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Posts posted by GreenSeater

  1. 17 minutes ago, haz said:

    Would love to see Tom be the man to 'Discover' or 'Uncover' Alien life.... would be a great story to tell the kids about how a guy who sung about fucking dogs made that breakthrough.

    Except for the part of the article that says "A 2009 Pentagon briefing summary of the program prepared by its director at the time asserted that “what was considered science fiction is now science fact,” and that the United States was incapable of defending itself against some of the technologies discovered."

  2. 14 hours ago, HeartFc said:

    As promised my Argentinian rap (rape) up. 

    Economy: What economy? 50% import tax and hyper inflation has well and truly made Argentina economically retarded. I'm talking down syndrome kid playing 4 square with the normal kids retarded. Just a mess. 80% of the country is poor as fuck despite the endless resources and youthful population (compared to Australia). Problem is all the lower class people are dumb as fuck. Saw plenty of Soviet flags and Che Guevara paintings in the working class and villa's (slums) and I had a few convos with people about why Argentina is such a shit hole... Instead of blaming their insanely corrupt government, America and England are blamed. Argos will never get over American superiorly and English successfully defending the falklands. (Plenty people have a soft spot for Nazi Germany too which was kinda weird). You can add their terrible service industry and shitty attitudes to the reasons why not many people want to spend their hard earned in that country. Maybe Marci can fix it a little but it would take 20 years of fiscal responsibility to turns things around. Which would never happen anyway.

    Food: Breakfast will consist of Medialunas (Dry over priced croissants) and coffee (7 sugars). If you mention eggs they'll look at you like you just asked to smell their bumholes. Lunch is usually ham and cheese Sandwhiches (sandwichitos) on white bread with the crusts cut off. I asked a few people why no crusts and they told me that crusts were disgusting... which was kind of ironic coz they always had dirty hands. Pizza is also a popular staple (especially in Buenos Aries), unfortunately they make worse pizza then the Chinese. Thin crust (try hard italians) with 2 kilos of cheese, 4.5 cherry tomatoes and a green olive from a 5 year old jar. If you pushed down on the middle of a slice and left it there for 30 seconds a pool of oil would form on top, disgusting.  $20 AUD of tasteless diarrhea inducing misery. Better off sticking the sandwiches or skipping lunch all together coz half the places are closed because of  the long siestas they take... yes Argos take siestas.. all that laziness and arrogance really takes it out of em. Dinner , asado (arse hard door), 17 cuts of overcooked cow with mashed potatoes. Another popular dish is milanese washed down with a couple glasses of Fernet Branca. Once again pretending to be Italian. Desert would be 5 choices of dry cake or something drowned in Dulce Leche. Probably the only thing I fell in love with was Lomos (steak rolls with the lot.) 

    Cites/Places to go: Well firstly cross off Buenos Aries. Concrete shit hole with nothing to do. Portenos (white people in Buenos Aries) are arrogant, horrible at providing services and they like roller blading... Yes roller blading (Hahgaaaaaay.gif) Add to that both shitty foot traffic and road traffic and you have a pretty busy and depressing city. Only good thing about BA were the girls but ill cover that later. Iguazu is another place I visited. Its a shit hole. Despite the huge potential (tourism) shop owners and people in general don't give a fuck. They leave rubbish all over the footpath in front of their shops, don't bother covering the food they prepare so you get a side of flies with every meal you order and if you don't speak spanish they can't be fucked even trying to sell you something. Only good thing was obviously the amazing fucking waterfall and jungle surrounding it. Thought I was one of the blue cunts in Avatar. Next place was Tucuman. Another shit hole, what a surprise. Full of pot holes, criminals and the only freshly painted thing I saw the whole trip was left wing propaganda. I actually didn't mind Tucuman in the end but that was probably due to the Mrs family and friends loving me. I basically all I had to do was say 3 words in spanish every 2 hours and laugh at their jokes that I couldn't even understand, I was Batman to them. Really nice people though who despite having fuck all, were very generous. Tafi Del Valle was a cool little town surround by mountains. There I discovered Llamas are my 3rd least favourite animal in the world, behind birds and spiders. Just gay looking animals who spit and run if you fart within 200 meters of them. One of them was 3 times the size of me, when I tried taking a photo of it, it screamed like a fucking psychotic demon and ran 3kms without looking back. In the words of Carl Pilkington "do we need em?"

    Safely: (or lack of). Its dangerous, even in Buenos Aries. I got followed a lot coz I stupidly spoke English with the Mrs in some dodgy areas. Once I realised I was a dark street away from a mugging id have to quickly dart across the road and around a corner to lose the dirty Chorro who was on my tail. Tucuman is another level, I stayed in a ghetto neighbourhood at my Mrs mums house so I got to see some action. Almost got in a punch on day one with some fat cunt coz he threw a brick at my Mrs dogs. When my Mrs abused him and I pointed up the road in a piss off type gesture he jumped off his scooter and power walked at me like it was on. I didnt budge or break eye contact which induced a very quick U turn back to his bike. He was about 5.6 and 90 kilo but trashed talked more than Conor Mcgregor. A week later I drove past some incident another day where some bloke was missing half his ear surround by 2 families going at in over a horse cart full of watermelons or someshit. There was 1 cop on the scene lighting a smoke, looking utterly disinterested. No doubt waiting for a 500 peso "nothing to see here" payment before jumping on his bike to go talk to girls in the park. Thats what cops do there. Talk to teenage school girls. Speaking of girls... Here the one everyone has been waiting for...

    Girls: Yes they're hot as fuck and they want western dicks in and around their mouths. Buenos Aries had heaps of smoking blondes and plenty of drop dead morenas with green eyes (my favourite). Most of em have 10/10 arses and big tits, heaps of fake tits too which I've grown to appreciate in my older years. Only issue is, they don't speak english and I can't really comment on how they reacted to me coz I didnt really talk to them. Being there with my Mrs I was always treading on thin ice. Still, definitely got a few fuck me looks but its kinda hard to make eye contact with women in Argentina in general. On the street they are very aware and used to being stared at and groped by ugly argo ape men. I wouldnt bother trying to pick em up cold on the street, they walk faster than I can run, despite every single one of them wearing 5 inch heels. (Sexy as fuck.) Girls in San Miguel de Tucuman and the surrounding towns (Famaillia, Monteros, Rio Seco, Conception etc.) were probably in some cases even hotter than BA girls. Maybe I'm a little bias coz my Mrs is a slum dog Morena but theres something about a grubby bare foot farm girl covered in dust, wearing ripped and stained clothes which gets all hot under the ball sack. There was one particular day where I visited 4 or 5 of these shitty little towns where I almost broke my neck. A couple of times it would hit me like holy fuck did I just see a fucking 77 of out 10 carrying a sack of potatoes. Prefect make-upless angeled faced 53 kilo, 21 year old bitches with perky tits and arses like freshly picked peaches, just casually walking down the street next to donkeys, looking miserable as fuck. Once Australia becomes an islamic state and sharia kicks in, I'm heading straight back to rural Argentina with a fishing net. I wish I could've got some photos for you boys but I risked getting my testicles slow cooked on coals along with the asado. 

    In conclusion, don't cross off Argentina completely. Stay away from the cities and explore the beautiful nature (and girls) it has to offer. When I go back, which ill be forced too, i'm gonna backpack Patagonia and Mendoza. Ill have my Spanish improved too so that'll help me explore some places without the Mrs as my personal translator. Going as a single guy is the way to go, just so so many hot girls. I could feel my sperm count doubling every day I was there. It was mind blowing in the rural areas. 

    Happy hunting. 




    10/10 read. Please travel more often

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  3. 58 minutes ago, HEARTinator said:

    Probably our best constructed goal this year and a pointer to how Wazza likes to have the players attack quickly with intent. Watching it on the replay it does have the appearance of a training ground move that came off perfectly.

    Some people have called this ball from Bouzanis a long hopeful pass but it looked very planned with Brattan out wide and a well headed knock down pass to Fitzy.


    Back heel from Fitzy with Brattan following onto the ball. Looked like he knew what Fitzy was going to do.


    Then a slide rule pass to Ross who's making space perfectly in the middle splitting the defenders.


    And then Ross burying it into the back of the net.



    Now that's a goal made in football heaven. More of that lads :up:

    These screenshots don't show it, but on the replay from this angle, Fox Sports showed as soon as Bart passes the ball towards Bouzanis, Brattan breaks out to his spot out wide and begins furiously calling for the ball from Bouzanis who in turn spots him and sends it on a dime for him. Definitely not a hit and hope, this was a sensational, thought out goal. Brilliant stuff

  4. 10 hours ago, thisphantomfortress said:

    Few mariners fans online saying they should have had a penalty. Obviously I've completely missed the incident, can anyone explain?


    10 hours ago, haz said:

    La Rocca stepped directly on Hoole's (Or Pain's?) foot. The argument is that why didnt the VAR look at it. The next argument was that, did he have any control of the ball when the incident happened.

    The commentators talked it up as usual.


    The question is:

    Does Atkinson warrant a starting spot over Muscat next game?

    (We all know that Muscat will walk back in though)

    It was an absolutely nothing moment right near the end. In normal motion it looked as though Hoole twisted his ankle and that's why he was lying on the ground. Then fox sports showed the replay and it looks as though as Hoole is losing his balance and steps weirdly his foot moves into the path of La Rocca who accidentally steps on his ankle. Clear accident and no harm done, yet the way the fox sports commentators were going on about it La Rocca may as well have two-footed him to the back of the knee. I'm obviously biased but it was a clear accident and wouldn't be a foul anywhere on the pitch let alone a VAR penalty.

  5. 29 minutes ago, MXG said:

    Wow, Brattan is in 2nd for the pretty much SINGLE meaningful episode in the whole match. LOL. Just telling how bad we are.

    Who cares about pinpoint distribution of Dean (0 votes), who cares about Fitzy's robust work upfront (0 votes)? Amazing...


    Gave it to Bozanis. He started the great team goal where even otherwise spud of the match Brattan performed as expected.

    What game were you watching? Bouzanis MOTM?? Yeah he had a good game and that pass for the goal was brilliant, but he was barely challenged all game. Fitzy was actually pretty poor for his usual standards as well imo. Brattan was involved in absolutely everything and worked his guts out which is usually everyone's biggest criticism of him.

  6. 13 minutes ago, cadete said:

    Can anyone really be bothered arguing against somebody who views themselves in an Anti-Faggot Demographic?

    It sounds like something a Private School Kid in West Australia (Most likely a Boarder) would have said in RE Class in 1998.

    Its like what is the point of any rebuttal... the comeback will probably be something like: "You have GAIDS".

    Whilst I would usually agree, the fact that the post was clearly not intended to be humorous and was made by a moderator didn't really sit too well for me. On the original point of the post however, if the demographic in question feels so strongly about opposing the private actions of consenting adults then maybe they should have voted accordingly in higher numbers in the recent plebiscite, because as I recall, that view lost.

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