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Everything posted by markn

  1. He has stated his intentions to return to euorpe one day. This is common knowlege. With the amount of clubs in euorpe (500+) , i find it difficult to believe that based on last seasons performace NOBODY will be interested? Especially based on his current wage. Lets hope we can keep him here. He plays with heart, and thats what this club needs more than anything.
  2. I understand that Germano is here on a base of 50k. He accepted this offer as he had not been paid while at his previous clubs. I believe 6 months, but stand to be corrected. He is worthy of a 2 yr extension, however i expect he will be tempted back to europe.
  3. If another player is playing in Tadic's preferred position, would it be reasonable to presume that the second player may be a better performer in that role than tadic? The blight should not be on JA to play Tadic in his preferred position, but rather Tadic perform better than the current selection in D Mac. I dont know whethe Tadic will be given the opportunity to perform this Sunday. We will only see.
  4. Part of me is disapointed in Tadic's performace because he was purchased with such fan fair (particularly by the club) as the replacement for ali. This forward was promoted as the player who kept berisha on the bench. These were JD's words on the kevin bartlett show. Vrankovic joined the club as a young player (barelly out of his teens), he should not be under anywhere as much critisism as a seasoned veteran in tadic. Personally Vrankovic has been impressive. He appears to be a wise man on a young body willing to try hard for the benefit of the team. Tadic could learn from the enthusiasm displayed by such young players.
  5. thats very low. this forum is to debate matters relevant to the topic, not take personal attacks at people (especially family members). If you dont like what i posted, then rebut accordingly. I'm disapointed that someone like Tesla (with such a high standard in this forum) beleives an inaporpriate comment like that was appropriate. Would love to read your reply Tesla.
  6. Exactly. He has played 70 min of a possible 270 minutes + injury time. A tad under 1 in 4. Need anyone say more about this players worth to the team? Maybe there is a reason he has been fortunate to play as much as he has.
  7. then dont announce a signing until you can get a working visa. After all if he couldn't get a visa then he is not a signing. so what was the rush in anouncing it? or is the truth his g-f could not get a visa?
  8. jw1739---------- I agree overwhelmingly with allot mentioned. I hope tadic was not a 'YouTube' (inverted comers for those who don’t understand the reference) purchase, and I questioned (form day 1) why he arrived at the club so late. If he was professional, he would have been here soon after his signing. Sometimes it’s difficult to criticise the club on this forum. Some fail to acknowledge the club can do any wrong. But sometimes criticism towards the club is warranted, and the criticism towards Tadic is more than expected.
  9. True. But you can do as mentioned at the end of the season, or holf off on renewing their contracts etc. Or leave space on the list to fill if needed. Given that we released half the squad and only filled half back, i think the club may not be sure whether their current crop is good enough. Thus they will buy accordingly.......and not sack and replace as some have mentioned prior. (CADETE.......i love getting you annoyed) Even epl clubs have a player roster cap. They just choose not to fill it so they can buy players when needed.
  10. If our current striker is poor, we buy another. If we lack a defender we buy another. If you gk is poor we buy another In the real world, if i am not of any worth to my employer, i am replaced. I am not replaced IF someone else is available, i am replaced because i do not fulfil my tasks. Companies may even hire others, assess their performance, then sack the underperformer. If my staff member is not suitable, i find another. Once that new person is hired and i am satisfied, i sack and replace accordingly. Football is the same. How many times do clubs buy players, then release what they no longer need. Clubs dont sack, then look, then buy. They buy.....then sack. Didnt Chris Dores leave collingwood because lynch was signed? Collingwood didn't release dores then sign lynch.
  11. I enjoy getting great satisfaction knowing that all cadete want to do is argue any point i present. Its getting to the point where you just want to argue with me because its me....even though my points have a very strong basis to it. I enjoy going fishing when cadete is around. Anyway to further entertain myself, my reples to your questions are: Maybe have both. Towards the end of last season (especially against victory at home), Sarkies probably had his best game for the club. Easily the best player on the day. Shame he was later injured and we never saw him again. Whos taseski? Who did he play for? I never saw him play for us. So if we didn't release Taseski would Vrankovic not be signed? Keep it comming Cad I like how (according to you) one signing is directly reated to the release of another. One signing should not have any relationship to the signing or release of another player. But according your fantastic theory, finkler would never have been signed if carlo or harry was still at the club. You cannot argue against the finkler statement. Just read your initial rebutal to understand why.
  12. I dont fully understand this statement. At some point every team in the competition was a 3rd season team. I dont know whether replacing half the squad with those on one or two season contracts offers a strong base. We should have beaten Wellington, and given Glory's outs we should have fought for a draw. We failed on both counts. FYI Cadete - Previous posts informed others that i purchased a number of A Reserve seat memberships this season. That shouldn't make my opinions (or others who post that are not members) any more or less valid.
  13. Thats no excuse. Supporters, sponsors and members WILL NOT and SHOULD NOT use the "new squad" as an excuse. WE cut half our team last year. That is the clubs fault! Somebody must be held responsible when half our starting lineup is new. Why did we have such a huge player turnover? Is someone not doing their job correctly? We are not a first season team. This is our third.
  14. It doesn't matter how you spell it, he still looks rubbish to me. It must hurt some people that not every one on the heart roster are going to be any good to play in the a-league. Let's stop looking at the club with rose colored glasses. I don't think he performed at all.
  15. I called it last week in the grella thread that tardic was rubbish, yet i failed to get much ( if any) support. Interesting that many of these same supporters are now questioning his worth. You don't need 3 games to work out his useless. You only need 3 minutes.
  16. Melbourne Heart squad: 1. Clint Bolton (GK), 2. Michael Marrone, 5. Fred ©, 6. Patrick Gerhardt, 8. Matthew Thompson, 9. Dylan Macallister, 10. Josip Tadic, 11. Richard Garcia, 15. David Williams, 16. Aziz Behich, 17. Jason Hoffman, 18. David Vrankovic, 20. Andrew Redmayne (GK), 21. Steven Gray, 22. Nick Kalmar, 23. Mate Dugandzic *one to be omitted* So who will we leave out? Williams must come in. Following Simons suspension, i would guess Gray would make the bench. That may mean either Kalmar or Hoff will be dropped. Did we only travel to Perth with only one player to be omitted? What if we have a few last minute exclusions ala williams last week?
  17. jw1739 and Peter ...... you guys have got it in 1.
  18. You have started to miss my point. The acquisition of grella should allow garcia to move to his more natural role in the front line. This in turn will force tadic out as he currently is not preforming to the levels displayed by the existing forward members. I believe garcia is a far better in attack than tadic. We'll see today which way aloisi goes when the squad is announced. The saving grace for tadic, in my opinion, is that grella will not join the squad until heart return on monday. Jimmy, which point do you regard is un reasonable? What's negative about grellas signing? with every signing someone must miss out. Thats not being negative. thats being realistic. 12 does not got go in 11.
  19. There is no time to "relax". this is a 27 game season, not 40+. Iv seen enough to suggest he is not going to be our number 1 striker (unless proven otherwise). If he was any good d mac would be on the bench instead. The a-league is not a season where you can let players "get fit" as the season treks. Your either on song from the get go or your off. Only a very few teams have won the league without winning their first two games. BTW - Babalj looks like a striker. he acts like a striker etc. He has it! aka Sibon. You can see it on their face when they hit the field. Strikers have an arrogance about them. Aloisi had it when he was playing. If i was given an opp to revive my playing careers, i would not be leaving it till late to make my journey there. Lets see the fight in his eyes when he faces smeltz and mem and co. ..... if he gets picked at all.
  20. you don't need to look at a player for too long to realise if they have it or dont. A professional player should be fit for game one of the season. If he is not fit enough then he simply does not have the desire. He arrived late. There is no excuse if he is poorly prepared. He was one of our first signing, yet arrived very late. Doesn't adelaide have a former chelsea player? What has been of his career for him to end up here? Atleast he is showing a desire and a want that tadic is lacking. strikers need a presence. you need to look at him and see a fighter. i look at him and see nothing. compare tadic's on field presence to d mac. They are worlds apart. Not everyone will work out in Australia. Tandic has done little to impress in pre-season, or the 2 games he has featured in this season. has he even scored in pre-season? I think Grellas signing may mean greater depth for our forward line. Garcia has become more versatile following the acquisition. With greater competition means more will miss out. Would tadic be played if Williams didn't?
  21. I hope this doesn't inadvertently mean Williams will be on the bench. He looks like he is set for a good year. I think this signing might push Garcia up forward to a central role. That was his role in England, and may mean d Mac can play as the impact. I'm only guessing but a signing like this may mean tandic will be our next maycon. Form what I saw he was good for very little. Overall a good signing. It at least gives us cover for when the Asian transfer season opens and we do end up loosing Garcia mid season, ala ........
  22. Number two kit looks like the adidas kits half the ffv clubs are wearing. this seasons adidas club tops have the two tone. Exactly the saame as no. 2 When i first noticed it, i thought it was a re-badged adidas tops.
  23. you only get a handfull of opportunities to impress, and with 11k at the game they blew it
  24. markn


    100% agree. What simon did was not that bad. a goal line "save" could have saved us a goal. had the resulting penalty been saved i bet nobody would be on simons back. he would have been praised for his great team work.
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