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75% income tax on income over 1mil euros incoming for France

Good luck on retaining any half decent players, would have to pay them ridiculous amounts for them to have same after tax income as they would in another league.

Also the whole French economy will collapse when all the rich move to Monaco, affecting the income of clubs as well.

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75% income tax on income over 1mil euros incoming for France

Good luck on retaining any half decent players, would have to pay them ridiculous amounts for them to have same after tax income as they would in another league.

Also the whole French economy will collapse when all the rich move to Monaco, affecting the income of clubs as well.

The rise of the left my friend, it's a natural progression. YOU CANNOT STOP. The flaws in the neo-liberalist system has once again reared its ugly head, meet my poor impoverished friends, GFC & EC.

PSG to win everything in the next two decades, they need to buy all the history they can get, so it all works out in the end dunnit?

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Yes, it's always entertaining watching the rich and the big corporations getting taxed more and more.

The left is baaaaaaaack baby.

Its entertaining watching the rich leave France and then who are they going to tax lolololololol.

Honestly, France is probably the worst country in the world to do this in, being in the EU makes it very easy to just move to another country, plus being so close to numerous tax havens, including Monaco which even speaks the same language, etc.

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The rise of the left my friend, it's a natural progression. YOU CANNOT STOP. The flaws in the neo-liberalist system has once again reared its ugly head, meet my poor impoverished friends, GFC & EC.

PSG to win everything in the next two decades, they need to buy all the history they can get, so it all works out in the end dunnit?

Yet they aren't going to win in this year, funny.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How will this be passed? Is this an idea of the Socialist opposition leader there?

Clear this up pls. :)

He officially won the election last night so he wont be opposition leader much longer.

Then he will need a majority in the parliament elections next month.

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How could to French people agree with something so extreme like that? How can it be justified?

What are the reactions of the french people?

Well they just voted him in didnt they?

Not mr left wing after all?


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it's not extreme.

Yes it is. Increasing the marginal rate to 75% for those earning over 1 mil euros a year will actually decrease tax revenue. So there is actually nothing good to come from it, whereas the negative economic effects are many. Its just a political show.

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How could to French people agree with something so extreme like that? How can it be justified?

Your interpretation of politically extreme is obviously very different to a large proportion of the French populace that have just voted this and its proponents into power.

Taxing Millionaires is never really going to be unpopular due to: there being fuck all of them in comparison to the general population( 65million), the median annual income is circa €27,000 in France so when somebody else suddenly has theirs cut to €500,000 a year it tends not be such a big deal and France has a very strong Socialist( Not communist, i must add) political tradition, the likes of which we don't understand here. So their is greater acceptance for more Socialist types of initiatives in politics. ie Universal Health Care and Large Pensions.

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Yes it is. Increasing the marginal rate to 75% for those earning over 1 mil euros a year will actually decrease tax revenue. So there is actually nothing good to come from it, whereas the negative economic effects are many. Its just a political show.

If he does implement the 75% marginal rate it will be a mistake, and it's highly unlikely that he will follow up his words with actions, as you have alluded to. The change has to be gradual. Socialism has had its fair share of fuck ups, but you've also got some gems. Sweden 1932 case and point, The Swedish Socialist Party essentially pulled them out of the depression, and managed to stay in power for 44 fucking years, implementing gradual change and laying the foundations for modern sweden, and look at Sweden now? Australian Health Policy has to follow the nordic model, it has to, but thats a completely different discussion in itself for another time. If Hollande can manage to steer France out of the recession and consolidate his power, and slowly implement gradual more centralised policies in certain areas, I believe he can emulate the Swedes and do something along the same lines.

However, implementing such radical change from offset will only help steer his own dick up his own ass.

EDIT: Trophee des Champions the traditional curtain raiser to the league, will be played in New York. Oh geez.

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Its 2012 and the Left are still pointing to Scandinavia as the way the world should do things, the example you have provided is no less fantastic than all the others I have heard about...

But the general problem with these Scandinavian examples of Social Progression remains the same as it always has:

The reason why these things work in Scandinavia is because the whole place (Including the 4 major countries and 3 minor) is only 25 Million - This is only 3 Million more than Australia and we are hardly large population wise.

Therefore what works with 9 Million in Sweden probably is not going to be as feasible in a country with the population of 64 Million like France.

EDIT: Inb4 we logically move on to the Cuban Heath system as the next example.

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You people are confusing the policies of parties with 'Socialist' in their names ie le Parti Socialiste in France with Socialist/Marxist politics/policies. They are generally socialist by name only and most are Social Democrat or New Left now, the French case in point. Parties that have Socialist/Marxist foundations but have progressively altered and tempered their policy platforms to more moderate and de-centralised positions over the last few decades. The militant or 'Bold', sweeping ideologies of the early-mid 20th century virtually do not exist in the European context any more.

Hollande is in the Right faction of the Socialist party btw which would put him as fairly Centre-Left if not even further right, so i wouldn't be holding out too much hope for Scandinavian type reformation of the social/health/public sector/immigration platforms. The 'Nordic Model' is too controversial for modern day politicians of 'major parties of compromise'(the big two system) to propose.

Remember chaps, its about attaining, consolidating and maintaining power. ;) Not serving the constituents.

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  • 4 months later...

The historically rich Stade Reims phwoaaar. 3-1 over Nice, 4th place.

Speaking of stade, everyone head over to the Baguette place in Flinders lane, owner there is a hardcore Stade fan and is a fucking top bloke, hangs a stade scarf across the front of the shop etc... Stade are also red and white. Anyway, need more heart chaps to recruit this fella, seemed interested from what I've said, more importantly potential free traditional french baguettes!

Get around him.

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The historically rich Stade Reims phwoaaar. 3-1 over Nice, 4th place.

Speaking of stade, everyone head over to the Baguette place in Flinders lane, owner there is a hardcore Stade fan and is a fucking top bloke, hangs a stade scarf across the front of the shop etc... Stade are also red and white. Anyway, need more heart chaps to recruit this fella, seemed interested from what I've said, more importantly potential free traditional french baguettes!

Get around him.

makes a mean Baguette too....

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