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Posts posted by GreenSeater

  1. 15 hours ago, Forever City said:

    Now that I think about it, I would put McCormack in for Williams.  

    How do two blokes who’ve played 5 games or less make our best ever 11? :hmm:



    Marrone Jacobsen Kisnorbo Behich


                   Mooy               Fred

    Williams          Fornaroli         Novillo



    Sorensen, Franjic, Garcia, Kilkenny, Dugandzic, Duff.

  2. 1 hour ago, Jimmy said:

    Binged the whole thing in a single a session immediately after it came out. I did the same thing with season one. I don't intend on doing it and I definitely didn't have the time to commit, but there's just something about it that makes it impossible to stop watching.

    Yep definitely one of those “just one more episode” type shows

  3. 2 minutes ago, Torn Asunder said:

    Bort is a warrior ... even Simon seemed scared to mix it with him. 

    He always looks like he's one tackle away from a berserker rage 

    Loved it when he shirtfronted Simon after he got fouled and then just kept on walking as though nothing happened. What a man :wub:

  4. 2 hours ago, Tesla said:

    TTIM : House of cards getting cancelled because of this Kevin Spacey crap. I don't care about any of that, I just want more house of cards ft one of the GOAT actors. 

    Apparently it was actually canned months ago but they just chose to announce it now. Not surprised tbh, the last season was average af

  5. On 27/10/2017 at 7:30 PM, thisphantomfortress said:

    Legit the wokest shit you'll ever listen to

    Listened to this on the flights to and from Adelaide. I really want to believe him, but holy shit he sounds like a lunatic

  6. 4 hours ago, Shahanga said:

    In my view he's well short of what's required. Only one Australian has anywhere near the required experience and CV and that's Arnold.

    Muscat's CV is fitting to be an assistant at that level and that's it.

    My choices:

    1. Foreign master (no chance)

    2. Arnold

    3. Foreign journeyman 

    4. Any other A League (current or ex) coach

    PS Ange has to stay and finish his fucking job "it's just not about qualifying"

    Totally agree, I think it would be a poor appointment to put Muscat in charge, I’m just saying he’d definitely be in contention.

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