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Why do you follow Melbourne city and not a npl team?


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A lot of NPL clubs were social clubs for different ethnicities, I didn't find an attachment to any of them and felt like I would be invading their space so to say. I did play for Springvale White Eagles for a season but work got in the way, so maybe my perception was wrong.

The A league came along and changed that, I never gravitated to Victory, I just followed Australian football in general and when Heart came along I liked their pitch and became a member.

That said, the A league has changed the landscape of the NPL, it's more ínclusive' though I hate the term.

I'm a pretty loyal person, so even with the change of ownership I stayed on board with City.

I like the sound of the 2nd division and hope we can have p/r, it will be great for football in this country and maybe unite football for once, but I'm not putting any money on it going by past leadership.

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Played soccer as a kid but played AFL and was my main love from age 5, always followed Richmond Tigers since then 1973, still follow them. Returned to soccer in my Kate 30s when my sons started playing for Lilydale Eagles in Churches League and jumped onto Heart around then from their first season. Also started following Hull due to my Tigers allegiance in the AFL. Started playing seniors for Lilydale which I still do at age 56. I've never had any allegiance to NPL although sort of semi followed Sunshine George Cross as I'm part Maltese. Will keep with City necause you do not change teams

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England-born. Occasionally watched football in Hobart (along with the other 30 or so spectators with their dogs wondering what the hell I was looking at) and then in Melbourne from time to time South Melbourne when they played at Bob Jane Stadium. Also occasionally watched the old VFL.

Liked the cut of Heart's jib when they started, and my late wife and I joined as Foundation Members. As per @moops remained loyal with the change of ownership, but have gradually gone to a cheaper membership as the club has moved to an overt business model.

However people dress it up, some of the old ethnic clubs still give the feeling that "anglos" are not really welcome. Not all - for example when South played at Bob Jane, and I have enjoyed the occasional visit to Oakleigh - but at Bentleigh Greens yes, and I will certainly never go back to Melbourne Knights/Croatia.

At this stage of the game I am against the NSD/NST as I think it risks bringing the game down like a house of cards.

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Probably got the same story as a lot of Ethnic football fans here…

My old man, his old man and relos supported South Melb since they came here. When the NSL died they said they’d never support Vic, but wait till the second Melbourne team enters - foundation supporters since :)

I’m the only one that still goes to games, most of them lost interest when the league started going downhill…

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29 minutes ago, Baka1 said:

Probably got the same story as a lot of Ethnic football fans here…

My old man, his old man and relos supported South Melb since they came here. When the NSL died they said they’d never support Vic, but wait till the second Melbourne team enters - foundation supporters since :)

I’m the only one that still goes to games, most of them lost interest when the league started going downhill…

South was good when they played at Bob Jane Stadium. Big crowds and that pistachio nut seller was a legend - is he still around? My NZ mate and I used to reckon we were the only non-Greek heritage spectators there, but it was a great atmosphere "in those days."

Edited by jw1739
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Anglo heritage, arrived 13 years ago looking to find ways of putting down some roots. Heart had a lot in common with my home town club I'd supported since my youth - red and white, not very big, not notably successful, not the obvious choice, so perfect fit. Stuck with them even though I've no positive vibes about Manchester City, and have felt somewhat uncomfortable since. But football is all about tribal loyalty. Tried Western first season when they played in Geelong but never really gelled, and then they left Geelong so my local link went. Also tried North Geelong Warriors who play very close to me, but pretty Croatian and never felt either open hostility or any welcome, so that never took off either. There's not really much else down Geelong way in footballing terms.

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My Melbourne home is in South Melbourne, but I was never attracted to shouting "Hellas" at South Melbourne games. It felt like there was no place for me in the NPL I feel more at home watching the Myrtleford Savoys in our local league

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As a latino the existing NSL clubs were very ethnically based and could not communicate nor relate to them. Then when I returned to live in Oz, my brother in his ever gentle ways put a gun to my head and said you are becoming a Heart member. So that was when I acquired a new way of living in pain. I did not mind when CFG took over. When the Essendon drug scandal became public I drifted away from AFL (I will probably go once a year these days) and started following football world wide. Will I go and see a second division team? Maybe.

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15 hours ago, Le Hack said:

Played soccer as a kid but played AFL and was my main love from age 5, always followed Richmond Tigers since then 1973, still follow them. Returned to soccer in my Kate 30s when my sons started playing for Lilydale Eagles in Churches League and jumped onto Heart around then from their first season. Also started following Hull due to my Tigers allegiance in the AFL. Started playing seniors for Lilydale which I still do at age 56. I've never had any allegiance to NPL although sort of semi followed Sunshine George Cross as I'm part Maltese. Will keep with City necause you do not change teams

I've always been pretty sporting, I've played most sports and Carlton tried to sign me when I was 14, but my parents were against it, I played senior cricket at 14 as well.

Football is what I have really enjoyed watching since the world cup in America in 1994, I wasn't a football fan at all but I started to watch it and was sucked in and have followed it ever since.

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My father took me to South Melbourne games for the 91/92 92/93 and 93/94 seasons at Middle Park . I never thought of the NSL as a proper league like AFL (at the time I followed Western Bulldogs). I'll never forget the tram rides back to City after the games. As my father loathed AFL this was our only chance to see sport together.                      The fact that the main rivalries were all based on a real hatred for the opposition purely because of where they were from ethnically, always struck me as weird and something I feel has no place in modern Australia sport. I can't remember why we stopped going, but around that time I lost all interest in sport when starting High School and didn't get back into it until my late 20's.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    My closest club is Melbourne (Knights) Croatia. I have zero interest. Horrible club run by and for horrible people. Their little active group is known not to like outsiders as well. When I found out about the A-League starting, I was quite keen to know more, but once MV was announced I couldn't believe it - stupid name, ripped off the VFL state of origin jumper, etc. I did go to one MV game before Heart came about (to give the benefit of the doubt) against the Glory at Docklands. They won 2-1 and the wife beater scored. Despite the larger crowd than I ever saw at an NSL game something didn't feel right and here I am now...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Zero interest in NPL.  ESPECIALLY not when kids in 2024 are forced to pay $3000 to play a season with an NPL club.  I know a talented youngster who has turned his back on the game this year for this exact reason.  So have 4-5 of his team-mates.   They have opted for girls and part-time jobs.

Loved Heart.  Red and white like NFFC, who I have followed for 40yrs, despite being a Kiwi. I lived half a mile from the City Ground for 7yrs. Dislike Manchester City. 

Still here but interest is definitely ebbing away.  Especially now that Forest are back in the EPL and I can watch them live on TV for the first time in 20+yrs.

Looking forward to seeing how Auckland do this season.  The moment my home city of Christchurch gets an A-League franchise, I'm out of CFG for good.

Edited by CityWildcat
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