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Melbourne Football

1800 Gerhardt

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  1. Served him today at work. He got the the prawn twisters, wedges and a chicken focaccia to share with his son. Boss.
  2. Why this guy was never given a go as a dm is beyond me JA He was signed as a DM wasn't he? Dropped deeper out of necessity.
  3. Watched this game at a sports bar in Shanghai. Don't know why I bovver.
  4. Perfectly placed last night to get in the shot with JA in the foreground. Well planned. Given it got confiscated perhaps a big letter each on the gut of 9 is the way forward. Saw the guys with the banner walking outside of the pitch yelling "Aloisi Out". So the banner was obviously given back if it was confiscated. Can confirm. It's currently in my room.
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