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Everything posted by rayv36

  1. Going by his YouTube video he likes a slide tackle and has a sweet cross.
  2. Fucking depressing isn’t it
  3. Nope, unlike a fair few on this forum I rate Paddy.
  4. Paddy K just casually managing a bunch of the A-Leagues best to a big win over Newcastle. The man can coach and it’s a shocking call not to sign him instead of Vidmar.
  5. Terrys a bit stiff. Wouldn’t have been against Natel staying and Hall never really got given a chance.
  6. I’m apparently in the minority here, but this is great news
  7. Some of the best AMs that have hit this league have put in little to no defensive effort eg Castro, Ninko, Broich. Just saying
  8. Delbo headed home: https://www.cincinnati.com/story/sports/soccer/fc-cincinnati/2017/11/17/sources-harrison-delbridge-wont-return-fc-cincinnati-and-hes-not-going-mls/876721001/
  9. Fuck we are shit and for the majority of games a bore. Even though he wasn’t there tonight Vidmar better not get the job next season.
  10. Was very pleased with the performance, we got lucky with the Kosta miss the nix are usually ruthless on the counter. Caputo and Soup were fantastic. Lopane, Politidis and Antonis were great off the bench.
  11. Theres been a real lack of ambition from CFG this season in having an interim manager since rd 3 and if we do end up with Kisnorbo why the fuck didn’t we appoint him earlier when he became available?
  12. Jobs for the boys doesn’t work, send him back to the Thai league.
  13. Who would’ve thought positive, fast & attacking football looks so much better than the slow stagnant shit we usually play.
  14. Not sure how Jeggo has walked into the starting 11 tbh, he’s all sorts of mediocre and not upgrade on Ugar
  15. I’ve thought this many times, particularly after the roar loss but it seems he is untouchable and he doesn’t strike me as the sort of bloke to fall on his sword
  16. We are shocking. Can’t believe we let Rapha leave and we replaced him with Natel
  17. Jmac is more involved in the build up this game, I like it. Surely Leo gets one of those outside of the box shots off tonight.
  18. Lopane is frustrating poor at times, I know he’s young but he’s had ample chances to show something and he hasn’t.
  19. I know it won’t solve much but can we fuck off Vidmar and give Jamo the reins for the rest of the season.
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