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The Aardvark

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Posts posted by The Aardvark

  1. 2 hours ago, Falastur said:

    I like that he's being kept in the club family and I hope he becomes a successful manager etc, but I tend to be sceptical of appointing ex-players to senior positions unless they've proven themselves. I was on record in other places as being against the appointment of Patrick Vieira to NYCFC and while I'm happy to have been proven wrong on that account it hasn't convinced me any more of the wisdom of the principle as a whole.

    By all means I hope that Paddy can manage the first team one day, but only if he's earned it by genuine success at lower levels first. 

    Yep. John Aloisi is an excellent example of a great player who shouldn't have been put in charge that early, and the AFL has heaps of examples thanks to an "appoint your ex-captain as coach" craze around 2010 with James Hird, Matthew Primus, Michael Voss and Nathan Buckley having about 3 years as assistants between them.

  2. I think he'll go on to have a typical A-League squaddie style career, notching up over 100 games as he moves from club to club. Will never be a star but should be able to establish himself as a regular starter for a few seasons.

  3. Waiting on a confirmation from the club on what our kit is next season, if they do go this way (which they probably will), lets hope it's a better version as that shirt is crap.

    Unfortunately for me whenever the club does stuff like this (and nearly every other move they've made, which aside from the training facility have been almost entirely disappointing), it makes me dislike the club more and more. City remains the team I follow and am most interested in, but at the same time I have a growing resentment towards the club and the wider CFG group, and moves like this just help that grow. I'm not out as such, and doubt I will be at any point in the foreseeable future, but man do they make themselves a horrible club to follow, and that's not even taking into account the on field stuff. They just reek of unjust arrogance and decisions that go against the wishes of supporters.


    • Like 1
  4. Happy for us to sign some players before a manager is signed.

    I wouldn't be signing players that will change our style of play or anything, but generic position Australians should be looked at. The pool of available Australians isn't big enough to give every other club a month headstart, otherwise we will be left picking up the dregs. I'm not advocating a big recruiting spree, but if you wait you are unlikely to snag the better youth prospects/potential starts and are left picking through the squaddie type players.

    • Like 1
  5. 14 hours ago, 3 Points said:

    So Andrew Redmayne wins 2 titles this season.

    I was really hoping an injury would force Sydney to bring him on for the penalty shootout. 


    Watching him concede every penalty and clapping repeatedly would have been the highlight of this season

    • Like 2
  6. 15 minutes ago, mjake1234 said:

    What appalling logic. The time for him to step up is/was when Sorenson retired. In the meantime watch and learn.

    Tbf the plan may have evolved quickly as the season went on.

    The plan at the start of the year was probably to have Sorenson play atleast 80% of the games, with Bouzanis maybe getting a run somewhere to see if he is capable of being a starter going forward.

    Sorensons red card in round 1 gave Bouzanis the opportunity earlier than expected, and seeing as he put in 1 and a half solid games in Sorensons absence they decided they'd keep playing him. Obviously while not outstanding his form was good enough to retain his spot, and with the added bonus of showing us that he is capable of performing at this level they just kept running with it.

    • Like 3
  7. 2 hours ago, Dylan said:

    I don't think Rose will extend. His family is still on the central coast

    Can't see why he wouldn't. He signed for us this year, knowing that this would be the scenario re his family. He clearly isn't on huge wages, so he isn't here for money unless he is desperate financially and has nothing lined up post career. 

    The reasons i imagine he is playing for us in order are:

    -One of those players whose whole life revolves around their chosen sport and will only retire when they are made to.

    -Is searching for another title to put to his name before he retires and see's us as his best chance to do it

    -Wanted to prove to CCM that he is still good enough for this level

    -Has nothing lined up post football and/or is struggling financially enough to need the modest A-League salary he would be getting

    I would have said he was lining up a move into coaching with us but if so he would have moved his family already. 

    Based on the above probable motivations i would imagine that if we offer him a contract he would take it. 

  8. 8 hours ago, SF33 said:

    I'm sure I'd dislike him if he played for another team, but when you you compare him to the dozens of players we've had that were so useless they were essentially stealing money from the club and looked like they couldn't care less, well, I'll take Kilkenny's passion, for better or worse.

    Oh I completely understand. I've disliked many players from our club, mainly for a lack of intensity or passion. The ones who atleast looked like they were trying and gave a shit, despite the lack of ability, they were alright.


    Kilkenny however is different. He just comes across as a dickhead.

  9. What a shite performance. 

    Kilkenny is the most dislikable player we have ever had. His constant whinging and that face he pulls with his toddler haircut stuck to his forehead is as punchable a thing as the A-League has ever witnessed,  which is saying something when every week we get to witness Muscats gum chewing workout. 

    And geez despite scoring two goals Fornaroli was shithouse. His first touches were almost invariably crap, including chances in the box were he opted against hitting it first time and ended up losing the ball, and that ridiculous play where he had a shot from close to halfway. Even the play to win the penalty, while a good/lucky interception, was poorly executed. As smart a play as it was to draw the red I'm not sure there was any true benefit considering our ineptness to take advantage of a 1 man advantage, and a penalty is no sure thing either. I would take the 100% guarantee of the goal every time rather than the useless extra player and an 80% chance of a goal. 

    • Like 4
  10. 20 hours ago, bt50 said:

    Havent heard anything with regards to Chapman leaving but good luck to him if that happens. IMO we dont really need centraldefensive cover, Malik and Jakobsen are our clear first choices with Tongyik a more than capable backup. Muscat, Rose and Chapman have all been known to play there as well and Kilkenny has also done the job.

    The instance of all three of Tongyik, Jakobsen and Malik being out at once is incredibly unlikely.

    This did occur in our most recent game, so not that unlikely.

  11. On Fornaroli, and this might be odd after all the recent discussion about diving, but is him going down when fouled hurting his game?

    I know he does get continually fouled, and I am not saying he goes down too easy or overplays it. I am sympathetic to the viewpoint that he does it to make sure the fouls do get called on him, and that's fine.

    But is it hurting his game? Yesterday Victory fouled him almost every time he got the ball, leading to a shitload of frees for. The issue to me is that knowing Fornaroli will fall and take the foul every time you get slightly physical with him, is that an easy out to tell your defenders to foul him and concede the non-dangerous free instead of allowing him to take the space and create something with it.

    As it stands the vast majority of his possession is either dribbling the ball for 5m and drawing a foul within 15m of the halfway line, or non-clean possession around the box with 2 or 3 defenders right on him.

    My suggestion is that instead of falling and taking the foul everytime as he does now, that even when fouled he fights to continue with the ball. Basically never drop when tackled unless they legit take hi legs out from underneath him. It might mean we stuff it up half the time (although there is still a chance the ref will call no advantage, but it means defenders can't afford to constantly give away little non-yellow card fouls as they won't stop him in his tracks anymore, and it means when Bruno gets the ball instead of it being a simple count down to him drawing the foul we actually have a chance of him breaking out and doing something dangerous with it.

    Basically I want see Bruno doing everything he can to stay on his feet and leave the foul in his wake instead of cashing in a shitty freekick that almost always amounts to nothing.


    • Like 1
  12. 21 minutes ago, jw1739 said:

    Indeed it is. IMO it's ironic that this is just about the only thing being discussed just a couple of weeks after we've won our first silverware, and a few days before the Christmas Derby, arguably our biggest home match of the regular season.


    As a Bulldogs supporter it's become very obvious to me that forums centred around a particular team are significantly busier when a side doesn't live up to expectations in some way. There's only so many posts you can make about how satisfied the club has made you without repeating yourself, but there are infinite posts you can make about what needs fixing and how. 

    • Like 5
  13. While I don't necessarily agree with the absoluteness of the two options, I am leaning much more in the yes camp than the no.

    If nothing else the theatrics are embarrassing and cringeworthy, and for all the talk about how they "are part of the game" for mine they only detract from the spectacle and the reputation of the players.

    And the reality is that they will hinder the sports ability to attract new supporters. I've brought many friends to Heart/City games throughout the years, and aside from the clubs complete inability to perform on anything close to a consistent basis nothing turns these guys off more than watching players make fools of themselves.

    This poll will represent the opinions of those who are on here, but I'd suggest the next group of supporters to convert will be less willing to accept this as "part of the game", and considering that these people are not particularly eager to throw themselves into the sport issues like this only give them reasons not to jump onboard. It sounds like a weak reason to avoid the sport, but in my experience a big part of embracing a club/sport is finding players who you enjoy watching and feel a connection to and that connection is harder to build when you lose respect for a player.

    • Like 3
  14. Membership numbers are never a good indication of how many people should be attending a match. Just look at the AFL. Clubs like the Bulldogs and North have around 35,000-40,000 members, however their attendances would typically be in the high 20,000's. Hawthorn claim to have 70,000 members, they certainly don't average that. 

    I think having the FFA cup game would have hurt Saturdays attendance as much as it hindered. Sure here would be many who would have been keen to go again and did, but there would also have been those (especially families) that can't justify going to 3 or even 2 matches in a week, and would have chosen the FFA cup match to spend their brownie points on. 

    Also in my experience now is the time Christmas functions and commitments start to kick off meaning many struggle to find the time on a pre-booked Saturday night to go to the soccer. 

  15. On 23/10/2016 at 6:56 PM, Chris p said:

    The so called "sporting capital" needs the infrastructure to host the worlds biggest sport 

    AAmi park hosts 4 teams, I doubt a 3rd AFL venue would host that many 

    Aami Park hosts 4 teams over a year, with only 2 in season at any one time. Besides, until the AFL comissions a third AFL venue this example is irrelevant. Currently there are 9.5 tenants using two grounds in Melbourne during the AFL season. 

    On 22/10/2016 at 1:15 PM, pberrett said:

    Yes 3 A-league derbies at present.

    + numerous rugby matches + finals

    + a further 6  A - league derbies after the introduction of a 3rd A league Melbourne based team

    + various Socceroos matches

    + various ACL matches if Victory can ever get their act together)

    + the odd rock concert

    + various exhibition matches by sides such as Liverpool, Manchester City etc  

    + the need for a bigger stadium for holding a World Cup 

    Originally AAMI Park was only going to hold 20k but the intervention by Victory saw that increased to 30k. You need to plan ahead to cater for rapid growth in the sport rather than waiting until you have a situation as we do now where we have capacity problems.  

    cheers Peter



    Rugby crowds are not consistently big enough, and the odd final or international match isn't enough to justify a whole new stadium.

    There are no signs of a third Melbourne A-League team, and considering the slow growth of our crowds it is difficult to assume a third crowd could get anything close to Aami's current capacity. 

    Socceroos matches can be played elsewhere if need be.

    ACL matches are rare events and don't get huge crowds anyway necessarily. If they do they play them at Etihad. 

    Why do we need another rock venue? How many bug bands are coming here that we need more stadiums than Etihad and Aami to host them?

    Exhibition matches have been doing fine at the world class stadium that is the MCG.

    Considering the earliest possible world cup we could get is 2030 it's a little early to be making that move now, and it wouldn't help meet the WC requirements anyway.

    13 hours ago, pberrett said:

    You have things around the wrong way. You build the infrastructure first and that demonstrate that you can host a World Cup thus you are more likely to get it.

    The stadium could be anywhere (I would love it to be at Victoria Park if only to upset Eddie) but Gosch's Paddock has plenty or room and is ideally in the sporting precinct of Melbourne with good access by public transport.  

    I am equally happy to expand AAMI but if for the same cost you can have a new stadium why not? having two stadiums close by simply means you can have the rugby on at one whilst at the same time you have a football derby in the other.

    For football to grow in Melbourne it needs a bigger rectangular stadium in which to grow. 

    cheers Peter


    More empty seats won't help Football grow quicker. And even if we exclude the fact that there is no business case to make Aami bigger it costing the same is no argument to make a giant oversized stadium that will rarely if ever be filled. Besides it theoretically greatly decreases the utilisation of to excellent stadiums in Etihad and Aami for negligible gain. 

    It would be cool to have another custom made stadium, but we already have 3 28,000+ capacity stadiums in Melbourne all capable of hosting multiple sports including football. The only time we are limited for options is ocassionally during winter due to the AFL.

    • Like 1
  16. As a Bulldogs supporter this last month has been incredible. I had Picken and Boyd ahead of JJ, with Morris, Hamling and Dahlhaus on par, but JJ's long runs were invaluable for relieving the pressure and forcing Sydney onto the back foot, even if his disposal was often a little wasteful. 

    As for the umpiring, I thought it did favour us but not by as much as the Swans fans seem to think (although I don't blame them). It's not a conspiracy, we've been slaughtering the free kick count all season and there is no way the AFL has been planning a Bulldogs premiership from round 1. It turns out having a squad that can receive and handball in under a second, are constantly on the move at pace and come in a variety of hard to tackle sizes means they get a lot of free kicks, and conversely our pressure and ability to force the opposition to panic gets us frees when we don't have the ball as well. 


    This has been an epic year. All season I've been saying if you are going to sneak a Premiership this is the year to do it, and after Wallis and Redpath went down I conceded we probably couldn't do it, but they proved me wrong. 

  17. On ‎17‎/‎09‎/‎2016 at 5:10 AM, haz said:

    Good too see Sorensen taking Jakobson around with him too.

    Full group was Cahill, Sorensen, Jakobsen and Franjic. They sat with Shane Delia and Wil Anderson. As a Bulldogs supporter I am more than happy to see the clubs unite. Cahill would make a much better number 1 ticketholder than Julia Gillard.

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  18. Why doesn't the club issue something regarding Franjic's absence? He's been missing all pre-season and if it wasn't for this forum I wouldn't have a clue why. It's pretty disrespectful that they can't be bothered keeping members who pay to support the club informed and we have to play detective from a players instagram. 

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