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Posts posted by GreenSeater

  1. 1 hour ago, NewConvert said:

    On 1) where are the finances and facilities gong to come from? If you recall Heart used wheelie bins as ice buckets. Do you really think that this type of environment encourages youth? If you look at the Brisbane Lions and Gold Coast, their youth talent wants out.

    2)Transfer fees are the end all. Clubs could easily settle as being youth developers and never aspire to win any silverware. I am not sure that this would be good for the game in Australia. However I do believe that some type of barter/cash payment should be introduced.

    1) Aziz Behich, Craig Goodwin and Stefan Mauk went from those wheelie bins to playing for the national team. Ben Garruccio went on to become a regular A League starter. Whilst the facilities at Heart weren't the best, I imagine they were no worse than most NPL teams. I think there is definitely room for growth in the league. Not 10 extra teams at once, but look at the success of the Wanderers.  Put a team in a football town and market them successfully, there is no reason why we can't have more clubs. Woollongong comes to mind as an easy first new team. 

    2) Developing youth seems to work well for Ajax. Transfer fees allow clubs to develop youth and sign experienced players with the money they make. Central Coast are essentially already a selling club, but if they got more return from their investment in each player, clubs would be more willing to put money into development.

  2. I blame the FFA. They're too comfortable with the league the way it is. In order to develop youth we need two main things immediately.

    1) Expansion. More teams = more room on lists for younger players and a more widely spread talent pool, meaning managers will need to use youth. 

    2) Transfer fees between A League clubs. Why bother developing youth if they can just walk off to a bigger club for free? Transfer fees encourage teams to develop youth and sell them. Central Coast are basically only alive due to their ability to produce great young talent and sell them overseas. Mile Jedinak, Trent Sainsbury, Matt Ryan just to name a few.

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  3. 4 hours ago, thisphantomfortress said:

    Here's one for my office people. Coloured dot points in power point presentation, to do or not to do? 

    Big no. Powerpoints should be as bland and simple as possible. Same as emails. Just get the information across in the quickest most effective way possible and leave it at that. Reminds me of a TTIM: people that make emails anything more than a formal exchange of information. Nothing irritates me more than people trying to be pleasant and have a conversation via email when they could just say the message in 10 words.

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  4. 5 hours ago, cadete said:

    Poorly Informed Leftist Nerds: PPL usually from Middle Class Backgrounds (who often attended Independent Schools) where they were not invited to parties and the like from the popular rich kids at school. So they get a dumb idea that they can turn to the Politics of Social Upheaval as a way searching for the popularity and attention they never receive under the rules of current Society.

    The easiest way to spot these tops is by how they don’t actually know that much about Politics so they will just retweet/repost whatever has a Leftist tagline attached to it even if it contradicts other courses they have been behind in the past.

    They are that person you know who is oblivious to the fact that they are still enjoying the trapping of Middle Class Society more than the vast majority of Australians despite supposedly supporting its destruction and would have far more to lose than most others if a Socialist System did come in place..

    Wow fuck just @ me next time bro :(

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  5. I'd hardly call that a dig to be fair. Still they're the ones who have to deal with their club overpaying for a player inside the cap who didn't want to be there a few months ago so good on them for seeing the funny side :P

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  6. I thought it was one of the best episodes for a while tbh. Lots of interesting plotlines either tying off or coming together. Keen to see Jamie Lannister free of Cersei as he's always been one of my favourite characters from the books but I felt hasn't been given enough of his own story in the show. Also really good to have John finally confirmed as a Targaryen. Not to mention, this episode brought us one step closer to the much anticipated CLEGANEBOWL!!!

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