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Posts posted by Libero


    JVS is a fine tactical coach. The big problem is the club culture and this needs both JVS and the club management to do some serious work to change. This problem has been there since season 1 and JVS was a part of the problem. Hopefully he and the new management will become a part of the solution

    I also think it got to a point where finals where inconceivable and he looked to the future and couldn't give any fucks about the current season, looking to the future, playing Mauk, Garrucio, Archibald and starting Tando, which I think is a ploy to drive Redders to lift his game and build some fire in him.



    I first saw this idea when we handed out multiple starts to Mifsud.... 


    But the root of the problem is that people shouldn't be picking and choosing what they will sing on game day. If the core group has selected a chant then it should be sung. It doesn't matter whether you like it or not. After the game it can be addressed. If I were to join Yarraside I would be obligated to sing whatever chants the core group have designated. If I felt strongly about a certain chant not being good enough then after the game I would raise the point but not during the game. Showing a united front as one should and would be the most the important part.


    That would work if the core group actually gave a shit. 




    Seems like if someone is not part of the core he or she cannot have an opinion or make suggestions?

    Thanks for proving you guys are everything that is wrong with "Yarraside".


    Going to stop wasting my time trying to better this pathetic support  :up:


    edit: except tesla 



    geez, why you so bitter? 







    Van 't Schip said he had "a little chat" with Engelaar about extending his stay at Heart to next season but was unsure what the future holds.


    I hope he doesn't. Other than the goal he was again ineffective today. Too slow by a mile.



    read this please: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/italy/10676557/Italys-Andrea-Pirlo-is-old-slow-rarely-sprints-and-is-just-not-the-player-he-was-because-he-is-even-better.html


    Totti is the same. Far to much emphasis on speed and size in the Australian game, but that is slowly changing.



    of course, there's a ridiculous amount of players who have never relied on pace, and i only chose that particular article because it was a good example


    its a gradual change. i remember when Engelaar first came here he said something along the lines of 'i have heard the game is played very fast here .... too fast, and i hope to change this'..


    it also seems we dont have enough composure, which can then lead to dropping points that we never should, with the obvious example being from tonight. maybe slower is the way to go?





    Van 't Schip said he had "a little chat" with Engelaar about extending his stay at Heart to next season but was unsure what the future holds.


    I hope he doesn't. Other than the goal he was again ineffective today. Too slow by a mile.



    read this please: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/italy/10676557/Italys-Andrea-Pirlo-is-old-slow-rarely-sprints-and-is-just-not-the-player-he-was-because-he-is-even-better.html

  5. Agree, I've got no problem at all with messages at the game. Just not a fan of the social media thing, it's a bit lame, and more important it doesn't really hold much weight.




    while what you've said is true, it is still worth a try isnt it?


    Mitchinson Vranks and Jez Walker released after contracts end mid April.

    Woah hang on, can we get some initials please?



    imo, it would be wrong of JVS to get rid of JW, however im not sure about SM and DV. 


    JG must be re-signed however, and it looks as if ive been underestimating him for ages....

  7. As I posted yesterday morning in the other "Man City Takeover Thread" for me a name change and colour change (Which I would put good money on going ahead) means that Melbourne Heart will cease to exist and new club called Melbourne City has been born.


    I then have a decision to make on whether I support this new club...


    TBH my love of watching live sport (Soccer and Footy for that matter) sees me catch a wide range of matches through out Greater Melbourne at a number of levels... So with this is mind I probably would attend City matches to see Soccer and to see my mates but I will def not spend the amount of time away from games that like I do now for Melbourne Heart for Melbourne City.


    agreed with this.


    also, 90% of you guys saying you are 'out', you will actually start coming back before you know it. 


    i like to think that I wouldn't support a team in sky blue from Melbourne - however I would also get desperate for some live football action so... 


    Im happy, but it all depends which Williams shows up.

    Totally agree, it has been a bone of contention every week as to which Williams will turn up. If he can become MORE concistent we may have a very good striker, yes that small word with a big meaning "IF"



    to me, it seems the best of Williams shows up when the rest of the team plays well, but if we hit a bad patch he really loses confidence and goes missing. 


    hopefully bad patches wont be a problem next year  :up:

    • Like 2
  9. If cyclists really want all these laws put in place which basically give them unfair preferential use of the road, they should:

    Have to get a licence for riding their bikes on the road, to make sure they actually know how to use the roads

    Have to pay rego for using the roads

    Have to have a number plate on their bikes, so they can be fined for running red lights and speeding


    As well as this, they should do more to separate the car and bike lanes, like in Europe.... 


    ie. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cycling_in_Denmark

  10. Dont really see the need for me to do PE any more tbh, considering we can change our subjects at the end of semester. i find it fairly easy but im seriously beginning to hate it.


    also - is there actually a need to do Further Maths? ive heard both sides - some say its important and others say maths is useless unless you do methods/spec. etc...


    Curious to see people's opinions on who was the better footballer during their time with heart, Maycon or Mifsud? 


    Maycon just shaves it in my opinion.

    The difference is that Maycon was signed on a One Season Base Contract as a last minute addition to the list whilst MM is getting at least four times as much for his one Season at Heart.



    also MM came with much higher expectations from the club than Maycon. 


    Mifsud was expected to be the one to push us into finals/top 4.

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