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  1. Lol you're funny mjake.....i don't follow any other sport my friend...no footy,cricket, rugby and what's left......and i think there's only one Melbourne city fc club..... But just for you. ...i will check the number again😉.
  2. Nico the issue is , they've been telling me for the last 7 weeks that they have sent the memberships. ...its 4 members in total , and i haven't received it yet...you speak to a phone operator that's all.......as soon as you finish the conversation with them it's like nothing happened and they take the next call.
  3. Thx nico I try......if they say I put you trough I tell them I might as well hang up......they are fucken useless... bloody dissapointed that the club allow this shit to happen......I'm thinking next year I pay on the day the games that I go.
  4. I don't know if anyone can help me out,,,,,I want to speak with an actual club person not from the membership phone number cus they don't really care... been member the last 4 years,,,,,,,,next week game agaist WSW and I still haven't recieved my family premium C memberships yet.....(paid in June)...... anyone knows who I have to contact????.
  5. With our defence ,you can play Tando and Redmayne together in goals ,we will be still shit....I can't belive how our club kept some of our defence players.....
  6. Our defence is in slow motion.......all they wana do is raising hands to the fucking linesman.....and yes this is embarrassing.
  7. I can't believe he still playing.....always late and he does half a tackle
  8. If you don't take the chances you get punished......back to the old days....
  9. Wtf.....can someone put that ball in the net.......unreal.
  10. lots of free land around in epping,,council and private land.
  11. Sydney aren't that bad mate. Misfud won't score again this season (srs) 2-0 up against Geelong Victory as I write...3-0 ....what goes around comes around victards....0-5 last week .....
  12. I'm a man.united supporter but I still buy my membership next season...actually 2 memberships.....I will never change the team cuz of this.
  13. Sorry but i totally agree with you. How the fuck can anyone be happy with a name change. WE ARE FUCKIN MELBOURNE HEART And for the people who dont like our name and are happy to change it... WHY THE FUCK did you support this club in the first place. Im sorry but it baffles me how people are selling out. People talk about "lack of identity" but we then go and sell what identity we have left to some fuckin sheik who doesnt give a shit about this club and is only looking to make a profit, I didnt sign up for Melbourne City Relax my friend take it easy... We all bought the membership under MH and I agree with supporters that they want the same club name as MH, but this is a huge thing for the club and for the A league ..... I've been following man united for the past 35years and I always looked at man city as just a basic team that fight for relegation,but now they are top team in the epl....the changes are big, when I went to main road ex man city ground ,looked like shit......today they are playing in one of the best grounds in England ,,,,,,even the training facilities they changed..... Man united got eliminated by Sunderland this morning so it wasn't a good start for me,but when I heard the news about the take over ,it made my day.
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