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Posts posted by perthheart

  1. 10 minutes ago, silva10 said:

    I know they are franchises Bela. However, to most supporters they are their clubs.

    I honestly don't see the league improving unless major changes are made. Somehow clubs need to find a way of retaing the best youth team players for longer periods. That way the interest in the country will increase. If you add a few quality visa players, then you begin to further increase interest. The FFA need to take a long term view of the game and implement the changes that is going to improve the league's chances of success.

    My view is continued development of a higher quality of players will result in a better standard of older players in the league. This improvement helps the league overall. The a-league should still be aiming to export players to the top 6 leagues in Europe. But those players coming back will create better competition and improve the next gen. Let that repeat and things will improve markedly. Youth players sticking around in Aus does nothing for them or the league. No one would come out to see Tom rogic play for CCM if he stayed here another three years, until you prove yourself in Europe , Aussies don't take notice: the same will apply for mooy. I want him at the club forever but he needs to go to Europe.

    Also the stupid part is that Mooys play for us the last year or two is above what he will do in Europe but Aussies come for the name not for the football they're actually watching.

    • Like 1
  2. Don't disagree. After we played CCM early last season I said I'd take Caceres, Fitzgerald and Austin from them. A year later we've got two of em. Austin is more dangerous going forward but Fitzgerald is a more rounded player. 

    Williams had a horrendous first touch and shooting ability but had the pace and a better positional sense to open up defences regularly. If he had even a marginally better first touch and finishing he would be playing for the NT imo.

    Mostly those with work rate and middling skills elsewhere are seen as good players by fans here, but those with that something extra but inconsistency are crucified due to the frustration they cause when they create something out of nothing but then butcher it (Williams, Austin).

    Whereas a player seen to be running all day, tracking back etc but creating very little and finishing well when given they do find themselves in dangerous positions are then applauded. (Fitzgerald).

    Is just part and parcel of following lower level clubs though. I honestly prefer the players in Williams mould as its more exciting to watch. I disagree however on the pace side of things, Fitz is fucking fast in a straight line without the ball, his lack of control while dribbling is what stunts his pace on the ball. Watch the best players or even better players like a Novillo, they go at full tilt with their head up taking deft touches, Fitzgerald largely has his head down focussing on controlling the ball and has to take more touches as a result this doesn't let him get to top speed while on the ball. Still as I said a reliable squaddy and happy to have him on board.

    • Like 3
  3. Is no way they saw Fitzgerald as not good enough. More likely we dangled the carrot of a fee for caceres in front of CCM on the condition they'd release Fitzgerald as well. Fitzgerald, Caceres and Austin are the only quality CCM had, wouldn't have released him otherwise.

    Happy if we've signed him on long term. Good bench player but is seriously uncomfortable on the ball but makes up for with pace  (like most a-league wingers). However seems to shy away from taking players on probably due to his awkwardness on the ball. Hopefully can develop that as he seems to be a decent finisher and has a great work rate to help defensively.

    Good a-league level winger.

  4. we have comedy festival on the mid level all month so no rooms to book. The whole lower floor is practically all city most away games anyways so not much point booking a room anyways. Best bets to call the pub and book a table in the restaurant for the game if you want a reserved space. The bigger screens in the restaurant area behind the bar.

  5. We got delivered 200 don salami sticks at the pub yesterday. Giving them away to first 200 people into the pub tomorrow. Some cross promotion city have with Don. Will be some club representatives in I think. The promo posters of Kuzi we got given are fucking hilarious. 

    • Like 1
  6. The blokes allegedly abusing his Mrs and you Kent's are worried about his sleeping pattern. Fuck me. 

    I work hospo including at a certain pub you may all be familiar with that closes at 6am regularly. Can tell you for certain that what time you sleep makes no difference just as long as you get your 6-8 hours in.

    If he's found to be beating his wife he needs to go immediately. The only support the club should then offer is to his Mrs, regardless of his background and where he grew up. Send him to victory where he can console himself with Archie and discuss techniques on how to be a bigger cunt. 

    If he isn't found guilty then the club needs to watch the space and get the blokes head right, no smoke without fire.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, NewConvert said:

    I have a Dutch friend who reckons that the fans felt that Davidson was over rated at Heracles. Every one was surprised at his selection and then games for the NT and were all left wondering as to why he did not produce that form at the club level.

    Can confirm. Was a serviceable eredivisie level wing back but that's it. WBA threw stupid money at him for some reason.

  8. 1 hour ago, Tesla said:

    Well I don't find that surprising, what I meant is you'll have people reading into and judging everything you do in a different way than if it's a female teacher. 

    Fwiw, an easy way to get more male primary school teachers would be to pay them more than females, but I doubt that will go down well lawl. 

    yeah primary school you'll generally end up in the upper grades anyways as that's where male teachers are needed . And the whole pedo thing as well I guess haha. Plus I don't know many blokes who have the patience for lower grade kids.

  9. On 16 December 2015 at 10:22 AM, Tesla said:

    Maybe it's because I'm in the west but it seems to be one of the easier careers to get into as a grad at the moment.

    The hard ones seem to be all the traditional popular 'good money professions' eg lawyer, accountant, engineer, etc., or maybe that's just an illusion since they are popular and so there are more people complaining about lack of opportunities.

    On the male teacher thing, i couldnt think of anything worse than being a male working with young children given the retarded feminist driven culture that has emerged where every man is basically assumed to be a pedophile. Of course you can avoid that by being a high school teacher and teaching like VCE classes, but then you'll be seeing dat jailbait every day and will end up being called a pedophile (by cunts who dont know the meaning of the word) when you eventually can't resist anymore and fall fowl of the law :up: 

    That's bullshit. I finished primary school teaching back in Perth and was only ever encouraged to keep at it, particularly by women as they acknowledge the lack of male role models in most of the students lives. Is largely what drew me away from teaching in the end. Being a surrogate father for these kids was not what I signed up for.

    Particularly when I get paid more slinging beers in a job that is essentially paid socialising. Saving cash now for a small business loan to venture into the hospo game back home in Perth in 3-4 years time.

    Back to the teaching side of things, if you're a male you'll more than likely pick up grad work quickly. I already had teaching work lined up despite that schools principal acknowledging that my forward planning and organisational skills at the time were less than stellar. Majority of graduating year though had to do a few years relief before nailing a FT position. The other four blokes who graduated with me all found ft immediately. The degrees fucking easy as well so that's a plus as well.

    • Like 2
  10. Winning games playing football like we are is all you really need to worry about. Can be engaged with the fans all you like but if you're playing shit football people on the fence aren't going to come to games.

    Fact is we will always be the smaller side in Melbourne. Victory were first to market and captured the majority of people wanting to support an a-league team, if we are to catch up it will be after 10+ years of regularly being the superior team on the field in the league and having bigger name marquees, so new generations are attracted to us and not Victory.

    • Like 2
  11. Said it at the beginning of the season that JVS finally has a squad of players that fit into the system. Goals are being shared fairly evenly with Fornaroli, Mooy and Novillo all finding the net regularly. Opposing teams aren't coping with the movement and I dare say Franjic is helping this a lot as well as he is providing the fourth option that really stretches defences and allows the others the space to do what they are doing. It's fucking beautiful to watch when it's working like it is at the moment with finally a near full strength squad to choose from.

    Koren I think is going to be a bench option for the rest of his time with us. Doesnt have the engine for a full game.

    End of season move Fornaroli to marquee and tie him the fuck down long term. 

    • Like 4
  12. Chapman,Clisby, mauk, Melling having shockers. 

    Paartalu, Novillo, Fornaroli have been class though. Mooy being made to look bad by Melling a few times where he's played tidy balls and Mellings just not been aware.

    We'll win this 3-0 CCM's owners 'money ball' fantasies going to grind this club into the dirt. Can't play that many kids without getting belted every week. Would take Fitzgerald, caceres or Austin though.

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