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Posts posted by citypool

  1. 1 hour ago, Le Hack said:

    I think it's cause is that we've had so many players leave and if Good goes to India as well there's another hole in the fabric of the team. Those players you mentioned though remind me of some we've had previously both long and short term. Young reminds me of Galekovic, filled a hole for a year and now we wouldn't claim him as a City player. Ugarkovic is more a journeyman, I think in time we might feel the same for him as say a Jamo or a Griff, players who both had history with a number of other clubs. Antonis I feel might be the sort of project player who flourishes and we turn around his career. A bit like Nabbout actually. The other pick ups Lopane and Schreiber look ok, looking forward to the new visas as well most looking alright and I'm hoping we see more time for the younger guys, Caputo etc. I'm actually the opposite I'm feeling a little renewed this year, like it's a new leaf, new team and looking forward to see what unfolds during the season

    That's a fair answer. Jamieson and griff didn't play for victory so it'll take a bit of time but I'll give them a chance 

  2. 17 minutes ago, Mr MO said:

    Come on guys, when are we going to accept that football isn’t a sit and clap sport. Noisy fans and flares (when used safe) are part of the global sport. Trying to fight it isn’t the right way, introducing safe flares is. This isn’t a case of Australia is right and the rest of the world is wrong.

    I find them cringey. Like look at me I have smoke. Why don't you chant about the players 

  3. 25 minutes ago, jw1739 said:

    No stick from me anyway.

    Did you get down to Oakleigh for the Cup match? I have felt more connected to the club since then that I have for several seasons now. I think it was the atmosphere and the reality of it - something I haven't felt at AAMI for a long time. Kinda nice too to find a girl and her Dad checking tickets on the way in and not being frisked in case I was a hooligan...

    One thing about the club I don't like is that I feel I'm being sold a package - I'm a consumer and not a fan. The lads don't come down to the Southern End anymore and acknowledge the fans for starters. Has Rado ever mentioned us? Do we get "City Insider" any more or is it just another download? I've written to the club about this sort of thing but it doesn't have any impact.

    Yeah it's changed for sure. I was there on Sunday I think the flares are so cringe as well. Like taking flares to a suburban ground grow up 

  4. I'm gonna get a bit of stick for this but it's a safe space so here goes 

    I don't really feel connected with the squad this season. Young, uga, antonis even nabbout played for other a league teams especially victory/western 

    I know club loyalty isn't really a thing anymore but I wanna feel connected to the players like they only represent my club. At the same time I'm excited to see behich I know he played for victory but he was at heart when I followed the club so it's just about reliving those memories seeing him play. Maybe in time I'll accept these new players... 


  5. 43 minutes ago, jw1739 said:

    @citypool When money talks, people walk. As a Liverpool supporter I'm sure that you would be aware of that just at the moment. If there's any substance to the rumour, Goody would be looking at his future beyond his present contract with City.

    Yep which is why I'm losing interest in club football. International football is better imo 

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