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The APL/FA Management Thread


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In response to the recent article, published 22/11/15.

As a terrace, Melburnians exist first and foremost for support of the club we love. As the active support for Melbourne City, like all active supporters in the country, we have faced trials and tribulations of restrictions on our activities.


Active support brings a unique environment unmatched in any sporting code across our nation. Without the massive amount of passion that the Active supporters of all ten clubs bring, the league would not have developed into the success it is today.

On this basis, the leadership group have decided that it is in the best interests, not only of active fans but all fans across the nation, to abandon our active bay for Friday night’s clash with Perth Glory at AAMI Park.

The message we wish to convey is one firstly of solidarity to those who have had their details unfairly exposed. This is not an issue of if what they did is right or wrong, we do not support any anti-social behaviour, but rather, it is a stand against the infringement of individual’s privacy for the profit of News Corp.

The second message is directed squarely at the FFA; enough is enough. Active support can no longer be treated with the level of contempt that the governing body has shown. We will not be treated as second class citizens any longer. The FFA must treat active support with the respect that it is due rather than equating passion with criminality. The presence of private, undercover, security companies like Hatamoto continues in terraces across the country and we believe this infringement of the rights of innocent sports fans to attend and enjoy the game without having their privacy violated.

So we invite all of our active members to join us in our stand.

We will not tolerate this disrespect any longer; we are not just another number; football in this country would not exist without the passion of its fans.

Edited by jw1739
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For some reason some articles seem to work and others don't on those subscription sites. A quick summary the content was degrading towards football fans once again but they had a gallery of all banned members rightly or wrongly with the names and reasons for bans along with a picture of them. The article failed to mention lack of appeals to convictions and the fact that many of those listed have not been charged by police or had all charges dropped. 

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According to Ray Gatt it wassnt the police or FFA that leaked the list and so look elsewhere. So can only be, media, security firm or a club official. Would only propbably be one source and they would have to have a reason to have the entire list. 

Edited by Dylan
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12 minutes ago, coys said:

For some reason some articles seem to work and others don't on those subscription sites. A quick summary the content was degrading towards football fans once again but they had a gallery of all banned members rightly or wrongly with the names and reasons for bans along with a picture of them. The article failed to mention lack of appeals to convictions and the fact that many of those listed have not been charged by police or had all charges dropped. 

I recall a while back (1-2 years???) that a bloke on 442 was trying to muster support to get his ban revoked on the grounds of mistaken identity. IIRC the ban was from the stadium, not the courts nor the police and there was no appeal. Apparently the police had nabbed someone else and successfully prosecuted a bloke but the stadium got him confused and even a letter from the police exonerating him couldn't overturn the ban. Not sure whether that was accurate or not but it could be the reason why neither the police nor the courts are mentioned in the article.

6 minutes ago, Dylan said:

According to Ray Gatt it wassnt the police or FFA that leaked the list and so look elsewhere. So can only be, media, security firm or a club official. Would only propbably be one source and they would have to have a reason to have the entire list. 

Or stadium management.

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17 minutes ago, malloy said:

Hijack the protest by putting a JVS Out banner in the empty active bay taped to the seats.

a protest in each half 1390158421497.gif


13 minutes ago, hedaik said:

Can't say that I really think this warrants a protest.

Don't really give much of a shit at all to the thugs that get banned. 

love how most of em are habibi scum

Edited by Thrillhouse
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8 minutes ago, kingofhearts said:

Clearly doesn't understand/care about protecting the ultra/hool culture. There is no a-league without it.

This has nothing to do with hool culture tbh most of the core are pretty conservative supporters. What this is about it the protection of active support for the silent majority that don't cause trouble. 99% of fans go to games and don't cause trouble yet we are continually tarred with the same brush as the trouble makers and having restrictions put on us and being watched by private security companies. On top of that the breach of privacy isn't on especially since there is no appeals process and no indication of this people have been charged or not

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This looks like the ongoing aggravation between RBB and the police, media and the whole world.  Earlier this month the Police Association of NSW President, Scott Weber, called the Western Sydney Wanderers fans "grubs" during a hearing of the federal parliamentary senate inquiry into the "nanny state" - initiated by Liberal Democrat senator David Leyonhjelm.



Who released the names to the Daily Terror?  Probably somebody with connection to police. Notice in neio's post of the article, the Assistant Commissioner (Police) Kyle Stewart used the words "grubby pack animal". Wow similar to the word "grub" used by the Police Assoc. President at the inquiry. Singing from the same song sheet or just a coincidence ?

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1 hour ago, Tommykins said:

Even though its likely that everyone on that list deserved to be banned and is someone I'd like to see removed from our terrace, this revealing names thing is not on.

Then don't do the wrong thing and the police won't have to take your name?

1 hour ago, thisphantomfortress said:

This has nothing to do with hool culture tbh most of the core are pretty conservative supporters. What this is about it the protection of active support for the silent majority that don't cause trouble. 99% of fans go to games and don't cause trouble yet we are continually tarred with the same brush as the trouble makers and having restrictions put on us and being watched by private security companies. On top of that the breach of privacy isn't on especially since there is no appeals process and no indication of this people have been charged or not

Whilst i can understand what you are saying, i feel there is more pressing matters with the club atm then this issue. This only affects a few select people. I could get behind a silent protest to get JVS out but this? 

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Being punished for flare possession/violence is deserved. However it doesn't feel right to publicly show every person that's been evicted or banned though. 

Being defamed for never having a ban or eviction from a stadium is a serious issue. Those responsible deserve to be also dealt with to the extent of the law. 


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19 minutes ago, Tesla said:

I would like to here Cad's thoughts on this matter. 

Well I don't really get the point of the whole protest thing TBH as it doesn't have really have anything to do MCFC Active Fans.

The three supporters listed as MCFC fans were all given bans as MHFC fans and none of them have ever been Active MCFC fans.

Obviously I think the names being released is wrong and very unfair but personally I think such protests should be only deployed if the Terrace is much more directly effected.

FWIW I would have kept this opinion to myself until I was told I already belittle and undermine Melburnians the other week so I thought when Telstra asked I may as oblige and comment.



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For us, it would be much more effective and worthwhile protesting for #JVSOUT rather then for this, considering just as cadete has said only 3 city supporters were named but they were charged in the heart days, so really it is not relevant to us but rather WSW 

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