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Everything posted by Che

  1. lmao, just did some reading about this qualifying tournament, and it turns out we get to play Guam - traditionally the Ameircan Samoa of Asia . We could probably beat our 31-0 record with this squad against them!
  2. Didn't Germano play at RB a couple of times last season? If he's fit he could be used there...
  3. Potentially the best post on the forum
  4. Che

    David Beckham

    People who have never been to the A-League before - go to see Bekcham - also enjoy the warm summer's evening and good atmosphere - "We should do this more often" - buys 5 game membership - on mailing list for membership the next year - "We should sign up this year and get a good seat" or teenagers "I want to rip flares with the ladzz ey". Ergo memberships increase, good marketing for the club. Plenty of possibility for future members. And tbfh, i couldn't care less if they're bandwagoners. Better to have bandwagoners and a club, than not have members and have no club.
  5. Club's come up with this today. Think we might be looking for new investors / or perhaps trying to sway Beckham.
  6. Is Germano still out with 'fitness' or is he pushing towards reselection anytime soon?
  7. Celtics were pathetic today, Sullinger needs some time in the D-League - looked completely lost on the court today. It wasn't even that Detroit were that much better than them, they were literally just crap. Far out.
  8. Che

    David Beckham

    Any publicity is good publicity, particuarly when it's being splashed across the Herald Sun Website.
  9. Bridge is an absolute spud, blazes it over the corssbar every time. Someone teach him to shoot properly plz so my mates will stop laughing at the A-League.
  10. Kosmina was clearly mirin' last night's effort from Aloisi.
  11. First game of the season i'll be able to attend, super pumped!!
  12. To be fair, whilst Shime did fuck up a fair few times - one of which leading to a goal - he also made a lot of killer tackles and decent clearances. Which is exactly why he should be on the bench. If he can't be consistently good or at least consistently decent in a game, rather than fluctuating between very good and very poor, then there's no point having him on the pitch. We will continue to concede from his brain-fades, and continue to undeservingly lose games. I'd like to see Vrankovic or Gray start the next few.
  13. I swear every goal we concede someone brings this up... we were never going to be able to sign him pernamently.
  14. Cidade De Deus (Brazil). Probably my favourite movie of all time, absolutely incredible gang/action movie. Gomorrah (italy) and Persepolis (France / Iran) are pretty fantastic too. On another note, avoid all Indonesian films at all cost.
  15. I thought Rogic was really good the moments i saw of him. Impressive performance in the second half from the roos (didn't bother watching the first when i saw Behich and Eli were on the bench) but our defence was pretty lifeless.
  16. What a joke, does Holger even understand how friendlies work? What the hell is the point of bringing a young squad of fledglings over to Korea if you're going to play people like Thwaite who aren't ever going to get a proper first team gig. Made worse by the fact that when we lose, Holger will jump on the 'youth aren't ready' train. GTFO Holger. Also with bringing in Cornthwaite as a local in Korea - couldn't it have been Hammill?
  17. Che


    GTAV: Game - The Game
  18. 1.:Who did you support before Heart? Victory, halfheartedly, and Brentford FC. Happy to admit it, i honestly couldn't give a fuck about this whole turncoat / traitor bullshit. It's not interesting at all. I'm actually dubious about the claims of a lot of people here that they never supported Victory. I'm sure they may not have ever been to games, but i don't honestly believe that any of them went out of their way to articulate some sort of boycott against the club when it was the only non-VPL option in Melbourne - unless of course they weren't in Melbourne at the time of Victory's foundation etc. 2. Why did you start supporting Heart? Same colours as Brentford FC, plus i was never really into Victory. Probably only went to one game throughout their whole existance, plust i liked the look of Heart's squad when they were developing. Nuff said.
  19. Che


    Fairly certain CJ was hetrosexual buddy.
  20. Che


    *Sao Paulo, but it worked well (from the reviews i've read) so why not move it somewhere else? The game is just going to get repetitive and uninteresting otherwise.
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