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  1. Would you have supported City if the colours and name changed when the takeover happened? This goes for all the City fans on the forum. What's with the aggression? He said hello and that he hopes we keep our colours if it's what we want. What's wrong with that? Another MCFC fan here welcome to the (growing) family MHFC. It is a fair question TBH however having thought about it I honestly can't personally answer. I'm in my 50s and a lifelong fan thanks to my old man (RIP) so like a very large proportion of MCFC fans have experienced the lows (far too many to mention) and the highs. That said it probably was never even considered for us because we were the first of the family and one thing you'll find out about our owners is that they have a VERY long term plan. The City name obviously fits in well with that plan since it's usable anywhere in the world and unlike Tan at Cardiff for instance they aren't influenced by colours. As said many times previously our owners are very approachable (that doesn't mean you can knock on his front door BTW, you're likely to get shot ) and they WILL listen to you and take the majority view on board. You're in for a face splitting grin for a very long time indeed so if your natural temperament is to be a miserable moody git then you may wish to get off the ship now (that's a joke by the way)
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