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Everything posted by Bannon

  1. looking forward to it will be there nice n early
  2. its all about TEEEEEEEEEMPZZZZZZ
  3. yeah i see kids or old men with victory shit on but these guys where starting chants in the ccm squad looked so fucking retarded but then again when don't they
  4. did anyone see the victory flogs in the ccm cheer squad saw em when i watched the reply dunno if they where just ccm wearing the away victory shirts to blend in or what
  5. would love for this to happening say in 10-15 years if the a league get more exposure and everything it needs first would love RED HEART LANE or something along the lines of that
  6. ^^^ exactly where id like this chant to go if it gets started could be done by everyone in aami potentially.
  7. hey sorry i haven't done a intro but i felt i had to contribute a little something first but i think this might sound alright, this song when the woah part kick's in at 2.02 might kick in earlier but yeah where im up to in the vid atm start with that and insted of sunday bloody sunday maybe eli eli babalj?? or whoever mite fit in, or start with the players name first vice versa visa vee corncorndinally. like the ooooooooah ooooooah woaaaaah ooooooo oooooooooah oooooooah woaaaaaah oooo ELI ELI BABALJ ELI ELI BABALJ ELI ELI BABALJ ELI ELI BABALJ then the ooooooooah ooooooah woaaaaah ooooooo oooooooooah oooooooah woaaaaaah oooo and maybe during the woah hold flags in the air or something dunno just and idea.
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