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Everything posted by sharpy

  1. Toffee all the way boys! Yeah managed it all on my own accord, I am a smart lad!
  2. Piss off ya mugs! He was awesome last night!
  3. Yeah I kow, my mate and I were watching him bust his gut to stay with Bojic in the first half and plenty of times in the second half, he was pushing through the pain barrier, won a lot of respect from me seeing how hard he was working. He played awesome last night, was understandably knackered towards the end.
  4. Whats the difference between a joke and three dicks, you can't take a joke! Run away now he who has no idea or is a bread roll!
  5. You are so wrong, he was a jet last night! He would have been so spent at the end of the game, trying to run with Bojic for most of the game! Fuck me, Bojic is so bloody fit!
  6. You could say the same about dog shit
  7. Well that sucked balls but fuck we played well! Terra and Worm were fucking awesome, as was Germano. Alex has scored himself in the starting XI for now. Aziz ran himself ragged and just needs some composure in front of goal! Williams was ok, better than he has been. Hoff was shit!
  8. Fuck off you Red shite!
  9. An extra position or two on the bench would be awesome. Cannot see it happening with the FFA being cheap fucks. Could have had 20 on the bench and a member of the brazilian national team in each squad if we hadn't wasted the money on that cartoon kangaroo.
  10. Agree on his introduction into the team reflecting with our good form, I reckon he is a gun and will be pivotal along with Fred to our success. It wasn't the ignoring of the backward passes that was pissing me off, just the ones where he had blokes running down the flanks into crossing positions who were wide open. Where he instead tried to take on two or three defenders. He wasn't the reason we lost by any sense of the imagination however once he learns (and this is from a bloke who has only played U17 Bendigo soccer) when to dribble and when he should make the obvious forward pass he'll be almost unstoppable. When his dribbles come off I cream my dacks, when they don't and there is an obvious open pass it shits me to tears. Just trying to have my cake and eat it too I spose.
  11. Will get around it, cheers mate! Have noticed improvement in both strength and arm size, but nothing major. Currently about 86kg, looking to get to about 91 or so. Trying not to lose too much agility!
  12. Maycon actually looked ok on the weekend, happy for Williams to get a gig ahead of him however I am interested to see how he performs when he comes on tonight.
  13. sharpy


    On like Donkey Kong! Mine is bloody unreliable but he was on the money yesterday!
  14. sharpy


    He signed last night supposably. Same source that told me he was training yesterday etc.
  15. sharpy

    FM 12

    Goal scorers? Who is a stand out in that squad? FM07 <3 Playing FM12 on my phone, its shit but still addictive! Finished 5th with Everton and won the League Cup. Late October of 2nd season and am into the quarters on the league cup, sitting 4th. Why can't Moyes get blokes on Bosman from Barcelona like I can?
  16. You kidding me? I have 3 or 4 blokes from footy who didn't really follow the sport, came along to a game, fell in love with that chant. They therefore bought a scarf each and whenever they come they're itching for that chant to start.
  17. Thanks mate, I basically have no idea what I should be doing. All I want is to put on some size and add strength, but nothing silly that will restrict me in footy terms.
  18. Get on board Olerhead! Kevin Bartlett Reserve FTW! Haven't had a chance to watch the 'soccer' club but may pop over on a Sunday and watch one.
  19. sharpy

    Paul Reid

    Could make it the 'Sack Paul Reid thread' or 'Paul Reid Appreciation thread'
  20. Good on them, a way to create some interest in the sport in a country of more than a billion people. Will get the ball rolling for the sport in their country.
  21. I know, Torres makes Maycon look like Messi!
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