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They are protesting the clubs treatment of their active supporters

Just heard that apparently a Victory fan got punched by a security guard for holding up a "Football is Freedom" banner and the NT have walked out, although I did see it on a Facebook page so whether there's any merit I'm not sure but fuck, the board of that club has ruined itself regardless.


A lot of people hang shit on Munn and our board but at least we don't have the stuff that's going on in the other half of Melbourne plaguing our terrace.

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Lol at the North Terrace self-destructing.

Only concern I have that this concentrated effort by security could spread to all active areas.

I refuse to seat there like a gimp after handing over my money to watch my club, while some uneducated kebab loaded, good for nothing moron in sandals (read camel jokey)tells me how to behave!!!

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If people are being punched out be security for holding up a non-offensive banner, its not self destruction. It sounds more like its being systematically dismantled. Of course, like most things of this nature there is probably way more to the story than we are hearing, plus I am not really one to keep up on the affairs of other terraces anyway but if (and i emphasize the if) last night was all because someone held up a banner (ironically stating that football is freedom) then that is way too far.

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The story of the security guard:

He wanted to take the banner.

On his way through the isles and chairs one supporter "unintentionally" (as they claim) stood in his way.

He then punched him in the face.

He made it to the banner and took it away from the fans.

The end.


Unintentionally standing in his way or not, that is complete shit. The banner was not even offensive, racist or threatening.


"Quick! Someone is holding up a banner stating a positive message about the sport they are watching! Take 'em down by any means necessary!" 

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The story of the security guard:

He wanted to take the banner.

On his way through the isles and chairs one supporter "unintentionally" (as they claim) stood in his way.

He then punched him in the face.

He made it to the banner and took it away from the fans.

The end.


Unintentionally standing in his way or not, that is complete shit. The banner was not even offensive, racist or threatening.


"Quick! Someone is holding up a banner stating a positive message about the sport they are watching! Take 'em down by any means necessary!" 


Security guards overreacting? Who would've thought? Not buying the 'unintentionally' standing in the way bullshit. No sane person just punches someone for standing in there way.

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The story of the security guard:

He wanted to take the banner.

On his way through the isles and chairs one supporter "unintentionally" (as they claim) stood in his way.

He then punched him in the face.

He made it to the banner and took it away from the fans.

The end.


Unintentionally standing in his way or not, that is complete shit. The banner was not even offensive, racist or threatening.


"Quick! Someone is holding up a banner stating a positive message about the sport they are watching! Take 'em down by any means necessary!" 


Security guards overreacting? Who would've thought? Not buying the 'unintentionally' standing in the way bullshit. No sane person just punches someone for standing in there way.


Agree, I dont buy into the unintentionally part of things. Unless somebody has footage of this i just cant believe security as bad as they are would just wack someone in the face.

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The story of the security guard:

He wanted to take the banner.

On his way through the isles and chairs one supporter "unintentionally" (as they claim) stood in his way.

He then punched him in the face.

He made it to the banner and took it away from the fans.

The end.

Unintentionally standing in his way or not, that is complete shit. The banner was not even offensive, racist or threatening.

"Quick! Someone is holding up a banner stating a positive message about the sport they are watching! Take 'em down by any means necessary!"

Security guards overreacting? Who would've thought? Not buying the 'unintentionally' standing in the way bullshit. No sane person just punches someone for standing in there way.

Agree, I dont buy into the unintentionally part of things. Unless somebody has footage of this i just cant believe security as bad as they are would just wack someone in the face. Those idiots create and look for trouble.

If there was none there would be no need for most of them to be employed.

They would have to go back to driving cabs or hanging around coffee and fruit shop at broadmeadows shopping centre.

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The story of the security guard:

He wanted to take the banner.

On his way through the isles and chairs one supporter "unintentionally" (as they claim) stood in his way.

He then punched him in the face.

He made it to the banner and took it away from the fans.

The end.

Unintentionally standing in his way or not, that is complete shit. The banner was not even offensive, racist or threatening.

"Quick! Someone is holding up a banner stating a positive message about the sport they are watching! Take 'em down by any means necessary!"

Security guards overreacting? Who would've thought? Not buying the 'unintentionally' standing in the way bullshit. No sane person just punches someone for standing in there way.

Agree, I dont buy into the unintentionally part of things. Unless somebody has footage of this i just cant believe security as bad as they are would just wack someone in the face.Those idiots create and look for trouble.

If there was none there would be no need for most of them to be employed.

They would have to go back to driving cabs or hanging around coffee and fruit shop at broadmeadows shopping centre.

Wow so racism

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I'm not offended, just surprised me. Didn't realise this was 1950's America

I haven't used a colour punch line anywhere.

I'm surprised you haven't noticed "cultural" similarities on AGC roster

Btw anything to do with word culture should never be used in the same sentence as AGC

My bad.

Ps they are morons.

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  • 3 weeks later...

(I'm reposting my rant from the WSW thread.)


Pretty ridiculous really as the only reason this has happened is because the events that took place were so public/visible. Virtually every game Victory play against a club with a semi-decent sized supporter base their fans/roving groups of miscreant gronks 'bring the game into disrepute' by targeting opposition fans.  (PS anybody who thinks this isn't true, you know fuck all about it and neck yaself  :up: )


Not surprising, just a fucking joke is all. 

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Anybody have a bunch of Brisbane and Victory strips they can lend me this weekend?

I have a big black hoody I can lend you.

I'll even throw in a free yellow texta so you can write "ultras mentalita" on it, that way you'll look even more authentic as a victory hool :up:

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Anybody have a bunch of Brisbane and Victory strips they can lend me this weekend?

I have a big black hoody I can lend you.I'll even throw in a free yellow texta so you can write "ultras mentalita" on it, that way you'll look even more authentic as a victory hool :up:

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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