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Everything posted by markn

  1. You shouldnt have said that. i made that same observation moments after we signed him, and this forum went crazy. Maybe we didn't exactly sign him off "you tube" but i doubt anyone actually saw him play in person. Tadic must have a good agent, or a good video editor.
  2. Are you telling me williams has not been playing well??? Victory - One of the BOG Wellington - Did Not Play Perth - Serviceable in a poor team. CCM - Fought hard. Barely gave a poor ball. Offered us something when nobody else did. One of our best. Much better than what Tadic has ever offered. Ask yourself one question....Why has D Mac been picked to start over Tadic???........Whats your response?
  3. NO TADIC! We are playing W Sydeny. We need proven players on form. Play Williams up front instead. Even play Garcia. Thats where garcia played while in england.
  4. markn


    You dont play your number "8" selectively. Its like changing the engine of a car just to preserve the engine. If the engine is no good, you cut your losses and rebuild the car with a new engine. Maybe we need a new number "8". I think we need a new number 8, but it does not mean Fred is not important. Given what i saw last week, Mate was fantastic.
  5. markn


    A little off topic but i'm happy to go there. I may not always be right .......and i may not always be wrong..... but i always encourage logical rebutals. Sometimes a rebut helps raise points i never knew existed. Barring a select few, i rarely receive any logical rebutals. (cadete is not included in my select few ) For someone with less than 200 posts, i'm a fairly 'popular' man. Everyone kept telling galileo he was wrong. I therefore must be galileo.
  6. markn


    You have to add my mate cadete in this one too. BTW can i half like fiz hearts post?
  7. I'm not that grumpy. I like the call. It would have gone over the heads of 99% of the people here. I just like to call it the way it is. Sometimes its convenienct for half truths to be posted. I just like to add the other half. BTW king??????? - I guess you dont read many of my posts if you have to ask questions like that. But does it matter if someone posts that are not "members"? Are we all members on this forum? Keeping it real!
  8. i love it when you get on trying to rebut. i think at times you dont even read my content to understand a word i wrote. I love going fishing when cadete is around. We have to deal with the hand we are dealt!!!!!!! I wrote that! How do you rebut my rebut with the same rebut? Only you know how. FFS FFS FFS (That must be your favourite word) FFS. Try rebutting without the foul language FFS
  9. These nations also have a better tv rights deal than us. I also bet these clubs own their grounds and facilities so they dont have to pay the high leasing arrangements we do. They also have a transfer market between the clubs to help generate extra revenue. Latest transfers in Austrian Bundesliga month player to from m€ Aug 12 Philipp Hosiner Austria Vienna Admira Wacker 0.7 Aug 12 Sadio Mane Salzburg Metz 4 Aug 12 Kevin Kampl Salzburg Aalen 3 PLUS - They also have the opportunity to play champions and europa league that generates even more revenue. And on and on and on and on.......
  10. the NRL dont draw too large of a crowd. they are a tv sport. Other countries have other sports also. The US for example have numerous other sports. Canada etc Granted not too many other countries have sports larger than world football. We have to deal with the hand we are dealt,
  11. Very true. Thats why they call us the sporting capital of the world. But by no means would 6k been deemed acceptable in any other top tier football competition (bar developing, lower socio-economic countries)
  12. But thats like any sport in any league. Second tier comps are always small. Not many people want to see second rate player, when they can watch the top flight on tv or in the stands. The major difference b/w top tier and lower tiers are their wage bill. As Mike Bassett quoted famously, although he coached Newcastle to regulation, he did save the club a substantial amount of money in player wage bills. One of our biggest problem is we over pay our players, relative to our income. Our stadium fees wouldn't be all that cheap either.
  13. Why didn't he play in the b's? Is he injured, or was he saved for cover in the a's?
  14. That says a lot about our league when our best players are rejects from other leagues, coinsidently well past their primes. Btw you forgot Ono
  15. I should have senced a poor attendance this Season (thus far) given the poor turn out at the family day. Mind you there was little there for me to get excited about for next seasons family day. Melbourne needs two teams. And the FFA needs the heart, as an 8 - 9 team comp does not look too good. I question the heart membership figures. How do we have nearly 5.5k members yet only 6.3k turned up? How many free memberships were issued? I know for a fact a large number of memberships were issued free. Make ticket prices more acceptable. I feel cheated paying $550 membership to watch rubbish like that. For that price I can see 40 afl games with an afl membership, rather than 13 a-league matches. Hopefully they new tv rights will help solve a lot is these issues.
  16. Thompson is past it. His ball delivery was pathetic. His turn over led to the free kick that cost us the goal. Every time he has the ball we have a 50% chance it will reach its intended target. He can run, but he cannot pass. At one stage he played a ball that should have gone on the floor, in the air. Young ben could not reach it. IT WAS UNDER 10 STUFF! Once Grella returns Thompson will be on the bench. Given how well mate played, i think he would be a better pick in midfield than thompson.
  17. i sit in the western wing and i can guarantee that the boos were to the squad. it was the loudest i have heard our section ever boo. BTW the refereeing was not that bad to be booing. We played poorly.
  18. I too clap good performances and boo poor ones. For the second home game in a row I boo'd. I think almost everyone in a reserved did too. Does that also make them mv supporters? Poor performance should be acknowledged just as much as good ones.
  19. Very disappointed reply tesla. Would you call willo an abo to his face? Read what was said in context. Nobody would agree with your justification. My disgust noted. No more said.
  20. There is no place for derogatory name calling of our indigenous people. Racist bigots like yourself need a wake up call. I bet you won't call willo what you refer to his race to his face. The admins should ban you!
  21. Williams played well. I mentioned this in my review of the game in another topic. If you think Williams played poorly then maybe we are watching different games. Comments?
  22. Disagree. Ang basically thought Brisbane where to run and when to pass. Two championships prove it.
  23. Ban this pathetic user for a racist post, and anyone who likes it. You have 377 posts. Grow up! Let's kick racism out of this forum.
  24. Does anybody need any more time before they realize this guy is no good. A striker scores when the opportunity presents. The one one one that he back passed shows he is either lacking tough, or doesn't have it. Granted today was a poor performance by the club on a whole. I still think strikers need to turn the few opportunities they have into goals. Today he failed. He is paid to score, and when we needed him to equalize, he didn't.
  25. Mate was fantastic replacing Fred. Thomo was pathetic at best. Marrone is lucky to even get a game. Garcia should stop chewing gum and start playing football. Stop crying when the ball isn't played to you. Tardic. Need I say anything? That first half performance was embarrassing. Our performance on a whole was very sad. Mate and willo were our only shinning lights. Gerart in the middle looks very good. Shame he only had 20min there.
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