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Melbourne Football


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Everything posted by Braveheart

  1. BAHAHAHA cop that Ross Lyon ya cunt.
  2. the only time I wouldnt want to hear the word "Melbourne" in this chant is during the derby....just hear me out, only to avoid confusion especially considering the Tards are also Melbourne it would like lets hope for tards to score, when we all know it is not the case. Every other game the word "Melbourne" should be said except for derbies where i think "City" should be sufficient. But than again what do I know.....its up to @Beardedheart of course
  3. This. I have a MacBookAir and my parents have a Samsung Series 9 ultrabook. The usability, sleekness and functionality is not even comparable. The Ultrabook is clunky when switching, the Windows8 platform makes incredibly hard to use, has a cheap plastic feel to it and has already had problems with freezing when switching between programs. FFS the Samsung has an i5 and still struggles. My MacbookAir has had none of these issues and has actually had a positive impact on my life which is a rather special thing for a piece of technology to do. In the note/ultra book- laptop market, the device is just expected to work straight out of the box as people dont have the time/desire to be customising componentry and operating systems unless you are a gamer or IT professional perhaps who requires the portability as well as some increased capacity. TLDR: The MacbookAir works, the Samsung doesn't. Both almost identically priced. PS: I have been a PC person my whole life. First Apple product I've ever purchased.
  4. Fark yeah. I still haven't watched it... yet! Hopefully tonight i'll get around to it. Same Ditto. I read an article the other day (NOT ABOUT PLOT SPECIFICS) that suggested that BWE lost its way a little across the journey and although I absolutely love the show, there are a few points that I saw myself agreeing with. For those who would like to read it: http://grantland.com/hollywood-prospectus/hbo-boardwalk-empire-finale-final-season/ DISCLAIMER: It contains discussion about the general themes of season5 but not specific plot events. Also, if you have not seen seasons 1-4 don't read the article as it mentions assumed knowledge of events from the previous seasons.
  5. http://static.fjcdn.com/movies/f5/3c/f53ca9_5279641.webm
  6. The word is he signed a few weeks ago. Harry Taylor to become a full time forward. Im calling it now.
  7. Perhaps surprising to you due to not being exposed to it before but Criminology has forever and a day been a female dominant discipline. No surprises here.
  8. Just think of it in general terms irrespective of the subject you are considering. Those general terms would be essentially a 'conversation' moreover 'an exchange of ideas running to and from major conceptual points'. Probably the best way to conceive of it.
  9. Will the GF, irrespective of the teams involved, definitely be played at concrete mess that is Shitihad as it has been for the last decade or so? Fuck me, just play it at NorthPort.
  10. TTDIM: Cad's driving. Know's how to drop the hammer
  11. Wow. Just wow. How embarrassment
  12. What? Where does the casino make their money? Is there craps at crown? Yeah, there are a few tables. Not entirely sure as there are different things to bet on which may favour the house. It should be noted that when betting on the 50/50 odds outcome it can take for ever to get a result. I was under the impression that Baccarat offered the best odds/returns?
  13. http://www.sbs.com.au/news/map/where-australias-immigrants-were-born-melbourne#exclude
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