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Everything posted by moops

  1. Did you watch last, they egged him on twice about facilities, it was just nice to see how profesional he was. Going from 2ic to assistant coach of another club, one must ask, assume, wonder if there could be any bitterness. He did excelent. Get off your horse cowboy, just letting people know, no wonder the forum is fucking quiet.
  2. Ante Milicic was on this week, thought he spoke well and didn't say anything bad about the heart.
  3. Next year I'll get an active membership and join you for a drink. Have you thought of sending an email out to every member of this web site for wotds, maybe youtube clip? Could be a weekly thing, learn a new chant once a week sort of thing, realy it's what hq should be doing to encourage all members to get involved.
  4. Need drilling on movement/positioning and still too many long passes for my likeing. Wrong subs on the bench and chosen wrongly for me. But hey, woohoo, a win and into 6th.
  5. I would like it if Cameron Edwards started this weekend in Freds place, see how he goes. I would also prefer to get some youths in the mix, than make a signing now.
  6. So in other words Jimmy, my reservedness has ground to stand on, not a very good record as head coach, but has coached some socceroos at the AIS.
  7. I never said I beleived Ron Smith's wiki.
  8. I realy dislike my teams defending a one goal lead, especially from the halfway mark, lit's just inviting danger and loses momentum. I realy do, this is why I much prefer watching the Bundesliga over the EPL.
  9. I hope he does get a start, he sounds the goods.
  10. I'm sorry to be totaly ignorant, but after having a quick peek at Ron Smith's wiki page, I can't say I am thrilled in having him as a tacticle advisor. Seems like he could be a great youth developer though. Please fill me in if you feel he would be good, becuase I don't see it from my cursory glance at his wiki page.
  11. Agree Jimmy, next year will be better, I feel for Aloisi, hope they give him a second year. He is. Very green and because of his determined nature he is stressing and probably trying to fix everything all at once, his inexperience making him conservative and to rigid in his formation, where a more experienced manager would have different ideas. Hopefully he takes stock over the long off season, learns, gets good advice, maybe chat to some old coaches he played under. Next year is the test for him, see if he has learnt in the off season when you can take the time with hindsight.
  12. No philosophy, no structure, no youth policy, deadwood and no heart. I would never go blue though.
  13. Poach Adelaide's scout, talk to some German clubs about structure, training, etc if Fozz can go to Barcelona and chat to the bigwig's there, we should be able to chat to someone. Bring in a Brazilian technical director. Poach an afl strength and conditioning coach. Get back to our youth policy, promote some youth to the bench at least and in that regard push the FFA for a six player subs bench. Employ someone to carry a camera to every youth game, post it on the website and YouTube and be more professional in media, no more tweets, make the website the news hub about every thing heart, HAL and maybe occasionally Victorian football. I like what Arnold imposed at CCM where the players eat meals together. Become united with some VPL, country league teams, even if it's to help with producing youth, provide coaching cirtificates or some coever DVDs or something, we get a pick of a under 17 player once a year for a small fee, can also be an outlet to loan players in the off season or NYL players not getting game time. Drum up some more sponsorship, we have current internationals in our team, one being Aloisi who could feature in a five minute add, also gaining exposure for the club. Lol, that'll do for starters and any or all could be out of reach or silly, but at least proactive.
  14. Interview with Aloisi after each match, NYL update, interviews with players both senior and youth, interviews with our new coaching staff. Other than that carry on as last year, I enjoyed them and was expecting one this week.
  15. if you luaghed at that, your a cunt. I have a great respect for our coorie brothers, only recently they have been alowed to vote! if anyone takes pleasure in viewing a man suffering, obviously in distress, i hate you with all i am.
  16. yes i like brit pop, namely the older bands, but i like. As the op goes, listening to lately orchestral stuff, my dying bride and Tom Waits.
  17. What are you on about? Time to take your cericles, or however their spelt, he has coached three clubs with success after Carlton! All three clubs benefited from him, maybe Carlton chose to focus on AFL, we know they did anyway, they gave up.
  18. Not sure if you understand the wealth in Singapore?
  19. Omg, really? The VPL has so much money coming in, every player can be employed full time! Stuart Munroe has done good things wherever he has gone. Even Dandy thunder, before going to Perth, if you knew about absenteeism you would surly praise what he did for the club. He seems to have great man management skills, see potential, be a great motivator and not bad in tactics, well liked as well. you must be a wiki wizard, hoping hearsay and fabrication will support your argument.
  20. M8, shall. I mention sth Melbourne, Oakliegh, Dandenong and the success he has had at each club? not to mention, he did amazingly at thunder in his year before going to Perth, players not turning up for training and so forth, where did thunder come compared to your precious club two years ago.
  21. My favorite foreign films ; French - City of lost children. German - Fritz Lang's _ Metropolis. American - Blade runner. Japanese is hard - Ghost in the shell. Although anything by Haywood Miyazaki / Studio Ghibli deserves special mention, love the stories and artwork is very good. Korean - Blood lust Australian - Dark planet.
  22. moops


    Kk, because he has had a lot of mention, most obviously Zack Walker, let's see what the lad can do,even off the bench. there should be two more spots on the bench, cannot fathom why there are four, including second GK. It's holding the league back and allows little tactically.
  23. M8 sunny boys, not new wave, but 100% Melbourne punk rock for the 80's. Sebodah, sounded nothing like the pixies?
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