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Everything posted by sharpy

  1. I see there is a few Richmond supporters, get around them! Do they ever play on Saturday's? If so feel free to come down to the footy oval and watch me shine!
  2. Don't worry about it, they're just being bell end's
  3. I use the cable machine for my bench press exercises, strengthens my core a heap but limits as to how much you can 'lift' due to the weight of the plates pulling me back. This is just what the sheila at the gym told me to do to start off. I do this, pull down with a chin up technique (hands facing me), dumbell row, dumbell fly's for my chest and dumbell shoulder press. Increased weight significantly in all of them but not sure how good they are for footy. This gym shit is foreign to me.
  4. I'm Sharpy, supporter from inception due to that other team being a bunch of flogs. I always talk about getting around YS and having pre-drinks and the Imp but I am always found to be a frigid fuck who does neither. Carry on.
  5. sharpy


    No idea what sort of contract he'll score. I see that Bighiritti or however you spell it is off to Newcastle.
  6. sharpy


    Nothing on line or anything but my mate involved at the club just told me. Said he was introduced to the playing group before heading out to train. It is 100% because this mate would have had no idea who Reid was before today.
  7. You're wanting to start Williams and drop Terra!? say what now!? Shroj getting a starting berth over Germano!? Thank fuck you're not the manager mate! Hamill is 19, problem solvered.
  8. sharpy


    Paul Reid, just did his medical and is stripped and training as we speak.
  9. Disagree, I reckon it is worthy of a thread, our supporters are civilised enough to discuss the differences and there'd be plenty Heart supporters out there who don't know the differences.
  10. Pre-season hero like me, burn up the track and dominate pre-season games only to be shown up as an absolute spud when it matters!
  11. sharpy


    Beat me to it, how long ago last year are we talking?
  12. It was meant as a smartarse title, he has disappointed though.
  13. Agree to disagree my friend, I like him taking blokes on, I love anyone taking blokes on but it has to be every now and again, not all the time. His run for the penalty was great as were a few others. It is just when there were times that he had 3 Glory blokes behind him and he tried to turn back through them when the pass out wide to Germano (who would have been in a crossing position) was on. He'll learn this with age, just gets frustrating when he tries to do too much. Aziz was a bit the same yesterday. But I'll agree with you on the basis that he is trying to take the game on, I like that, he just needs to know when to do it and not burn teammates in better positions.
  14. sharpy


    Sarkies hasn't been all that bad in his 2 games, better than Hoffman yesterday. It is pretty damn hard to find an aussie play maker that isn't already at a club. What about Patafta? haha
  15. After leading 3-1 at half time we lost 4-3
  16. Tempting, can't see JVS doing it though, it'd probably leave us out numbered on the field.
  17. Quite a bit of jest in my use of the word 'sack'. Just wanting to bring up debate/conversation on his form as I have been extremely disappointed with it. I actually prefer Maycon to him to be honest, yeah I went there! Maybe we can swap there passports? Surely the club has contacts that could do that?
  18. I was, were sitting on the wing right in front of a few of his attempted dribbles. Thought I was in the right position to send in a ripper cross but he burnt me time and time again. That run for the penalty was good, obviously. Just needs to learn when to use his dribbling skills and when to pass. Also, note that I am having a bitch on an internet forum as if I was to do it to his face he'd probably eat me! #theladisafuckinggiant
  19. He needs to learn how to pass, he tries to do too much when the ball is at his feet, so many times yesterday he tried to dribble past what seemed 50 (might be a slight exaggeration) Glory players when a simple pass was the better option. Shony absolutely lost his shit at him at one stage and deservedly so. The kid has the makings of an unreal player, I know he is only young and he'll learn but fuck it was pissing me off yesterday.
  20. Roganovic would offer more on the wings.
  21. Zac Walker, how would he fair in the first team off the bench?
  22. He is gonna be... wait for it... good!
  23. Gonna be a Jet, cannot wait to see how he is performing in a few years time.
  24. sharpy


    I think he has been awesome this year, why only reserve if he keeps this form up? However we definitely need a more than capable back up which we don't have at the moment.
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