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Everything posted by Tonyboozeadams

  1. he's still raw, but i've really liked the look of Kuzi. Partnered with Mauk, its an exciting long term partnership
  2. there was that wellington fan that jumped on here and invited all travelling fans for a drink. He seemed nice
  3. it's all very strange. I'm also confused as hell
  4. I'm sorry, but getting hit by a roast chook is bloody funny. Not condoning it but hilarious
  5. I'd like to smash some Coke with bozza
  6. Mauk kuzi chapman all on for a shout, but easily tuna
  7. Where are all the people that were calling mauk #yoof?? he has to start instead of koren
  8. Chapman though agree about Zullo not tracking back. But I'd say JVS has something to do with that
  9. Kisnorbo and paartalu look like they have forgotten that there are victory players on the field that will tackle them when they have the ball. Just slow and unaware. Pointless
  10. I'll be the hipster posterboy if the jobs going
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