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Melbourne Football


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Everything posted by Tonyboozeadams

  1. careful, you'll get some people talking about the size of his cock
  2. fuck koren, his wage should be enough motivation
  3. Cfg gave us koren, what makes you think they will give us a better coach than JVS?
  4. he's a Slovenian international that signed from hull. Can play in the midfield but also on the wing. I understand your confusion though, I was told he played for us but I am yet to see him on the pitch
  5. one pretty average player for another pretty average player
  6. *inserts witty joke about no idea being a strange name for our new signing*
  7. Norwegian league is pretty good and lillestrom play in Europe. Doubt he'll get a contract
  8. Is he better than Marino?
  9. I don't think would have ever labeled ccm as a 'powerhouse' . Just a team that defended really well for one season
  10. I hate the way he runs. With his hands out flat, it reminds me of super Mario when you make him sprint. i really hate james brown
  11. If someone has predicted it and it comes true. They should get a blue and white line
  12. Anyone see the world game facebook post? "if this comes off melbourne's Greek community may just have to change alligencies" fuck me
  13. well there is the restaurant Noma. Which is badass. But other than that I ate a lot of pickled herring and chocolate
  14. Danish cuisine? That is such a random food style to choose, and to choose first.
  15. Henrik larsson was a fucking beast. The league died with his retirement And by retirement I mean his move to spain
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