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So City Terrace has folded but is going to occupy and fill Bay 12? what does this mean?

After the Derby Debacle, clubs have pretty much decided they don't (need) want Active, and they will accept not having the Active atmosphere over the potential occasional trouble caused by an empowered Active group. 

Reputationally (nationally and internationally) the Derby Debacle was very very bad for the league.  Squashing the risk of this happening again is the outcome.

I hope active can rebuild, but that it becomes more of a whole of ground thing, with good songs that City Supporters can embrace (rather than the dumb Fuck Off chants).  I go to all games, and there are heaps of kids that like to sing along to the decent chants ... this is hopefully the future.


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AFAIK Bay 12 is a ticketed seat area. Presumably those who want to sit there will need to have City Blue memberships. If certain City members have been banned then presumably they have not been allowed to buy new memberships to sit there. Goodness me, what a shambles.

I'm ambivalent about it all. IMO the club can indeed live without "active." But for the flares from our end at the Derby it would not have happened of course, so to an extent the Terrace has brought this on itself. Such a shame though that it has ended up like this.

Like @Torn Asunder I hope that we can rebuild active support but this time in such a way that embraces everyone around the ground. It's not just the young who like to join in with familiar songs and chants! 

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2 hours ago, Torn Asunder said:

So City Terrace has folded but is going to occupy and fill Bay 12? what does this mean?

After the Derby Debacle, clubs have pretty much decided they don't (need) want Active, and they will accept not having the Active atmosphere over the potential occasional trouble caused by an empowered Active group. 

Reputationally (nationally and internationally) the Derby Debacle was very very bad for the league.  Squashing the risk of this happening again is the outcome.

I hope active can rebuild, but that it becomes more of a whole of ground thing, with good songs that City Supporters can embrace (rather than the dumb Fuck Off chants).  I go to all games, and there are heaps of kids that like to sing along to the decent chants ... this is hopefully the future.



2 hours ago, jw1739 said:

AFAIK Bay 12 is a ticketed seat area. Presumably those who want to sit there will need to have City Blue memberships. If certain City members have been banned then presumably they have not been allowed to buy new memberships to sit there. Goodness me, what a shambles.

I'm ambivalent about it all. IMO the club can indeed live without "active." But for the flares from our end at the Derby it would not have happened of course, so to an extent the Terrace has brought this on itself. Such a shame though that it has ended up like this.

Like @Torn Asunder I hope that we can rebuild active support but this time in such a way that embraces everyone around the ground. It's not just the young who like to join in with familiar songs and chants! 

In relation to your posts, in particular the derby....the msg from City Terrace was about ongoing problems for the last 4 years. Im wondering what your thoughts are with relation to that. 

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38 minutes ago, n i k o said:


In relation to your posts, in particular the derby....the msg from City Terrace was about ongoing problems for the last 4 years. Im wondering what your thoughts are with relation to that. 

@n i k oGiven where my City Blue membership seats are I have had no issues with "active" except during the "COVID phase" when we were asked to use other seats. At one match these were in either Bay 13 or Bay 14 (I can't remember the precise detail) and "City Terrace" were in Bay 12, and there was a good deal of drunkenness and foul language which - but let's not make too much of an issue with it - I didn't appreciate at the time with my wife. There's a time and place for everything and it wasn't the right time and place as far as I was concerned. So we all moved to another bay.

Other than that I don't know what the Terrace is referring to. I'd say that generally there has been a gradual stifling of "active" over the seasons - we don't have banners and flags any more being an example, but I've seen that as general across the league rather than specific to City.

Like I said, I'm ambivalent about the end of "active." They are obviously aggrieved but TBH I don't see them as having added much value in recent seasons. There's not much if anything in their repertoire that's City-specific or has caught on around the ground.

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20 minutes ago, rass said:

I noticed on Saturday and in the media coverage, several lads were wearing black t-shirts with 'Riverside' printed on them. Including the boys at the centre of the trouble.

What's that all about? New terrace?

They're slow learners, if nothing else.

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3 hours ago, n i k o said:


In relation to your posts, in particular the derby....the msg from City Terrace was about ongoing problems for the last 4 years. Im wondering what your thoughts are with relation to that. 

The derby debacle was the straw that broke the camels back ... It is a shame we dont have a functional active that has a good relationship with the officials.  Back to my FRG days, there was always this wall between the two ... active wanted its independence thinking what it brought to the game created the atmosphere the game needed to be successful, and hence thinking it had leverage over the club.  

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3 hours ago, malloy said:

Just to clarify the position so far as your comment pertains to Yarraside.

1. Yarraside was not of the view it held leverage over the club. It may not have been apparent to the FRG, but Yarraside had a good working relationship with Scott Munn.

2. Yarraside was of the view that the atmosphere created by active support generally across all teams was vital to the success of the league.

3. Yarraside's non-negotiable independence was borne from the ethos that the passion of active support should be built by the fans and in no way manufactured by the club and that once you cease being fully independent you start having to make compromises for interests that an independent group would not need to make.

As for other groups that came after Yarraside, I cannot comment.

Man I miss the Yarraside days..

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10 hours ago, Torn Asunder said:

I hope active can rebuild, but that it becomes more of a whole of ground thing, with good songs that City Supporters can embrace (rather than the dumb Fuck Off chants).  I go to all games, and there are heaps of kids that like to sing along to the decent chants ... this is hopefully the future.

I hope so too. After 3+ years at the top, our active are still obsessed with the opposition and overly negative chants. Makes you wonder whether they actually support the team or if it's just a chest beating exercise.

It's not hard to see that other parts of the crowd generally become more involved when chants are positive and simple. If active are genuine about creating an atmosphere, they would lean into this.

We won't ever have many fans who are interested in the same brand of active support as MV/WSW (at least I hope not). Why bother trying to emulate them?

1 hour ago, citypool said:

Active takes itself way too serious. Just rock up and sing 

^ this is generally A-league wide. Active support groups have delusions of grandeur.

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A very old bloke tossing in his tuppenceworth. I lay much of the blame for what has happened to both the league and the club. I feel that both have lost touch with their fanbase, and don't seek to embrace it at all. And behind that I lay much of the blame at the feet of foreign ownership and the concept of football as a business.

As for "active" I agree with @fensaddler and others, although I grew up on English non-league football with average attendances between 2,000 and 4,000 and so was spared all the hooliganism. We had no trouble generating "atmosphere" at our matches. I'd like to see "active" see itself as the nucleus of City-specific songs and chants etc. that will catch on a spread around the ground. Other than that I can't see why "active" need to consider themselves as something special. And there's no place for hooligans under any circumstances whatsoever.

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Why don't we bring in an age limit to the terrance? No one under 18 is allowed unless they bring a guardian (preferably a parent) or at the very least, send out permission slips for their parents to sign? Then theirs no kids running wild in the terrance. And if they're really naughty, we can let their parents know.

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2 hours ago, kingofhearts said:

Why don't we bring in an age limit to the terrance? No one under 18 is allowed unless they bring a guardian (preferably a parent) or at the very least, send out permission slips for their parents to sign? Then theirs no kids running wild in the terrance. And if they're really naughty, we can let their parents know.

For the days when you could give the little buggers a clip round the ear and their parents would thank you...

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So, what happened to City Terrace after all? As far as I could see, one forlorn young person was in Bay 12, and he moved at kick-off, and "active" seemed to be back in their usual place behind the goal. A few black T-shirts  amongst them. Same old chants and nothing much seemed to have changed.

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