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Posts posted by ecguymer

  1. 1 hour ago, Shahanga said:

    The thread title triggered something Shakespeareian in my brain.

    i can it see it now, Aloisi (Macbeth) peering from the corporate boxes (parapets) watching tuna-Mooy-Novillo warm up with some beautiful 1 touch football "arrgh Anti-Football (Birnam Wood) hath come to Suncorp (Dunsinane)" 

    Fornaroli will play the role of Macduff, putting the tyrant's forces to the sword and thus starting the end of the Aloisi's (Macbeth's) brief reign as coach (King) in Brisbane (Scotland).


    1.Apologises to William Shakespeare. 

    2. Ok I admit it, strange stuff comes out of my head sometimes.

    .....so....everyone's going to die?

  2. the premiership could be decided next week if we win and Canberra doesn't, Sydney technically still has a chance, but they would need to win everything and we'd need to loose everything for the rest of the season for that to happen.....

    ....assuming I did my math right.....

  3. 3 minutes ago, recyclosaurusrex said:

    Wasn't our match last week the lowest until now. I'm glad they got 1400 less than us if so.

    well, I don't have all of the stats, but it is our lowest home game attendance, and only central coast has had a lower home attendance this year....so unless central coast has had another sub 6k attendance, we where winning that.......

  4. 48 minutes ago, bt50 said:

    Does anyone have any accurate insight into how FFA and the clubs are structured currently, and conversely, how the FA is set up in England?

    Perhaps our good friends @Falastur and @silva10 can help from an English perspective??

    Well, from reading roughly half of the FFA constitution, the FFA is basically "owned" by the 9 state level soccer association (NSW has 2); who get to vote on board appointments at the AGM; board sets main policies and hires the CEO; the CEO hires the rest of the senior management, with whom s/he runs the organisation; from my understanding, the FFA issues licences to external bodies to operate an a-league team (aside from the FFA, no-one can hold multiple licences) with each licence holder having whatever management structure they want and can do whatever they want - provided that the terms of the licence are met

    Does that answer your question, or have I misinterpreted what you asked?

  5. 8 hours ago, jw1739 said:

    One thing you could perhaps enlighten me on, Bela, is how the people who run FFA are actually elected? I mean, any organization that elects the son of the former Chairman as its new Chairman smacks to me as one that is not a representative body at all but more like a privately-owned company. I understand that football has the highest junior participation rate of all sports in the country, so how is their voice heard? And so on up through the various levels of the game here. Or is it that FFA has a stranglehold on the game simply because it is part of FIFA (which is hardly a redeeming quality is it)?

    The chairman is elected by the board from among themselves, and the appointment is then ratified by the members at the AGM; most of the board are elected by the members on rotating 3 year terms at the AGMs (so 1/3 are replaced or re-elected each year), but there are also provisions to appoint a small number of additional board members - such appointments still need to be ratified at a general meeting. The current FFA constitution only allows for 10 members; the 9 state bodies, represented by the chairmen of there boards; and one if the A-league teams/clubs IF one can be successfully be nominated by at least half of the other clubs. The FFA as an organisation has only existed as an organisation since 2004, prior to which Soccer Australia (legally a separate entity) did the job currently done by the FFA.

    That said, the role if the board is mostly limited to appointing the CEO and setting major policy procedures; almost everything else is decided and acted upon by the CEO and/or the other management staff

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