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Everything posted by MHFC-FAN

  1. Hahaha that kinda looks a bit meh nowadays compared to the teams we fielded more recently... Would you not be playing Trewin at CB? Or purely trialing the new bloke instead?
  2. Hopefully put warranted pressure on Talbot at RB given how frustrating he was last season! Besides that he may fight for a CB position or maybe even DM. You are right in the fact it seems an odd acquisition...
  3. I would laugh and cry if he's on the bench again in Auckland.
  4. Where is the confirmation of him being appointed at victory?
  5. If we get bunted in the first round Vidmar out...😳
  6. I'd be pretty shocked if we went after another Visa CB, unless they aren't planning on playing Trewin at CB...
  7. We must have provided a fair chunk of the whole A-League squads through either our academy players or ex visa players...
  8. Haha completely forgot about those 2! Gee they really love our ex players!
  9. Does Macarthur just sign all our discarded wingers? Noone, Rodrigues and now Jakolis...😂
  10. Should be winning the Aus Cup as a minimum heading into the new season...
  11. Are they going to have any player left at this rate? 🙄
  12. Yes I realise that. It should have been a minimum requirement to get out of the group stage... the Mariners have definitely cashed in with their AFC Cup!
  13. Why would we officially announce him leaving if we were considering buying him? The club would be crazy if they pay any transfer fee for him! We could find better visa wingers for free no doubt...
  14. Let's be honest, we were never going to win either ACL campaign. If we were in the AFC cup like the CCM and Macarthur we could have definitely won that competition...this season was definitely a massive let down after the highs of the previous 3 seasons!
  15. I think Leckie may be used more in midfield than forward. Also Nabbout really shouldn't be near the first 11 tbh and I would like to think if Tilio stays otherwise hopefully Sulemani features!
  16. Are you assuming that if we were to sign Boyle our forward line would be Leckie - Boyle - Nabbout?
  17. I did make a thread a little while ago that we could continue to use, or if everyone prefers we could just make a thread for every year of the cup...
  18. This all seems way too similar to the rush decision on signing Vidosic...we may assemble a better squad for next season but we'll be coached by a mid-table manager. 🙄
  19. Proven striker at A-League level, would be decent!
  20. It's kinda old news now if you are referring to Angel Torres allegations...
  21. City wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole if the allegations are true...
  22. Definitely an important signing for our defence!
  23. Seems like we're re-signing all the players we should probably let go and releasing all the players that we should have kept (well some of them)
  24. Let's not count the chickens until they hatch...but sounds promising!
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