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The JvS thread


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He's been sacked? Lol

Keep posting anti-JVS stuff all you want, he'll let the results do the talking :up: I'm sure he will with defense like that

Not entirely his fault with the personnel he has.

Don't waste your time on the non-believer.


He'll come around, just give him time

And I won't waste my time with stats and previous inconsistent team performances under his management

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He's been sacked? Lol


Keep posting anti-JVS stuff all you want, he'll let the results do the talking :up:

4 wins from 12 games with a team everyone thought would be challenging for the title before the season started?


Inherited a hamstrung list with a lot of duds on their but nearly all the players he has signed (Koren,Chapman,Duff, Melling,Partaluu, Hoffman and even re-signed tando i believe?) have greatly improved the team.


Take into account too these players have been injured (Chapman, Koren) or have been coming back from overseas out of shape (Pataluu) so JVS has had rarely a full squad of healthy players to choose from. Also, was lied to about villa and forced to play the majority of the season so far without a striker. I agree that not one player makes a team but when you are missing 3,4 even 5 players out of your starting 11, it makes quite a difference IMO.


I can't defend him on not signing a LB but you would think that would be the first thing taken care of in the transfer window.




And I won't waste my time with stats and previous inconsistent team performances under his management


Completely different situations coming from the Sidwell and co era and now. He can actually buy decent players now

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So basically he can now afford Koren and Duff who are light years better anyone else in the league and he is suddenly a good manager?

Honestly I do hope we come good. I am happy to have egg on my face if it means we actually compete. I just don't want to get my hopes up and have them dashed... again. So yes give me time and I might come around to your way of thinking if we can play consistently well but you have to admit up until 3 weeks ago the guy did seem to genuinely not know anything about being a manager.

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He is culpable for the culture at the club from day one.  Softly, softly, don't hurt the precious players feelings and confidence etc


And the defending even today was Vintage JVS Heart, even when we had Good and Hamill, plenty of Benny Hill moments.  We also beat undefeated Brisbane 0-4 once and look what happened.

I'm not saying that JVS is now safe for the rest of the season. I think the pressure is on him now more then ever now that he basically has a full squad to choose from. But so far with all the players he has wanted at his disposal (and also with some coaching moves) he has got us firing on all cylinders. This is a fair comment though:


Just a reminder that we've all been here before, Melbourne Heart goes on a winning run and looks a million dollars. Then the anxiety that comes with expectation sets in...


Let's see what happens.

In saying that though, is this possibly the greatest Melbourne heart team on paper ever? Even without Kennedy, have we ever had a squad with as much quality as it does now? That is what i reckon is different between other JVS runs and this run we're on.

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So basically he can now afford Koren and Duff who are light years better anyone else in the league and he is suddenly a good manager?


Not at all! Shit even if he was to win the league with the list he has now I don't think he'd be any good if he went overseas, hes just lucky he's coaching in a league where two players like those can be the difference between being good and being average. Bringing Chapman in for Weilart and playing Melling when he could've easily played someone like Retre over him our moves i think we should give credit to him for though.



Honestly I do hope we come good. I am happy to have egg on my face if it means we actually compete. I just don't want to get my hopes up and have them dashed... again. So yes give me time and I might come around to your way of thinking if we can play consistently well but you have to admit up until 3 weeks ago the guy did seem to genuinely not know anything about being a manager.

I understand what your saying but i have to think positively because i don't know what i'll do if the team bottoms out and becomes shit again! Maybe i'm jumping the gun a bit, but surely the quality on the pitch can at least carry us into the finals right? right?  :wacko:

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I will give credit where it is due, and say well done for changing the front three.


I obviosuly only know JVS since last January.......so I give way to your better knowledge on him.


If him being pressurised means we win most of our remaining games.....then I think all of us will be happy about that...whether you are for or against him.


Maybe with the changes he made today he is finally realising that sticking by average players will only get him the sack.

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If people think pressure is the only way to motivate I'm sorry but you are totally wrong (there are bodies of academic evidence on this pressure is typically only a short term motivator). In fact after a while being a 'hard prick' turns the dress room on you... Hello Mike Mulvey. A combination of support, discipline and understanding are required. People forget coaches improve over time too (or in fact get left behind) it would at least appear that at face value JVS might have added another string to his bow (I guess time will tell).


I find it interesting that people expected JVS to change the front three early in the season to what? Our two marquees weren't available for different reasons. Brown looked like the biggest spud in the world we really were scrapping the bottom of the barrel. I also find it interesting that the Popovic lovers have gone quiet. Given the no tolerance approach of many on this forum he should be gone. No wins in half a season that's JA territory. I think the message here is we all need to look past results and gauge other indicators as to ones ability to coach (Ange's Roar took a season to take shape). I'll openly suggest that JVS has made grievous mistakes this season but I feel credit should be given were due and consideration of certain factors taken into account.


Is this guy out of the woods? Not by a long shot but there are certain things that during this season and off season the club have got right. Paartalu, Melling, Chapman, Mooy and Duff all look like good pieces of business. Koren, Kennedy and Brown the jury is still out on. The only real flop was Villa which was some what out of our control. As far as recruitment goes that is a damn good result. Name another team outside of Perth that has recruited as well? Yes we still need two full backs and another cb but we didn't have the means to turn over that much of the squad last off seasons. I'd tentatively suggest things are on the up as apart from today all our recent results have been against decent teams. No doubt more things need to change but if we maintain this form for the season I'd be a pretty happy supporter. 

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2013: After 12 games Aloisi had 4 points from 4 draws

2014: After 12 games JvS has 16 points from  4 draws & 4 wins...that makes JvS 4 x better than Aloisi.


So from a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is a cluelessly shit coach and 10 is a genius, if Aloisi was a 1.25 then JvS is a 5 out of 10!


Sounds about right...average. Here's hoping he can lift to a 7.5 by the end of the season ;)  

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Good time to be a confessed "JVS lover"

What do you love about him? Other than making the recent necessary changes to save his job, what tangible things do you love? Genuinely interested.


  • From season 1 I like how he set up the team, I liked how the team played (yes I like keeping the ball)
  • I thought we were normally the best team on the field in 90% of games(only for some defence stuff up to occur and a soft goal).
  •  I went to a presentation he gave on coaching and left realising how little i knew when I first went in the door.
  • I like how he was so tactically astute- make subtle changes for different opponents, make changes during a game when plan A wasn't working
  • I was impressed how he could take a team with rock bottom morale who "everyone" said had the worst list in the league  and get them having the best winning streak in the league
  • I liked how he wasn't afraid to play young fellas if he thought they were good enough

So there you go.  

I became concerned after a while that his teams don't move the ball quick enough, but am still not sure if this is the style or the cattle

I figured we'll sort out the soft goals (though this is proving a longer standing problem than i envisaged)


Despite what some say i think the real cultural problems developed in the Aloisi era (though it was due to a lot more than Johnny i think)


So I know I will get howled by the "we didn't win enough games in that period" and i get where you are coming from, but you know what, we sign Madaschi for the season and we win the title season 2.  In the end its just my opinion, I don't see myself as "standing up for JVS", he can do that himself to the people who matter, but I 'll keep my opinion until I get evidence to change my mind and some poor results with your best players injured is not evidence as far as I'm concerned.

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My opinion on JVS all season has been that I do not think he is the right man to take us forward, but if he works hard and wins us games I am 100% happy to be proven wrong. This mini-turnaround is the best thing that could have happened for my opinion. He now has the chance to show everyone why he should be manager. If he takes this small streak into consistent winning and effort for the rest of the season, good on him and he should keep his job. But in winning a few games he has now effectively put a noose around his own neck, because if this does just turn out to be a small flash in the pan before a return to mediocraty with the quality of players at his disposal that he has, he proves that he is not the man for the job and should be moved on. And I think that CFG will have realised this, and most likely informed JVS of this. Whether you think this is too little too late or not, JVS has just begun the biggest test of his time at the club.

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My opinion on JVS all season has been that I do not think he is the right man to take us forward, but if he works hard and wins us games I am 100% happy to be proven wrong. This mini-turnaround is the best thing that could have happened for my opinion. He now has the chance to show everyone why he should be manager. If he takes this small streak into consistent winning and effort for the rest of the season, good on him and he should keep his job. But in winning a few games he has now effectively put a noose around his own neck, because if this does just turn out to be a small flash in the pan before a return to mediocraty with the quality of players at his disposal that he has, he proves that he is not the man for the job and should be moved on. And I think that CFG will have realised this, and most likely informed JVS of this. Whether you think this is too little too late or not, JVS has just begun the biggest test of his time at the club.

100% agree with this. Much like the end of last season when everyone started fapping off over our mini run and everyone thought we would make a late charge to the finals and because JVS has us playing so well we might not just male finals but potentially go deep.

Fast forward to the end of season and we had slipped back into old habits and went back to playing like shit. My biggest concern about JVS as a coach has always been his inability to get the team performing consistently and when it matters (other than derbies). So now it's time to prove himself. He has just narrowly dodged a bullet so he is going to be watched like a hawk.

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Well I am glad that the team is improving. And as I mentioned in other posts some of the changes were forced on JVS by circumstance and the "sacking" of Kalmar has had a profound effect. The new challenge that will rise from this mini-revival (long may it continue) is that the other clubs are going to have a closer look at the players and tactics, then adjust accordingly. Hence, JVS will also need to adjust his game plan, his preparations for the coming matches and also during the game. Not knowing enough about the game or tactics, I don't know whether in the past the mini-revivals have been stifled because the other clubs prepared better when playing against Heart.

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Well I think he has had long enough to be honest.


However, I will be surprised if he is moved on before the end of the season. Even then i have my doubts if he will be sacked then.


What must happen if he doesn't get sacked is that we hire a new head of recruitment and keep JVS away from decisions about who should stay or go.


However, I would prefer if he was removed and someone else brought in.

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OK guys. You got us. You can come out and tell us we are on candid camera now.

Even Michael Jordan had bad games.


You must be a Victory supporter. There is no other explanation.


I use to be, but then i jumped on the heart bandwagon due to all their continued success.

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Not on anyone's side. Just want to say 4 games out of 27. That's all.


But it's not his fault


Not sure what that statistic is. Since returning at Christmas 2013 we've played 28 league games and 1 FFA Cup game for a total of 29. Out of those we've won 10, or  34.4%. Marginally better than van 't Schip's overall A-League record (86 matches) which is 31.4%.


Basically though, short-term variations in City's performance are not the issue. Overall if we continue as we have done in the past, and so far there really are no signs of a permanent paradigm shift, we will never win anything. 86 matches is more than enough time to assess a manager's performance.


Time to go.

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