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Posts posted by GreenSeater

  1. 14 minutes ago, Deeming said:

    I know its cool to hate on Tim in here but bad move by the club.

    He was better at scoring from open play than Fornaroli last season.

    The fans love him especially the kids, every time he came on on or ran past the crowd while on the bench he got a massive cheer.

    Keeps the club narrative going that Melbourne City cannot be trusted when it comes to big name signings, first Villa not hanging around now Tim. Will kill any chance of a membership boost in the future based on signing players.

    Agree with this. No big loss in a playing sense imo, but in terms of the off-field side of things it's massive. Very disappointing from our "club captain"

  2. 1 hour ago, mus-28 said:

    Ange needs to find a midfield that works and stick to it if we're going to be competetive in Russia, personally think Jedinak - Mooy - Luongo - Irvine is our best bet with Irvine getting forward to support Juric/Cahill.

    Only other position that isn't locked in is RCB, on current form I'd like to see Rhys Williams given a crack if he can stay injury free. Suits Anges style perfectly and is comfortable carrying the ball out of defence, which Bailey Wright isn't.

    Williams is a bit prone to brain fades, gotta be Alex Wilkinson for me

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  3. 2 hours ago, Inferno said:

    Was talking to a mate today about the game and the teacher goes she was there as well. I asked her why and she said her husband is good friends with Budzinski and sat in the corporate box with Budzinski's family tickets. I went off at her after she said he should have started and has been our best player. Got a detention for yelling in an uncontrolled manner towards a teacher. <_<

    EDIT: She also claimed that it was unfair that a player of his talent is only playing off the bench. 


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  4. 2 hours ago, jw1739 said:

    I wonder...with all this "citizenship by descent" stuff going on...what are the ramifications for children adopted or otherwise being brought up by couples where one or both its "parents" is/are not its biological parent(s)? Does an adopted child legally assume the nationality of one or other of its adoptive parents? With same-sex marriage likely in due course what are the ramifications there - for example, who is the "father" of a child being brought up by a female+female couple?

    My mate is adopted, he is an Australian citizen and I believe he qualifies for a French passport as his adopted parents are French and a South Korean passport as that's where he was born.


    Edit: I think so anyway I could be wrong.

  5. 12 minutes ago, luka74 said:

    Did you get it  ? Does anyone know if there is a book of just the a league stuff ? Don't follow epl too closely so don't get a lot of those strips. 

    Nah not yet, and these aren't a collection of his EPL ones these are all new ones that he does for the book. The last book was all about the history of the game with strips about Pele and Marradona and stuff like that

  6. Happy with that performance to be honest. Would have loved an away goal and if Juric was less of a spud we would have had one or two. We looked great defensively, they only had one decent chance all game which Ryan covered pretty easily. Should hopefully be able to run them ragged in Sydney. It's all set up for a Tim Cahill winner at the death isn't it? Also Aziz Behich was great and I hope we never see Brad Smith near the national team again.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Tangerine said:

    Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump are almost the same person. They are both unconventional and unpredictable in their approach to international politics (that is their power), use brinkmanship, put their country first and tell everyone else that their country is the greatest. They also both try to manipulate any media and dismiss dissenting views as 'fake' or in NK's case just kill the dissenters. 

    Trump is playing a high stakes game in East Asia. He has escalated where previous presidents tried to defuse. It might work. It may not. I'm still reserving judgement. 

    I'm no fan of Trump, but it's a real stretch to compare him to a mass-murdering totalitarian dictator

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