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Everything posted by Tonyboozeadams

  1. He had a great night tonight
  2. i wonder how much a person can mature in two weeks
  3. i was at a trivia thing a few weeks ago and the presenter person called it the balloon dee oar
  4. what's your beef with JA? he brought us hero's like Mifsud
  5. can we get that bloke from the 2003 rugby world cup to sing it with us at the game
  6. i rated Niko Kranjcar about 6 years ago. Not that he will come. he's waiting for harry redknapp to take his next job unless 'Arry is coming here.....
  7. Koren is crap. But he's better than that spud at WSW
  8. zero love on my iPhone. I can only post media. won't let me type text
  9. Pirlo looked shocking for NYC this season. The man is just on a holiday. Lampard would be nice though
  10. as a queenslander, in my home town we had a small chain called super rooster. it was the bizz http://superrooster.com.au bbq chicken excellence
  11. but that's like saying, would you rather eat cat turd, dog turd or cow turd. One probably is tastier than the others. but its still fucking terrible
  12. if Erik had black hair, i reckon he would look like this guy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stingray_Timmins
  13. Roy Keane That was the German fella. He had a name for that tactic. Shit to watch but he won a European Championship and a few Bundesliga's edit: found his name , Otto Rehhagel.
  14. If WSW keep on playing like they have this and last season, surely we can throw some big coin at popavic? its the only good thing about having an assload of petrol dollars in a salary cap league.
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