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Melbourne Football


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Everything posted by Tonyboozeadams

  1. it's not like we have had many better keepers. Almunia anyone......
  2. scabs! I have no idea what you are on about. What is the captains club? It sounds homo erotic
  3. Redders had skill and could make some great saves. Problem was he regularly let in really soft goals or just gave away open goals to opposition attackers. Not to mention giving away penalties
  4. A bit of white in the socks would look ace. Otherwise I'm right into it
  5. I'd like to see Williams playing for the jets
  6. We can't afford him or have space for him. So maybe someone is leaving or is injured? Otherwise it all sounds like horseshit to me
  7. Those kappa kits were the single most uncomfortable item of clothing I have ever worn
  8. don't be like that. You should be nice to your siblings even if they are retarded
  9. We need to start a fund to get him a season 1 jersey with 'mad cunt' on the back
  10. 5th, out in first round of finals. But we will play nice football. Tuna to score 15 mooy to get injured in the last round
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