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Everything posted by fensaddler

  1. Which might explain why he wasn't picked for the match against Brisbane...
  2. I'm not sure anyone would pay that for him. If a League 1 club in England had produced him, they'd be lucky to see a seven figure fee, even with add ons. Until he's older and played at a higher level, he's very unlikely to command mega money. That's why I think the model we have may ultimately deliver the best value for us. We still won't see a big fee, but CFG might, and that will ultimately deliver in kind back to us.
  3. Unless and until the loan agreement is torn up and he is recalled. That needs to have the agreement of both clubs, but if it goes pear shaped at Celtic, I can't see City keeping him there and not getting developed, or Celtic paying the wages of a player they can send back to City. So in practice, the loan would end if it didn't work. Arzani is too valuable an asset for it to be otherwise, and CFG are not as dumb as Aston Villa.
  4. Don't disagree. And the lack of definite news about the loan is intriguing. I guess if it all goes pear shaped CFG still hold all the good cards.
  5. Excellent if that's the case. Very pleased we renewed our memberships now...
  6. Still in the mix for the lesser European competition.
  7. Why give intelligence to the opposition? The club are quite right to play their cards close to their chest on this.
  8. Proves transfermarkt isn't always right. He played a whole season 1997-98 (my memory was wrong on when...). 57 games, 24 goals. His hatrick against Southend was excellent, and he also scored against Man U at Old Trafford in a cup tie.
  9. Had Basile Boli's brother Roger playing for Walsall in the early 90s. He was pretty bloody useful...
  10. La Rocca is now an Aussie citizen, so we have two visa slots remaining.
  11. Ticks all the boxes. Could be an excellent signing. Won't hurt our profile in Asia and might attract a few expat Koreans.
  12. That sounds fairly terminal. Unless he wants to get well away. Poor bugger, his career and his personal life have been a crock recently by the sound of it. No wonder he looked so miserable at times...
  13. Proper contract and family might come with him. Don't underestimate just how exotic and exciting Melbourne is to someone from the UK. Getting out here is still seen as the golden ticket.
  14. At its best, mid Championship. More realistically, most of the time, lower end Championship tending towards League 1. It really is better than League 2, which is pretty shite kick and rush most of the time.
  15. FWIW... Can't see the point in not attending when you've shelled out for a membership. So we rock up. Success would be nice, but it won't impact my allegiance. But then I have the mindset forged by 35 years supporting a small English League 1 side. Most games, whoever you watch (and certainly in League 1...) aren't memorable. It's only the good ones that stick in the memory and build history. Just be grateful for the good times such as our 5-0 win last season. Don't give a toss about being the smaller club. I've never been keen to swim with the current. I could do with a bit more red and white and a sight less corporate. I buy the away shirts and ignore the bollocks. The club is learning, and culture is built through history. The FFA are a bunch of useless wowsers. Change is on its way.
  16. But presumably the money CFG made off Mooy, will hopefully make on Arzani, and will subsequently make on others who come through will go against our credit column, even if it isn't reflected in the fee initially paid to us. The alternative is that we sell to another party, and excepting any sell on clauses we negotiate, we don't see any benefit, tangible or intangible, for the future appreciation in value of that player. Promising youngsters sold on from an English league 1 club don't generate huge fees initially either, even if they end up being EPL regulars. On balance this is a better arrangement.
  17. I approach supporting City and before that Heart with the same mindset I supported my home town club in the UK, Walsall, and the same mindset with which you support St Johnstone. Indeed I picked Heart precisely because they reminded me of Walsall, being small and unlikely to win anything without a struggle and a lot of patience. They are my club regardless.
  18. The player ratings on fotmob suggest he was no worse than much of the team. Possibly tactical as they were 3-1 down at half time and needed to change the script. Looks like their goalie was the real villain.
  19. Would make sense. We wouldn't have membership cards that early. Looking forward to a home match much earlier than we expected...
  20. Everything against us in that match, but showed strength and character to win through.
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