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Posts posted by citypool

  1. 7 minutes ago, jw1739 said:

    I really hope that we are going to see more minutes from our up-and-coming players this coming season (provided results can warrant that). As for imports I'd rather see one of of good quality rather than two who really don't add anything over and above what a local player can.

    We'll know the ACL Group draw in August and IMO we need to do well in that competition to lift the club and get the fans excited about something.

    I'm keen for the champions league. We really should be aiming to qualify 

  2. 1 hour ago, jw1739 said:

    @citypoolI don't I'm afraid. For some reason I find it difficult to find when and where the matches are on. I think we seem to play most of our "home" matches at Parade College, wherever that is. I think @fensaddler sent me a link at one time where I could find all the NPL results and tables etc. The club website carries reports and videos? I started out trying to list squad members but haven't been diligent enough to keep it up to scratch so apologies for that.

    There's talk of resurrecting the National Youth League, which ran concurrently with the A-League. Over-age players could play in that so it was a good way back to match fitness for any injured seniors. I used to watch the NYL quite often in the Heart days.

    TBH I don't think that I have enough interest in the club anymore to bother with the youth teams or particularly the women. I'll probably get called misogynistic, or worse, for the latter. The women's team was really something when we had Fishlock, Little, Beattie and De Vanna playing, but not now.

    I'm surprised the club doesn't promote the npl side more I'd be keen to check out a match 

  3. 16 minutes ago, jw1739 said:

    Fellas, for me it just gets worse by the day, and could kill off my interest in football if it continues.

    There cannot be a "neutral venue" in Australia because of our geography and population distribution, and because football is a minority interest sport. Unless you play somewhere in the outback, which clearly does not make sense financially. In countries where such big matches are played at neutral venues there is a much larger fan base, and IIRC from my England days the competing clubs receive equal ticket allocations. Of course playing in Sydney we could have received an equal ticket allocation to that of the Mariners, but again that would not have made sense financially because most of City's allocation would not be taken up because of cost and inconvenience.

    The GF in Sydney decision blatantly favours the five New South Wales clubs.

    As for "repairing the relationship" - a bit late for that I'd say. Bit like hitting a guy and then while he's still lying on the floor saying "Can we talk about our relationship?"

    The simple solution for me is not to worry about the grand final.


    We still have the league, Australian cup and Asian champions league. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Heart Inaugural said:

    We've signed up for a 14th season.

    Hoping for some red and white again in one of the kits this year. Excited for the ACL finally being on home soil! 

    Is it weird acl isn't mentioned in the membership pack? It's more games so definitely more value with the membership 

  5. 8 hours ago, jw1739 said:

    Some might say that it was better without active. The best atmosphere that we have enjoyed all season in fact. I haven't seen a number for the crowd yet, but IMO it was one of our larger attendances for the season.

    Really it was no contest after the send-off, I have seen one statistic saying we had 77% possession, and it was like a cat playing with a mouse, despite several of our bigger names not having their best games IMO. I thought Tilio and Good deserved the votes this week. We're going to miss Marco if he leaves. 

    Sorry to be a downer but I thought the atmosphere sucked.

    You enter the stadium it's dull as no noise nothing really indicating there is a match on well except the security and cops.

    Then they do a DJ show which doesn't fit our sport but at least they tried. Active unless they sing about our players I couldn't care less. The thing I do like about city matches is everyone there cares about the match and is into it I don't see see to many looking bored or on their phones. 

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