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Disenchantment With The Emerging Terrace Culture


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Slang always develops amongst group who spend a lot of time together. Ysiders have mountains of slang etc

Terrance is one of the earliest.

Get amongst it.


Well at least now I know. ^_^

The term terraNce must be used very scarcely around the world.

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I love it every time we score a goal and people go nuts and through shit in the air. As long as people aren't through glass and shoes at other people i think everytime somebody throws something in the air the terrance just seems to lift a bit.

Some kunt hit me in the head with something pretty hard after the first goal. Apparently it may have been the drumstick breaking, but regardless stick to throwing plastic cups, bottles, newspapers etc. not anything hard.

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Some kunt hit me in the head with something pretty hard after the first goal. Apparently it may have been the drumstick breaking, but regardless stick to throwing plastic cups, bottles, newspapers etc. not anything hard.

Was probs a clapper, sorry chap.

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calling people cunts, telling them to fuck off and they'll get bashed, just a few of the things ando was saying on sat -.-

Ando was loose, but I did not see anything that resembles what you are suggesting, and I was not too far away. Blatant non-truth.

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I'm not sure what your problem is, mate, but you need to settle down. I have had people have a crack at me at games, but I've never threatened them with violence.

I might've called a few people cunt though, and I'm guessing one of them was you.

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happened when he moved up a few rows, ouch play a real sport dude

Seriously, if you think this is such a serious issue in the Terrace then why make this thread a farce with such obvious lies and this kind of crap?

In all honestly I doubt the Terrace will ever have the ability to cater for your special needs.

I recommend you try the SK-ADIDAS Krew which I think would be much better suit for you.

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This thread is about the leadership showing more respect to the wider terrace and vice versa.

Stay on topic.

Thanks Baz.

Seriously, people are missing the point.

It's not about people's involvement - that is not up for debate, get involved or sit somewhere else.

What I'm trying to raise, is that when people aren't involved, they are getting abused, which as baz pointed out shows disrepect.

This wasn't an attack Ando.

Ando is a public figure, so I used him to illustrate an example, and he knows I would talk straight to him anyway; on Saturday night, I saw members of the terrace telling other members of the terrace off.

Is there a hierarchy I don't know about?

This is the point of the thread, the factions developing, and some people getting a little ahead of themselves or going on a bit of a power trip.

This needs to stop.

Again, the involvement of all is not up for debate, but if someone isn't getting involved, yelling at them doesn't really fix anything - did detention work in high school?

I proposed solutions, provided constructive criticism and then, as is the want for most forums I've been on, the thread just goes off on a tangent and people miss the issue.

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As in as much as this is not a thread for “Ando said this and that”,

It’s also not the thread for the opposite remarks of “If you don’t give 90 minutes...”.

I think one exception to the yelling is for the executing of Tifo, if people don’t yell orders immediately then the Tifo won’t be done probably will have been a bad waste of time for those who prepared it and a bad reflection on the Terrace.

I would also like to raise the point that sometimes I feel A League supporters have far too great expectations of a what occurs on most Football Terraces overseas because of things like YouTube.

People take videos of Terraces chanting only when they are at their height of activity, they don’t do it at the more docile stages of games.

PPL need to realise that in the UK for example, unless in a Derby or something ppl don’t chant for 90 minutes nonstop.

Edited by cadete
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I think hierarchy is mistaken for passion sometimes and peoples expectations differ.

I don't think factions are developing though... I think it might be there comfort zone. Using myself as an example, If I was gonna move from my wing and into the middle, it'd take me a little to get used to, new people to talk to, different sound, intense atmosphere and so on.

It's not the job of the core group to go around and talk to ppl, they have other shit to organise. and they have stated multiple times for people to come up to them and introduce themselves. they wont bite.

I understand you would like to stay on topic, but this issue has had to arise from somewhere and we are just giving reasons as to why this may have come to light.

We aren't ejecting your comments, we are supporting them by bringing issues into light that may have triggered your observations. I.e. Peoples involvement. (we argue the same point here, if not active, fuck off - regardless of time)

As for a solution, I agree with the respect needs to go both ways, but i also believe that the masses need to get behind the Capo and set an example to the newbies and potential future active members. In this instance, i can see how a hierarchy maybe perceived. and why, if true, Ando may have lost his shit. fwiw I would have done the same!


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