victorian coaches (I'm sure there are others in Australia that could be mentioned as well) I have a high regard for and would prefer see appointed before Ante Milicic, only becuase, to me he is more of a risk becuase I know nothing about him. Does not mean he would be bad, only means I have reservations untill we find out more about him and his abilities.
  14. moops


    About sponsors, have always thought HART (Honda Australia rider (motorcycle) training) would be a great sponsor, fits perfectly and could get around the sponsor embargo set by the FFA.
  15. It does seem to be on the cards, does he fill you with eager confidence? I will still support the club whatever happens, but as Dynamo Melb Warrior say's, it must be in MH best interest and maybe it would be, it's just a total unknowen.
  16. He can't be all bad when the Spanish advocate 'Fozzie' likes him. All jokes aside, he is the best manager in the HAL, the only questions I have are injury issues, we seem to have a lot of them, but could be down to a good conditioning coach more than JVS???
  17. He realy needs to cement himself before going overseas, play some regular starters, which could eventuate next year and increase his value to sides that want him and for us as a selling value. But more for his maturity, JVS is no bunny when it comes to development.
  18. It has realy stalled his career, hopefully he can regain it, he seems like a good lad.
  19. he is another in the making, glad we picked him up and will only improve.
  20. This kid is one for the future NT, I think he will have another year at heart.
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